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Signed Up January 27, 2014
Last Posted April 21, 2014 at 12:29 PM
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#7 Damage Counter in Customization

Thanks i feel a little stupid but thanks <3

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Damage Counter in Customization

So recently i was watching bytes' stream and noticed how his damage kept couting on his target e.g he could shoot the player then wait 3 sec and shoot again and it will still keep adding to the previous damage he had done which i realy wanted but my current HUD only adds the damage that is milleseconds apart :/

So if anyone knows how to do this please help <3


posted about 10 years ago
#10 Merging HUD's in Customization

This is what i got

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Merging HUD's in Customization
GrieverYou'll have to take colors and borders from ToonHUD's ClientScheme.res file. Copy paste all the colors that starts with "G_" and borders "G_TargetBorder" and "G_ScoreboardStripe".

Then you need to copy "WaveStatusPanel" and "BossStatusPanel" from HudMannVsMachineStatus.res file

For the Scoreboard, you'll have to copy these files from ToonHUD:

- Scoreboard.res
- MvMScoreboard.res
- MvMCreditSpendPanel.res
- MvMCreditSubPanel.res

For the Wave Status:

- WaveStatusPanel.res
- TankStatusPanel.res

For the Player boxes

- HudTournament.res

I didn't test this, but I think it should work. :)

I've only found 3 minor problems with this,

1 i've manages to fix but the others i have no idea :/


Scoreboard Clip ~

No countdown timer ~

Ideas how to fix?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Merging HUD's in Customization
GrieverYou'll have to take colors and borders from ToonHUD's ClientScheme.res file. Copy paste all the colors that starts with "G_" and borders "G_TargetBorder" and "G_ScoreboardStripe".

Then you need to copy "WaveStatusPanel" and "BossStatusPanel" from HudMannVsMachineStatus.res file

For the Scoreboard, you'll have to copy these files from ToonHUD:

- Scoreboard.res
- MvMScoreboard.res
- MvMCreditSpendPanel.res
- MvMCreditSubPanel.res

For the Wave Status:

- WaveStatusPanel.res
- TankStatusPanel.res

For the Player boxes

- HudTournament.res

I didn't test this, but I think it should work. :)

<3 Dude your awesome

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Merging HUD's in Customization
Tysronewhat did it screw up?

you might have to go into hudlayout and adjust it to what it is in toonhuds hudlayout, scoreboard should be fine. and you might have to install some fonts if you want the full look of it

This is what happens when i simply copy and paste the scorebord.res file from ToonHUD ui to OmpHUD ui~

This is what happens when i simply copy and paste HUDMvMStatus.res from ToonHUD ui to OmpHUD ui ~

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Merging HUD's in Customization

I'd like to merge a bit of toonHUD into my current omp HUD.

Id like to take the MvM scoreboard and wave progress panel from ToonHUD and put them in ompHUD but i have no idea how to do it :/

I tried just pasting the toonHUD MvMScoreboard.res file and the HudMannVsMachineStatus.res file into thee ompHUD ui but that proved to end up just screwing everything up ;p

This is what happens when i simply copy and paste the scorebord.res file from ToonHUD ui to OmpHUD ui~

This is what happens when i simply copy and paste HUDMvMStatus.res from ToonHUD ui to OmpHUD ui ~

ToonHUD Screenshots;
Progress panel ~
Scoreboard ~

Thanks in advance

Keasty <3

posted about 11 years ago