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Signed Up January 8, 2021
Last Posted August 26, 2023 at 12:48 PM
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#3 RGL HL S15 POV Demo thread in TF2 General Discussion
siyoRGL forums will be good for this too, Micahlelele may have a few for you

thanks! I just made a post there. If you can notify this Micahlelele, that would be great!

posted about a year ago
#1 RGL HL S15 POV Demo thread in TF2 General Discussion

Hello, I use POV Demos as a reproducible load for benchmarking the game. Ever since the July 24th update, old demos have been broken so I'm in need of a new one.

You should definitely post any POV demos from that tournament, but I would love one on a map that features water (like swiftwater), and from after July 24th,

Thank you for your help and good luck on S16!

posted about a year ago
#550 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
yttriumCan I use other viewmodel animation replacements with this?
Not yet, possibly in the future.

Would you consider cooperating with Paysus to make a version of the mod with his overhauled animations as a base?

After I started using her animations I cannot use the default ones anymore due to how much better some of them are! But conditional viewmodels are very appealing, so it would be awesome to have the best of both worlds.

Thank you for your work!

posted about 3 years ago