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SteamID64 76561198027325929
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:33530100
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up May 18, 2013
Last Posted January 11, 2025 at 12:45 PM
Posts 2127 (0.5 per day)
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i'm bad dw about it
i'm bad dw about it
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i'm bad dw about it
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper (Wireless)
Keyboard WASDKeyboards v2 w/ usb-c port
Mousepad ltt deskpad (the big ass one)
Headphones Sennheiser HD 598 Cs
Monitor LG 32GK650F-B 32" QHD
1 ⋅⋅ 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ⋅⋅ 141
#3 Valve's Game in News

i have my fingers crossed and i'm hopeful, but the odds of this being entertaining for anything more than the "wow this is stupid" factor are very, very low.

is that the point and i'm missing something?

posted about 10 years ago
#118 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
MachuPikachusarcasm to fight the tears

there's no need to be mean like that dude.

i'm not trying to be mean or rude or hurtful or anything. i really want him to understand where i'm coming from.

and dustee, you should consider taking your full name and what city you live in off your steam page. that's not typically a good idea.

posted about 10 years ago
#115 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
Dustee*incoming -10 votes because the circlejerk continues*

adding to what gr8stalin said, this does nothing but piss people off, which is clearly your intent right now. just stop, no one here cares as much as you. they are kindly trying to explain to you why your thought process is fundamentally wrong and all you're responding with is insults and "comp tf2 circlejerk amirite".

posted about 10 years ago
#907 It begins! in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#905 It begins! in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#903 It begins! in Off Topic

Sorry, finals + realtourney stuff lead me to neglect this thread for a while. If yours hasn't been done yet feel free to repost it and i'll try to get to it today :)

posted about 10 years ago
#106 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
Universerulerim pretty sure i didnt know that you could clear stickies with hitscan at one point
im pretty sure i didnt think of using bonk to get out of spawn at one point
im pretty sure ive gotten spawn camped but didnt want to go medic to help my teammates before
im pretty sure i did not realize you could switch spawns in 2fort at one point
i might have even gotten upset about getting spawn camped (if i wasnt oblivious and actually noticed i was dying the second i walked outside spawn) at one point

this is how you learn. that's what i'm saying dude. was i upset the first time i was spawn camped? yeah sure. does it frustrate me still? yeah, if my team is full of idiots. but if your team is being spawn camped, they probably deserve it. they did something stupid or are just very bad.

posted about 10 years ago
#101 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
CHERRYYou can't count on scouts to check or open shutters so you can fire a few rockets, you can't count on your team mates to go back and get rid of the "camping" guy...

bonk is a mechanic. wait for the like 5 seconds of respawn time and bonk out of spawn. you don't need to do anything with your team lol

AustinAs much as it pains me to defend them, that's incorrect. We might not want people this this Dustee guy, but you better believe he's not going to let this slip. He's an admin of a community, one in which we need. We're suppossed to encourage pubbers to try competitve. If an admin of their community, their only way of knowing TF2, tells them to avoid the fourms and avoid comp, they are going to listen to him.

stop. stopstopstopppppppppp

I'd rather this game die competitively than devolve into 12 year olds that get upset when people use mechanics of the game to their advantage.

If you think players that are bad enough to not understand that there are ways to counter things like spawn camping are going to look at getting into this game competitively, you're lying to yourself.

posted about 10 years ago
#95 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
CHERRYI kind of agree with that, but the reason for spawn camping rule as I imagine is that there are much more players on pub servers and it becomes a group activity after a while.

ubercharge is a mechanic
airblast is a mechanic
you can knock the sticks off with rockets
you can knock the sticks off with stickies
you can destroy the sticks with scottish resistance
you can destroy the sticks with scorch shot
you can destroy the sticks with detonator
you can destroy the sticks with literally any hitscan weapon
you can kritz out of spawn if enough idiots are right next to the door
you can deadring out of spawn
you can switch spawns in 2fort

these are all mechanics that are easy to use and will help these players in all aspects of the game. there's literally no reason to kick or ban for spawn camping other than being really fucking ignorant to how tf2 works.

which is funny because the same people that get mad at spawncamping don't like competitive because of the restrictive unlocks.

posted about 10 years ago
#92 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
CHERRYEven if they ban players for being too good, which indeed would be kinda sad, what do you care?

the people unknowingly playing on servers devoid of things like spam and good players will never get good at the game. they won't even know how bad they are.

once in a blue moon, someone from servers like this come into newbie mixes and despite having 500+ hours in tf2, their movement/ dodging would make you think that they have never seen a keyboard before. it's sad almost, knowing that they've wanted to be getting better but due to things they didn't realize they're just as shit as when they started over a year ago due to something they have no control over. :(

posted about 10 years ago
#17 BUICK's response to b4nny's reaction to Lange in TF2 General Discussion

my reaction to b4nny's livestreamed reaction to Buick's response to b4nny's reaction to Lange's thoughts on competitive tf2.

can this please become a thing?

posted about 10 years ago
#9 massive texture problems since update in Q/A Help
mustardoverlordHellbentthat looks awesome keep it
I would, apart from the teensy problem of being unable to distinguish between blu and red players

you'd be the spychecking champion dude

posted about 10 years ago
#2 TFcomp in Videos

This sounds pretty neat.

I think the majority of an edit's artistic value comes from the smooths though, so it will be interesting to see what people do with this. I may try it out too.

posted about 10 years ago
#160 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

honestly the people complaining about playing against invite teams rather than invite pug teams would have gotten beaten by the pug teams too. at least this way you can say you were beat by one of the top teams not just some hodgepodge of really good players. iunno

i'm gonna miss everyone that's leaving, but i feel like it's not going to be as significant as a lot of people are saying it will be. just like when relic and co. left or when extv took that break. there will always be people to fill in the gaps over time. next season might be kinda shitty but whatever. let's just play some video games kids.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
futureTino_if you cant kill or even push away a single demo in a pub server with like 12 other people you dont deserve to leave the spawn
woah man, take it easy, your not even taking into effect all the freindlys, conga goons, and other chatter brains that spam the mic and don't even play the game that occupy whatever the fuck this "community" is! I mean damn, what is this, 2009 or something? who plays this game purely for the dm, or objectives?

its like you think this was a first person shooter or something ha ha ha.

i know it was a joke but it hurt my heart reading this :(

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ⋅⋅ 141