Also I didn't mention in my first post because I was on mobile, a lot of people don't understand how much time/ dedication/ consistency it takes to run one of these tournaments. I worked probably 2-5 hours a day on the ultiduo tournament from the day it started until 2 days after it was over, there were 3 more admins that worked with me, and there were still bumps in the REALTourney Ultiduo thing. The first week, I worked a full time job of it (about 7 hours a day every day of the week). Obviously a 16 slot bracket won't be quite so much, but unless you're willing to drop everything to answer someone's question at 3 AM on a Tuesday night, you might want to consider not hosting tourneys.
If you want to continue with this, feel free to ask me anything, and I'd love to help you get stuff organized or whatever via steam or tftv messages.