42/ 64 teams signed up!
Signups have been incredibly fast, and there are several seriously competitive teams signing up. A few things to note (this info will be added to the main post as well):
- For now, keep up with the updates I post on this thread. There will be a better way of communicating with the players soon, but until then it's nice to have an easy way of sending out info to everyone.
- When we get all 64 teams up, every player who's page is linked on this thread will be invited to a private steam group. It is required to join this steam group.
- I will post a specific date soon but please know that with a week, rosters will lock. Teams can have up to one backup, and that backup will have to be listed on this thread before rosters lock. If you edit your forum post after the roster lock you will get no backups.
- I will be as lenient as possible throughout this tournament. A few rounds in, I will start being a lot more relaxed with dates and communication issues, but to start please keep in mind I'll be working with 128+ people in the tourney and numerous volunteers. There's only so much bending I can do to accommodate people before the workload gets too big. If I ever come off as being rude to you when communicating about this event, please know that is never my intent. I've had 10+ chat windows open at any given time since a few hours after this post, so I'm trying to be concise as possible. :)
- Speaking of volunteers, I'm looking for a few admins. Requirements: be at least sort of almost known in the community (no randoms, sorry i don't have time to screen everyone), leadership experience appreciated, and lots of free time required. If you want to admin, please PM me on tftv. Don't add me or anything, just pm me on tftv. Use this form: http://pastebin.com/6AsTGRQG
- Lastly, I have a few people willing to put in money to the tournament. If you're also interested in sponsoring the tournament, please get in contact with me however you can. Keep in mind any keys, money, or other prizes donated to the event stack on to what's already there, so donate what you can if you're able.