Hello and what's up tftv? KevinIsPwn here bringing in the new year a bit late with the start up of a new podcast for 6s events from iron to invite. We'll be dishing up what you, as a spectator of competitive tf2, need to know! It's a shame that Fully Charged NA has gone on such a long hiatus, and I think it has left a gap in many peoples' hearts that is dying to be filled. While we may never reach it, our goal is to provide content of that sort of quality. I'm going to be the show's main host, and "The Wounded Stapler" will be tagging along to make sure everything is clear to new players, and he will be providing some entertainment. We'll see how this first show goes, preshow starts about 20 minutes after this post.
Here's how the show is going to work:
There is a very basic set of show notes for each episode.
The episodes will have one major story and several minor stories to go with it.
I will explain the story, Stapler will give his newly formulating opinions on it, and we'll talk about it.
After all the stories are finished, we will have a cat-in-the-tree type story where we talk about something interesting that is happening in the community or anywhere in the world of gaming.
At the end of each show there will be some sort of giveaway.