Happy with a lot of the fixes and considerations being made. Very frustrated still with two things still
1. The relative inexperience/ "who is this" factor of the entire admin staff. Why am I to trust all of these people I've never heard of, and I how do I know they have the best in mind? There's no reason not to post an open call for highly experienced administrative staff- that's one of the few things even ESEA couldn't fuck up.
2. How so many decisions are based on private "meetings" with nameless "leaders". If your mentality is that you care deeply about the community's opinion & you're wanting to try new things and experiment in new ways (which I have always said can quickly turn into "find new ways to waste your players' time"), the least you can do for the majority of your players who just wanna play the game is to be open about decisions being made and the process behind them. I don't trust nameless, faceless invite "leaders", and I don't particularly care about using a whole week of my time playing some bullshit map or whatever because the new league "isn't scared of trying new things". It's more than that. Playing with users' time is not acceptable in a regular season. That's what pugs and voluntary off-season events are for.