Hey, so I just removed a few teams that were really far behind. If you reported your match and it was not put on the challonge, message me within 24 hours of this post and I'll do my best to work it out. After that, these removals will be final.
If you're still in the tournament, play your matches. Brackets will probably clost on the 25th, so give yourself a reasonable amount of time to play all of your matches by then. Do not play upper bracket round #5 and lower bracket round #6. These matches and the ones after them will be played in a finals event.
If you or your org are looking at sponsoring an event, this might be a good opportunity for you. Hit me up if you want to get some prize money in the tournament. I'll consider real currency, in-game currency, and physical prizes. Hit me up on steam or message me on TFTV. Current prizepot is $270 (thanks largely to KaraBear with help from alkaline and myself).I'd like to get this up to $350 (200 for first, 100 for second, 50 for third). Currently, payout rates are 150 for first, 75 for second, and 45 for third.
Collateral keys will be given to the top three teams at a ratio of 3:2:1 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively with all the remainder going to first. Currently there are around 14 keys in the pot (though I'll need to double check this number).
I'm sorry things are running a bit behind. When teams decide they don't want to play their matches after being reminded, there's not much I can do.