flatlinekevin can't save two divisions at once
Watch me.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198027325929 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:67060201] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:33530100 |
Country | Rainbow Nation |
Signed Up | May 18, 2013 |
Last Posted | January 11, 2025 at 12:45 PM |
Posts | 2127 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Windows Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Raw Input | |
i'm bad dw about it |
Resolution |
i'm bad dw about it |
Refresh Rate |
i'm bad dw about it |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Viper (Wireless) |
Keyboard | WASDKeyboards v2 w/ usb-c port |
Mousepad | ltt deskpad (the big ass one) |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 598 Cs |
Monitor | LG 32GK650F-B 32" QHD |
flatlinekevin can't save two divisions at once
Watch me.
Everyone in the beta with a code has 5 beta invites. If you want to play, go ask in the discord, and I'm sure someone can hook you up.
Coming from the perspective of a moderate independent, I instantly assume that anyone saying "but the democrats supported slavery" (or any variant) hasn't consumed unbiased news/media in years. It's straight out of "Hillary's America" or some shit. The parties swapped many positions through LBJ's leadership while passing the civil/voting rights acts. The southern dixiecrats bailed on the democratic party, and fled to the republicans. Read a book Jesus Christ
And to the people that responded to my post talking about how much better Trump will be for the working class, saying "BAD TRADE DEALS AHH!" won't change the fact that we import a ton of of stuff from countries that we don't even have trade deals with. It's just not possible for a developed, regulated country like the US to manufacture as cheaply as a developing nation. The reason we don't manufacture in America anymore isn't because of trade deals, it's because adults (and children) aren't working for pennies an hour in shithole death-machine factories all day and night.
As comforting as it may be to people when Trump says "ooooh we're gonna bring those jobs back so fast, believe me" it's not rooted in reality. To support the working class, you need to invest in infrastructure to deal with the short term and education to allow for long term growth. That is Clinton's basic plan, and it's way more sustainable than getting rid of mutually beneficial trade deals and partnerships with our allies.
Hillary Clinton is far from a perfect politician, but the fact that people put her and Donald Trump on even footing speaks volumes for how normalized we as a country have made Trump's (frankly) insane rhetoric.
This is a man that wants to build a multibillion dollar/ "50 foot" tall wall and somehow make Mexico pay for it despite immigration trends that show illegal immigration slowing down significantly. He wants to potentially leave NATO, has talked in the past about how "laziness is a trait in blacks", wants the military to commit war crimes, has proposed a Muslim database, wants to ignore the 14th amendment, has advocated for the closing of mosques, and has praised Kim Jong-un, Vladamir Putin, and fucking SADDAM HUSSEIN.
He thinks global warming is a Chinese conspiracy, names himself as his primary foreign policy consultant, says that Cruz's dad was involved in the JFK assassination, insinuates that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster, said that Obama wasn't born in America/ was a Muslim, and said Mexico was "bringing their rapists".
There are some people who think that Trump is still playing some kind of 3D chess that no one else is capable of understanding, but I would assert that Trump is a shitty, bitter old man that started rich and has been surrounded by yes-men his entire life. The phrase "temperamentally unfit" has been thrown around a bunch, but I think it is a really good descriptor for him.
I'm a pretty moderate guy. Both sides have good ideas, and both sides have bad ideas. I've never had an election (local, state, or national) where I had an "us vs them" mentality when voting. Call me overly optimistic, but I have always assumed that the "other side" is in it for the right reasons and just has different political opinions than me. I sadly cannot do that this election cycle. Trump is legitimately a bad person that would hurt the middle/ working class, damage our international relationships, and embarrass us continually for the duration of his term. Imagine the Brexit shitfest but for four straight years.
That's what we're up against, and if you think that these things happening over the past year aren't worse than what Hillary has done over her decades in politics (some of which is admittedly not fantastic), I don't even know how to respond.
We need 3 more people to start the test. You can get a beta key in the discord if you need one.
FMX1All I know about how this update affected how people play the game is from forums like this and videos like Muselks. For me, this update was the worst thing that's ever happened to TF2, I literally cannot find a single server where I get <300 ping and have a framerate above like 10 fps.
this update did nothing to lower fps, and if you can't find a server in the server browser with less than 300 ping, you have something wrong with your internet.
I do agree with many of muselk's points. The lack of communication between valve and the community can be very frustrating.
I play the trumpet and always wanted to do DCI, but was held down by stupid health issues. Too busy with school and life stuff now :(
Will probably be at the Little Rock show next week. If not that, something. idk
life complete
Hey, guys.
The NA 6v6 Newbie Mix admins are excited about the potential of many new players joining mixes over the coming weeks. We'd really appreciate the help of the TF2 community in keeping the learning process for new players as streamlined and easy as possible. Because of this, we need coaches. For the past couple months, coaches have been harder to come by than normal, and that really makes it hard on the admins to keep things running smoothly.
Basically, if you have ~2 hours that you aren't planning on doing anything with tonight, come coach. Coaching is easy, and the requirements are pretty low. If you have 8 non-forfeit wins in a single season of ESEA-Open, you can coach. You can also coach if you've ever played a season of IM/Invite.
Newbie mixes happen every Friday night and are where a large number of our community members, myself included, got started in competitive TF2. Additionally, there will be raffle prizes for coaches. So come on out!
Tonight's mixes are live. Come join in mumble at chi4.tragicservers.com 64737. This weeks raffle prize is a steam game of your choosing.
For people that didn't know already, I will be going to FLAN.
c u @