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SteamID64 76561198095238642
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Country Germany
Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
Posts 257 (0.1 per day)
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#30 YAY new mouse ( need pad now ) in Hardware

I personally didn't like the Qck Mass, had a very bad, chemical smell to it that would cause me headaches and didn't really want to flatten out properly, even after placing several heavy books on it to speed up the process. Returned mine after 2 weeks. The Qck Heavy might avoid the latter issue though. Currently using a Logitech mousepad which I really like, gonna see if I can find it online

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Hud devolpment Help in Customization

You can search for Flame's Hud Editing Guide as well, and has a guide section here, maybe youll find what you're searching for. Good luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#3508 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

How do you get those green crosses? Is that some sv_pure 0 thing?

posted about 10 years ago
#789 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

2 short questions:

- Where can I edit the Marked for Death Symbol? More specifically, change the pace at which it pulses? I looked in hudanimations_tf.txt, but didnt find anything.

- How do I disable the thing above the capture points?


posted about 10 years ago
#5 looking for a specific frag video in Off Topic

While we're on the topic of lost frag videos, does anyone have that clip of blaze killing pyyyour on granary mid? Was during the Mihalys Flow times I think. Thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#738 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

is it possible to make a MainMenu button that opens url in the overlay web browser?
Any ideas guys?
GentlemanJonIs it possible to put arbitrary HTML or load a specific url into an htmlcontainer in a hud?

I think there might be a way by modifying this method, although I can't say for sure:

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

- finally got around to fixing the formatting that was screwed up by the tftv site update, I expect readability to be a bit improved and the whole thing to be less cluttered
- added some more links and videos, including material on soldier, scout, medic, general play and maps
- added new category "Leagues", included some smaller communities as well

As always, if you would like anything added (since I am probably still missing a big amount of awesome stuff), just link it here/add me/message me.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 music you listen to when going to sleep in Off Topic

"Somnium" by Robert Rich is a 7 hour album that is supposed to guide the listener through different phases of sleep or something. Haven't tried it myself yet, but it certainly sounds interesting.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 [Stream] KaptainVoxel in Requests

To make Slin's job a bit easier:

from the Stream Request Guidelines


- Stream mostly TF2 content

- Stream consistently over the course of the week

- Provide a link to your stream

- Provide a brief description of your stream

- State your country of residence

- Give a brief background of your league/division/team history
posted about 10 years ago
#27 song that describes you in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#73 making your tf2 look blocky again in Customization

You'll probably have to create the cfg's yourself. To do that, just create a file in notepad, and save it as class.cfg (such as "medic.cfg", "scout.cfg" etc.) by typing the file extension when saving the file. Make sure you don't accidently create txt documents such as "scout.cfg.txt.

Then you just save those in your custom folder (Steam/common/TeamFortress2/tf/custom) and put whatever command you want executed upon selecting the class in them.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 TF2's Lowest Settings in TF2 General Discussion

There seems to be a difference between the image in #10 and those in the first image. mat_viewportscale always gave me a really blurry image similar to #10, however the images on reddit seem to be rather clear. Why is that?

I also know that I was able to get a blurry image with decent textures with mat_viewportscale by removing maxframes and playing on the default settings.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 China Economy in Off Topic

Ghost cities are actually a thing here and I certainly do agree with #13 that the chinese infrastructure and political system is nowhere near capable of sustaining this amount of growth over the next years. Pollution, Environmental Problems (Waste etc.), and an oversized, corrupt and inefficient government apparatus will slow growth over the next years, especially since more chinese citizens are going to become more aware of those problems that inhibit their quality of life. The chinese government has been making an effort to educate their children (although one could argue that the way it's done here is far from being a good one). However, that proves that not only is China moving towards a more educated society, opening up new economic possibilities outside of a large industrial sector and thus slowly moving towards an economy focused on services, but also a society that is more demanding due to a raised awareness of the outside world.

x3Working conditions have improved, and actually a lot of shit they were producing in the recent years now starting to switch to even poorer countries.

That is certainly true for the areas that were initially used for cheap production, mostly along the coastline. Since then, wealth and thus the demand for better working conditions in these regions has increased, causing a lot of chinese companies to move inside the country where working conditions are still poor and productions costs can be kept very low. I expect the same process to happen there, causing a gradual increase of general wealth in china as production companies are forced to pay better wages. This might be a very slow process, however, and can be slowed down even more when companies move to cheaper countries. In the long term and on a large scale, both an increase in working conditions and wages can be expected though.

AlkalineThis is a slightly more subjective point, but China's one child policy (effectively a 1.3 child policy on average) means that China's population (and their workforce) will start declining soon. Immigration means America's will continue to slowly increase. So in 50 years (barring some world changing war or whatever), China will actually be weighed down with an old population and America will still be growing slowly but surely.

I think the one child policy and the associated decline in population will not hit China as hard as it would any western country. The fact that western societies struggle so much with declining birth rates is the existence of an extensive welfare system (in european countries even more so than in the US) and a very high life expectancy. China does not yet come anywhere near the western world in terms of medical support, quality and accessibility, and chinese people work (and are expected to work) a lot longer than we are. It is not uncommon to see people in their 60s and 70s still working smaller jobs. That's why I believe that while China will be affected in the long run, it won't be as drastic as it might seem.


Overall, I believe that neither GDP nor GDP PPP in itself are good measurements how successful a country is, overall, especially since China and the United States, as many people have pointed out, differ a lot in terms of economic structure, political system, size of population, living costs etc. That is why skandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland) have the highest ratings for quality of life. All this article does is draw a comparison between the United States and China, describing a development that everyone was well aware of.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 what do you think of hong kong's umbrella movement in Off Topic
M4TT#14 is google still blocked in china?

Everything google is blocked, including the search engine as well as any other app (gmail, youtube etc.)
The same goes for all social media/blogging sites, such as facebook, twitter, blogspot, blogger, tumblr and so on. imgur is blocked as well, although sometimes it seems to work for some pictures at random times.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 what do you think of hong kong's umbrella movement in Off Topic
plinkoBeen following it loosely. I travel to Hong Kong occasionally and it's certainly changed over the 10 years I've been going there.

Given there's a lot of perception that it's mainly/partly fueled by resentment of mainlanders - it makes it difficult for them to win a lot of sympathy from mainlanders which would probably be the best way to get Beijing to loosen the grip a bit.
I am not sure how much they can win or what they should do, but I hope they're successful.

I've been staying in mainland China for the last few months, and little to no information has made it here, which is why I am a bit uninformed about current events myself. The same does probably apply to the regular population. Most of them are not/only marginally aware of something happening in Hong Kong, which explains the lack of support from the mainland. The chinese "tradition" of not discussing politics in public or basically ever certainly helps the government in keeping down wide-spread support.

Hong-Kong has historically been a bit more international, metropolitan and western than other big chinese cities and its special status may have helped in creating a population that is more politically aware and demanding. I think the protests itself, if they have remained peaceful, are definitely a good thing and might eventually succeed, if only in informing the government about how chinese society is continually progressing towards a more forward and aware one. Over time, I believe other chinese cities might begin making similar demands, starting with Shanghai and Beijing, both of whom are quite metropolitan and certainly more "western" than most of China. I honestly believe that the more China progresses economically, exposing its population to other countries, new ideas and cultures, the government will have to gradually lower its policing or give in to at least some demands of the people, but this is going to be a process taking place over the next decades as opposed to the next few months.

posted about 10 years ago
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