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Country Germany
Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
Posts 257 (0.1 per day)
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#1 TF2 crashing when opening backpack? in Q/A Help

After the latest update my TF2 crashes to desktop upon clicking on the backpack icon. I can access the item screen just fine as well as open the class loadouts, but it crashes when I try to open the backpack. Does anyone experience similar problems/know a fix?

I'm running a modified and updated version of yahud cmyk, if that helps. Thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#3060 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
CaDDy name of hud?

So you finally stop asking: yahud 5md, clientscheme_green, HudPlayerHealth-CROSS

Or possibly cmyk with the above things and different vtfs?

Can upload an updated version with everything working tomorrow, until then:

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Steam Music Update in Other Games

Only says mp3 in the update notes, does anyone know whether it plays m4a and flac?

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Steam Music Update in Other Games
LtSteveMP3 is the norm as far as i've seen


posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2 FPS Config in Customization
ComangliaBonafideNoFapbind w "+forward; mat_lightmaps 1" // Light
bind a "+moveleft; mat_lightmaps 1" // Maps
bind s "+back; mat_lightmaps 1" // Config
bind d "+moveright; mat_lightmaps 1" // =3

what us this shit
It's for the "make your tf2 look blocky again" thing, where it uses really low resolution textures

except it should be mat_filterlightmaps 0 for the binds.

And not even that would do anything because mat_filterlightmaps has to be set to 1 and then to 0 when joining a new server afaik. Just having a bind to set it to 0 wouldn't do anything, I think.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Stuttering problem? in Hardware

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Old Chris Configs in Q/A Help
going to see if this actually improves framerate at all, my guess no but I'd like to know.

It doesn't, similar to the flat textures, this is purely a cosmetical change that some people prefer

posted about 10 years ago
#4 weird glitch with uber binds in Q/A Help

Afaik, not binding it directly an alias also gets rid of this

posted about 10 years ago
#267 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Teapot_I'm not sure if this is hud related but is it possible to change at what amount health/ammo start to flash red?

I'm not sure, but there is something in SpectatorGUIHealth at least along the lines of "change colour when below) and you can enter a value, I think it's normally set to 0.49 which would make the health a different colour when under 50% health. But I don't know if changing that value does anything or if there's something similar in HudPlayerHealth

posted about 10 years ago
#179 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

Just a small thing: would it be possible to flatten the little hut on the side of spire that you can jump on to climb to the point? Would be easier to climb as med (doesn't really apply to the other classes I think, since they all have their own way to get onto spire from choke. This includes making the exhaust pipe coming from the hut bigger as well or w/e, so it's not as easy to fall off.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 See scoreboard info without opening it in Customization

constantly having the scoreboard open with "+showscores" (in a modified minimal version) also wouldnt work since opening the scoreboard hides a lot of the important elements of the hud, including health/ammo etc., so that won't be viable unfortunately

posted about 10 years ago
#256 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Teapot_Thanks, everythings working as it should! As for the unknowns, judging the by LocalPlayerStatsPanel, the ones on the right are map name and gametype. No idea what the one next to k/d is.

That should be PlayerLabel, just set visible to 0 and see if that removes it. Also, did you know you can still have the MapName show up on your scoreboard? You just have to move the entry out of LocalPlayerStatsPanel

posted about 10 years ago
#254 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Colours are defined in the clientscheme, look there first if therfor being buffed/low. If not, SpectatorGUIHealth.res in resource/ui deals with the health numbers

For the Scoreboard: you have to put the code postwd above in the LocalPlayerStatsPanel of your scoreboard.res and then edit xpos/ypos as well as the font (check the clientscheme for your hud's custom fonts)

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Interviews with TF2 players in TF2 General Discussion

Sounds great, looking forward to the interviews as well as more stuff from in general

By the way, not to derail the thread but if you're into math rock, you could check out clastic, dilute, tide/edit and possibly enemies (although they tend to be more indie-rockish)

posted about 10 years ago
#5 eggHUD in Customization

Looks neat, good job! Just a short thing: What is the number next to the scoreboard in the first screenshot (I'm guessing Damage)? You might want to move that onto the scoreboard and also add Support+Mapname (Similar to this: Link) If you're interested, just shoot me an add and I'll be glad to help

posted about 10 years ago
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