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SteamID64 76561197984515515
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Country France
Signed Up August 27, 2013
Last Posted October 31, 2015 at 2:08 PM
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#20 ETF2L Premiership: Curiouser and Curiouser in News

Sebbbb Barton, come back ! fuck LOL

posted about 10 years ago
#27 The i49 demo thread in TF2 General Discussion
numlockedEpsilon's grand final demos (possibly missing one or two on certain maps. I forgot to record on the first map for example). thanks to stefan for collecting and uploading them all!





shame on you! :D

Yeah, dunno why my prec was fucked during all the lan, i have no demos... :D

posted about 11 years ago
#51 i49 Summary in TF2 General Discussion
numlockedknox dropped about 5 ubers in total. 2 vs HRG on granary (b4nny's sticky traps that certain people forgot to check :D) and 3 on badlands in the final vs TCM due to jukebox hitting body/headshots. knox played the best he ever has in my opinion, from not choking at all as a player to keeping himself focussed on the task at hand and not getting annoyed at things going a little wrong

edit: the one where mirelin dropped him knox got uber whilst fighting him and couldn't switch weapons in time, I personally wouldn't count it as a drop

I would reply about the drops :
2 gran vs HRG on 2 sticky traps : i called the first i heard (wasn't check by team :D), the second was pure luck because Banny wasn't there for check it (or maybe his sol called for him)
3 bad vs TCM : 1 body shot house, 2 headshot when we where pushing from our last, 3 all my team die on the last push, i was arround 3 TCM alone, i manage to saw mirelin twice then ryb kill me with a sticky (not mirelin)
Maybe that wasn't my best performance this final (did better during the bracket), still, i died less than mirelin in overall and i manage to stay focus on the game after get drop, or get bomb on every mid !
Also stop healbot your sol pocket medic guys... :p

posted about 11 years ago
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