I'm having crashes today, and I think is this
this is the Stack trace
0 0x2
1 TFTrue.so + 0x1ae41
2 datacache_srv.so!CDataCacheSection::EndFrameLocking() + 0x183
3 engine_srv.so!CGameClient::Inactivate() + 0x135
4 engine_srv.so!CBaseServer::InactivateClients() + 0xa8
5 engine_srv.so!Host_Changelevel(bool, char const*, char const*) + 0xcd
6 engine_srv.so!CHostState::State_ChangeLevelMP() + 0x8a
7 engine_srv.so!CHostState::FrameUpdate(float) + 0xd1
8 engine_srv.so!HostState_Frame(float) + 0x19
9 engine_srv.so!CEngine::Frame() + 0x35d
10 engine_srv.so!CDedicatedServerAPI::RunFrame() + 0x26
11 dedicated_srv.so!RunServer() + 0x45
12 engine_srv.so!CModAppSystemGroup::Main() + 0x9d
13 engine_srv.so!CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 0x30
14 engine_srv.so!CDedicatedServerAPI::ModInit(ModInfo_t&) + 0x1bf
15 dedicated_srv.so!CDedicatedAppSystemGroup::Main() + 0xb0
16 dedicated_srv.so!CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 0x30
17 dedicated_srv.so!CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 0x30
18 dedicated_srv.so!main + 0x1c6
19 srcds_linux + 0x6f1
20 libc-2.13.so + 0x16e46
21 srcds_linux + 0x86d
22 ld-2.13.so + 0xe590
23 ld-2.13.so + 0x1d908
24 0x29
Last version of TFtrue
Linux server
MetaMod:Source v1.10.1V, SourceMod v1.6.