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SteamID64 76561197995824509
SteamID3 [U:1:35558781]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:17779390
Country Israel
Signed Up August 15, 2012
Last Posted September 7, 2014 at 11:20 PM
Posts 280 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.668
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder 2013
Keyboard CM Storm Quickfire Rapid Cherry MX Blue
Mousepad QcK+
Headphones Sennheiser HD555
Monitor Asus VG248QE
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#21 JIMMY HUGHES RECRUITMENT CENTER in Recruitment (looking for team)

kev and conductor have world-class anime tastes that are truly envy of every ESEA weeaboo in-the-know; indeed, their opinions are a cultural artifact. Everyone knows how well that translates over to the big leagues. The E$SA Main Division (pardon the witticism) should never understand the hell of a ride its in for--and it never will if the medic they decide upon end up not sucking a hot sludgy dumpster fire.

I'm rooting for you gentlemen--our way. Actually me.


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Selling some brand new PC stuff in Hardware

I bought a CM Storm Quickfire Rapid with MX Blue switches off this guy a couple months ago. Nice guy, good prices, still works great. Good seller.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Using stats/logs to disparage other players in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#2 Selling a White Zowie EC1 Evo in Hardware

I just bought a CM Storm Quickfire Rapid off of Platypus. Reasonable price, came in great condition with the original box and everything that came with it originally, nice guy, takes care of his shit. Would buy from again--anyone looking for a new mouse should hit this guy up.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 reilly/dango lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#234 Favorite Anime? in Off Topic

Boku no Pico's pretty aight.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Might Number Feminism in Off Topic

Her art is pretty terrible and the way she handled PR in this situation was pretty bad, but I want to see this blow over just to spite those nerds I see all the time who read 4chan like a bible and care way too much and never stop railing on about feminists and tumblr.

And I say that as a long, long-time fan of Mega Man whose heart was crushed by MML3's cancellation and a backer of this project. I'm pretty sure that if feminists start blaming this debacle on misogyny, they'd be pretty right. This is literally just 4channers and youtube commenters making a big deal over nothing; unless the big bad feminist community liason convinces Inafune to turn the game into Beck's personal journey to locate his cis privilege with in-game advertisements for Gone Home, castration-advocate lobby groups, and Mountain Dew, I'm pretty sure there's no reason to be alarmed for the integrity of the project.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Blatant cash grabs for Shoutcasting in TF2 General Discussion

i posted in the wrong thread ignore this post im gay


posted about 11 years ago
#30 Blatant cash grabs for Shoutcasting in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think the TF2 community owes anyone more money than this guy, but I'm skeptical at best about this. Sure, you get a "salary" subsidized by the community as if you were casting for an e-sport with sponsors, but is that really a guarantor of your time devoted to casting and making videos of this game?

I mean, you admit yourself that you're a busy man and that you left doing stuff for TF2 because of your lack of time; wouldn't this, for someone like you who has a job good enough to blow $20000 on video game teams for what amounts to a game that does not exist as an e-sport, be chump change to you? Do you have specific goals in mind for how much time you would allocate to making videos based on what milestones you make or something? Or is this just a simple motivator for you to get back into it that also happens to be asking for community dollars?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Selling some extra stuff I don't use in Hardware

Yeah, I bought the keyboard. Sorry ladies.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Why you should turn off adblock in Off Topic

You're already a part of the Google botnet. I'm sorry. The only way out is to burn down your current place of residence, build a cabin in the woods by a river, and live a life of asceticism.

posted about 11 years ago
#363 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

John, I don't think you'll find someone who won't admit that we as a community are giving something up by ditching ESEA. Sure. But there's a reason why this discussion happens every single season and this is probably the single time that it's not been totally swept under the rug days after the fact yet. Torbull might be a good guy with good intentions, but if the world ran on those, we wouldn't be having this discussion—I frankly could not give less of a damn about how much he likes us and I don't see why anyone else should either.

I, as a long-time competitive player that has given hundreds to ESEA over the years to play this game competitively with my friends, do not and have not in a long time felt that what ESEA provides is worth keeping over other alternatives, lacking in resources in comparison as they might be. Sorry, it's just not an option anymore.

posted about 11 years ago
#142 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleGrowth is the consequence of a functional business... It's not worth the time and money if you have nothing to show for it. Even if it's just having more teams or more players active within the community. You need to grow so that people will be motivated to play and get to the top. TF2 is never going to be big compared to other competitive video games... But that doesn't mean you adopt a horrible business model.

Of course. Everything you just said here, at least for me, goes without saying. I'm simply being skeptical of decisionmaking with growth as the goal rather than the consequence, and pointing that this communal desperate hunger for growth as a legitimate e-sport is the only reason we've put up with ESEA for this long in the first place. That is, if we actually DO leave it, which is seems likely at present, likely (hopefully); at any rate, I've paid them far too many months worth of Premium for the sake of wanting to compete with people at my skill level.

I'm not against this game growing or anything, all I'm saying is that we need to just prioritize having the best league possible in as many ways as possible if we're replacing ESEA.

posted about 11 years ago
#130 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleHonestly etf2l and ugc just are not the way to go because they're a single game specific leagues that will never be able to realistically host a lan or any big tournament without a massive amount of donations. TF2 is a niche competitive game and needs grow alongside other games. For this reason Cevo is by far the best option for TF2 to have any kind of sustainable growth. They were competitive in the past, and this is a great opportunity for them to go big.

I'm not trying to shit on you specifically, but if we're serious about moving away from ESEA this time, please, please, please ease up a bit on the GROWTH GROWTH GROWTH WE GOTTA BE ESPORTS mindset when choosing a new league. That mindset has been a key part of what has chained this community to the shitheads at ESEA for years. I'm not saying that CEVO isn't this option, necessarily—I'm merely commenting on the collective mindset.

I think that such discourse is harmful for re-stabilization for a few reasons. The biggest one is that the act of abandoning ESEA is in itself a shift away from this community's voracious appetite for legitimacy as an e-sport. Before "monetary potential" and "big tournament viewer potential" I feel that the needs of the NATF2 community should be considered comprehensively. You know what those big e-sports with massive tournaments have that we don't? Dev support. We know this all too well, at this point; so perhaps instead of moving forward based on how well we can supplant the proverbial ESPORTS FEEDING TUBE that ESEA was, maybe we should move forward on the premises of having a well-run, fair, comprehensive, and reputable service. Who knows? Maybe Valve will throw 6v6 a fucking bone for once if they don't have to promote a group of people slimy enough to literally use their anti-cheat client to farm bitcoins.

posted about 11 years ago
#135 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion

double post lol disregard im gay

posted about 11 years ago
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