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Signed Up December 1, 2015
Last Posted December 29, 2015 at 1:51 AM
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#2368 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
JermKqiSmesiJermKqiHave a short qns here!
How do you change the colour when you get 1 kill/death or more from green to white?
Eg: http://i.imgur.com/9V4CXhQ.jpg
Look at the 1 on the scoreboard, its green n how do i make it white? Btw it is the death counter.

Thanks for your help!


I did try to change the fgcolor to "255 255 255 255" however there must be another file that is causing the numbers to be green cause it still remained green when I killed myself. Tried looking through the animations file, could not find anything related to the colours changing from white to green when the kill/death count is above 0.

Pastebin of the scoreboard.res kill and deaths section: http://pastebin.com/NWWTLmuS

I actually messed up the elements you have to rename, my bad.

Basically, make a copy of Kills and Deaths (not KillsLabel and DeathsLabel), turn the original Kills and Deaths to visible 0, and make the copy of your kills and deaths a different name like "KillsNotGreen" and "DeathsNotGreen". As long as your elements aren't called Kills and Deaths, they won't turn Green when they're non-zero.

m0rehud black as an example below
"Kills" //turn the default kill counting element invisible
			"ControlName"           "CExLabel"
			"fieldName"		 "Kills"
			"visible"		   "0"
		"KillsWhite" //make a new kill counting element that isn't named Kills and customize that
			"ControlName"           "CExLabel"
			"fieldName"		 "KillsWhite"

Oh yea never thought of that haha Thanks alot mate!

posted about 9 years ago
#2366 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SmesiJermKqiHave a short qns here!
How do you change the colour when you get 1 kill/death or more from green to white?
Eg: http://i.imgur.com/9V4CXhQ.jpg
Look at the 1 on the scoreboard, its green n how do i make it white? Btw it is the death counter.

Thanks for your help!


I did try to change the fgcolor to "255 255 255 255" however there must be another file that is causing the numbers to be green cause it still remained green when I killed myself. Tried looking through the animations file, could not find anything related to the colours changing from white to green when the kill/death count is above 0.

Pastebin of the scoreboard.res kill and deaths section: http://pastebin.com/NWWTLmuS

posted about 9 years ago
#2357 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Have a short qns here!
How do you change the colour when you get 1 kill/death or more from green to white?
Eg: http://i.imgur.com/9V4CXhQ.jpg
Look at the 1 on the scoreboard, its green n how do i make it white? Btw it is the death counter.

Thanks for your help!

posted about 9 years ago
#6 How to adjust player name in scoreboard? - Hud in Customization
NokkChange the value of linespacing for BluePlayerList and RedPlayerList in scoreboard.res

Ok I'll go and try it thanks for your reply! :)

Edit: Thanks! It worked.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 How to adjust player name in scoreboard? - Hud in Customization

Sorry i didnt know that existed, will take not of it in the future ;).

KonceptLegacyIf you're wanting to make the name column wider, you need to go into your custom hud files, then into resource, then ui, then look for a file that's labeled scoreboard, and open it up. If you don't have notepad++, a common text editor, then open it up with regular notepad. from there, find name_width (it should be at the top of the file) and increase or decrease the value to your liking. You're probably going to want to have tf2 open. Whenever you save a change, go back into your game and type hud_reloadscheme into your console and you should see the changes

Thanks for that! but how do you change the height of the bar that is boxed up(i think its the background) as seen in here: http://i.imgur.com/ma4Rp3O.jpg

I want to do that cause i want to fit all 12 names inside the scoreboard without changing the scoreboard height
Once again thanks for replying. :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 How to adjust player name in scoreboard? - Hud in Customization

So basically Im new to this tf2 custom hud editing thing and i cannot figure out how do you adjust the player's name , score streak and ping to become smaller on the scoreboard.

So this is how the names in my scoreboard looks like:

but i want it to be thing like yahud's as seen here:

Any 1 knows how to do it? Thx Alot!

posted about 9 years ago