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Last Posted April 14, 2020 at 10:14 PM
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#103 so are y'all gonna be voting for joe biden now in Off Topic

I don't care how "cRinGE" he is, i doubt he's worse the Drumpf.

Besides, i care less about the president as i do the Supreme Court. The GOP is trying to get as many Conservatives on the bench as possible.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Liberty Launcher rework idea in TF2 General Discussion

Sounds good to me.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 RGL No Restriction Sixes Grand Finals - Froyotech vs Cat Noises in Events

The most fascinating thing to me is how Froyo actually LOST the round they were running Vac... I guess invincibility beats 75% of invincibility...

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Checking in on the RGL No Restrictions Sixes League in News
RGL will be holding a "pop-up league" for traditional competitive 6v6, involving 6 matches over a span of 3-4 weeks

I smell a compromise on the horizon...

posted about 5 years ago
#1 A click bait title about Sigafoo 6s. in The Dumpster

Ok this tweet gave me serious pause as to how everyone can be so freaking blind to what Valve actually wants...


I'm going to preface this with the fact that i do not pretend to understand how Valve or Sigafoo (or anyone else for that matter) thinks. These are observations i have made after playing games for a long time.

Ok, so it's obvious that Sigafoo 6s is not particularly popular... No big surprise there... But i'm here to explain why his prospective is in fact not flawed, and probably the most correct course of action.

In the majority of competitive games, the casual side is basically indistinguishable from competitive (with some minor expeditions, like Dota using Captains Mode). What this means is that a viewer can watch a game on a stream and then immediately implement it into their own games. That's not the case so much in TF2 unless, of course, you're talking about highlander, but even then strategies can't be properly appropriated.

Putting that to one side, it's time for anecdotes.

There seems to be a pattern of developers for competitive games. Game has bad/flawed mechanic. People are forced to play with that bad/flawed mechanic. People Bitch about it on reddit and twitter. Developers change that mechanic. This seems to happen consistently across all games. Here are some examples:

1) Dota 2. This happens all the freaking time in this game but the most noticeable example is when respawn talents were a thing. Nobody liked them. Everyone whinge about how game braking they were. Making heros like Lone Druid and Lina way to good. They all got removed after a few months. Another notable example was when the Sniper/Troll meta made people want to quit.

Second. The R8 Revolver. After smoking several questionable substances the devs thought it would be a good idea to put a 850$ AWP in the game. Needless to say, people were not happy about it, and it promptly got nerf. Apparently a similar thing happened in 2014 with the CZ.

III) Seagull made a 15 minute video about Overwatch's balance, and how it was not fun to play a lot of the times. Manly focusing on Brigita's Combo that made Tracer unplayable against her. Within a few days of the video happening she was nerf.

D) Fortnight. Ok, i don't pretend to understand anything about fortnight. It's like some-kind of cartoony version of Destiny with a Battle Royal mode, right? Anyway. Apparently that game is putting it's foot in the competitive door as well, and supposedly people where bitching about certain RNG elements. Recently they changed how Rocket Launcher drop or are found or something. I don't know, i don't play it.

Point is. In all of these examples. People are forced to play with of against something they didn't like, (the keyword being "forced" there) and it was subsequently changed. TF2 is very different in this respect. It almost never receives changes to the base game and if you think about it, it makes sense as to why from a developers point of view.

If you play in a version of a game where that item literally does not exist. I had no impact on the game as you play it. Changing it does not effect you. It doesn't matter if the Wrangle is the single most unfair weapon ever to exist you literally never have to play against it. So what's the point in changing it? The don't change it probably for the same reason they don't change items to balance Jailbreak. In all of the examples i listed above the player accepted the game the way it was and gritted their teeth and played it whether they liked it or not. And if they didn't like it, you would hear about it. The Developers would hear about it, and it would be eventually changed. That doesn't happen in TF2. Because if we don't like something. Like more then 1 Medic, the Wrangler, ect. we just ban it and never think about it again. This is vary clearly NOT what the TF2 Devs, (or any other developer) wants.

And you know what the worst part is? We know this. We've know this for years. Have some time capsules.

This and this are both from 4 years ago
This is from yeas 6 ago

Notice how they all seem to be saying the same thing?

Read this. Internalize it. Accept it. Embrace it. Become one with it.

Now what do i suggest? Personally, i think we should all grit our teeth and play the god-awful In-Game MM, then take to twitter and bitch on reddit every time you loose a match you should have won to a stupid OP item or lineup. Use and abuse all the most retardetly OP items until the game is just not fun anymore. I know, i know. It freaking sucks-ass and is terrible but it's fairly obvious that's what they want us to do. The problem with that is that WE ALL HAVE TO DO IT for SEVERAL WEEKS ON END and i seriously doubt anyone here is willing to commit to something they don't like like that. Will it even work? I don't know, all i know is that 30 seasons of ESEA later and very little has changed. What else? Play RGL is a possibility since it's the closest thing we've got and has somewhere in the vicinity of 130 teams participating. Sigafoo also seems to have some clout with Valve since after his wierd-ass pick/b& tournament, the items with the highest b& rate got subsequently nerfed, but that's probably just a coincidence. So what else is there to do? I honestly don't know. All i know is that as it stands "Competitive TF2" in the from we usually play it is given the same attention that Heavy Boxing and the Demoknight league are since they both get shout-outs on the TF2blog.

That's all i got.

Comments, concerns, and criticisms are welcome and encouraged.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 500 Days in TF2 General Discussion
TheMackey5I just reread this thread and it was somewhat sad seeing all the posts of people with hope and optimism for the future, knowing that almost 3 years later basically nothing happened.

And This is why. If everyone just swallowed their pride and actually played the shitty-ass in-game, and then bitched about it on twitter/reddit, Valve might acutally do something...

posted about 5 years ago
#1265 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#100 RGL 6s league in TF2 General Discussion
crib_In CSGO, pros complained about the ability to track enemies through smoke on the radar, and though the general majority was against it, the devs understood that they should defer to the pros because they know more about game balance. Within 24 hours of a prominent player voicing his opinion, they introduced a patch to change a mechanic that's been in the game since 2012.

As for RGL, while I do think testing out broken shit can give feedback on what must be tweaked, I don't believe any amount of tweaking will let 6 pyros vs 6 snipers ever be competitively viable. I think the rules of the game should be changed to adapt to our consideration.

The difference is that the CSGO community probably doesn't play a heavily modded version of that game that removed it in the fist place. As for 6 pyros vs 6, the reality of the situation is that probably nobody will be running meme starts past the second week since everyone will have it out of their systems by then, and go back to playing 1 Scout, 2 Demos, 2 Medics, +1 Demo/Scout/Soldeir/Heavy.

posted about 5 years ago
#98 RGL 6s league in TF2 General Discussion
lootcant wait to watch teams win 1-0 by time limit every match

There is no time limit. Win the game, or your not getting out of there alive. The choice is yours.

Kinda like Dota in that respect...

posted about 5 years ago
#96 RGL 6s league in TF2 General Discussion
Nursayevery comp player that has visited valve has always came back saying we need to run no class limits and no whitelist

do whatever u want with this information....

Pretty sure this has been the case since 2014. Nobody has listened.

posted about 5 years ago
#33 At what age did you grow out of anime? in Off Topic

Embarrassingly enough i still haven't. But i defintlly agree. It's hard to sit thru Generic Moe blob, LuckyStar, Ripoff #8378; and Generic, Herem, Cynical MC, Haruhi Ripoff #4038.

It's getting to the point where the self referential meta in of itself has become self referential...

posted about 6 years ago
#78 Would you like to see TF2 come to ESL Play? in TF2 General Discussion
Mitch_Hi all,

I thought I should just provide a quick update so people don't feel in the dark. We're still waiting to start plans for next year but hope that we should have some more news out by early February if all goes smoothly.

ESL's only complication at the moment is that the feedback you gave in the polls were things that ESL cannot provide straight off the bats. Thing's such as major prize pools and Pro LAN events, these things can't just fall from the sky and cannot be provided unless we have a strong player base in ESL Play cups.

Referencing the ESL structure, we have to start from square one (ESL Open), which means there may be little to no prize pool in events. The admin team will do their best to provide something with what they have (medals or other such things). This may sound bad at first but if the community commits to playing in the cups, we can move our way up to the ESL Major stage which ensures prize pools and a possible league and so forth.

On a more positive note, we're looking for staff to come onboard with ESL to get this kickstarted! If you have an interest in assisting us in making ESL TF2 happen feel free to apply. When signing up, type in Team Fortress 2 in the new game/mod section.

I hope we're all on the same page so we can go ahead with this, it's going to be an exciting 2019!
Referencing the ESL structure, we have to start from square one (ESL Open), which means there may be little to no prize pool in events. The admin team will do their best to provide something with what they have (medals or other such things). This may sound bad at first but if the community commits to playing in the cups, we can move our way up to the ESL Major stage which ensures prize pools and a possible league and so forth.This may sound bad at first but if the community commits to playing in the cups, we can move our way up to the ESL Major stage which ensures prize pools and a possible league and so forth.but if the community commitscommunity commitsCOMMUNITY COMMITS


posted about 6 years ago
#41 Would you like to see TF2 come to ESL Play? in TF2 General Discussion

There are currently 98 comments.

posted about 6 years ago
#1122 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#2049 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

I've personally never liked Death Metal...


posted about 6 years ago
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