flatlineLennon let's be real here you came on a picture of a child the only person that would support your unban is kimmo
I didn't come on a picture and have never claimed to that i, posted a picture
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SteamID64 | 76561198035298133 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:75032405] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:37516202 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | March 4, 2013 |
Last Posted | October 12, 2017 at 12:28 AM |
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flatlineLennon let's be real here you came on a picture of a child the only person that would support your unban is kimmo
I didn't come on a picture and have never claimed to that i, posted a picture
Yeah what the fuck dude you call me a sick human being but then you fucking compare what i did to one of the worst tragedies to ever happen to america, like does it take that much of a shock factor to try and make a point?
Hey if we're complaining about ugc can we talk about how i got perma bannned for posting a picture
This may be the dumbest question ever but if I buy http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00MCJQERU with the Asus VG248QE do I need to buy a cable to plug in my monitor?
Pretty damn good choice for the 1 weaboo on your high open team!
I doubt tf2 will get matchmaking until source2 next year
Hey are there any me mes I can partake of here
RJ-Lakers curse continues :( Steve Nash out for the whole season too.
Yea the lakers were cursed with 16 championships
fuck you lumines you already have the game
Hey so my name is Lennon and i want to maybe play on your team next season! I played on two open teams before which were
OG gangster kush S16- 10-6 (1-2 playoffs)(pocket)
Princess best cat S17- 9-7(literally everything)
I'm best at roamer> pocket> demo but i feel like i can play any of them comfortably in open without being a huge anchor and I can scrim basically every night. I also talk a fair amount of shit as alot of people here can probably tell you and I'm banned from ugc, but i still wanna play tf2 and i can tone down the shit talk to nonexistent if it's a problem.
But yea like i said i just wanna keep playing tf2 and have fun. Oh yeah and i would rather play esea than cevo.
Besideds the weird cookie obsession he's really cool
One of the best demos in gold right now