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The Pirates of the Black Sea go global
posted in News
14 hours ago

Newly formed Pirates of the Black Sea takes on the GlobalClan moniker for Season 16, hoping to build on the organisation’s fourth place finish in last season’s LAN playoffs. However, the team is undergoing a major reformation and will be represented by some new faces. Read on to meet the roster that will be representing GlobalClan in Season 16.

Kicking things off is Flank Scout pabwo, the only player carrying over from last season’s roster. For those unfamiliar, __pabwoz is most well-known for his Highlander Sniper gameplay, winning Invite in that format multiple times. More recently, he’s dedicated more time to sixes, and is now one of the more up-and-coming Flank Scouts in Invite. He’s very reminiscent of players like bo4r and yosh from the past: a Flank Scout with deadly aim and an even deadlier Sniper offclass.

Next up is Roamer TAZ, who will be debuting in Invite this season. TAZ comes off of an undefeated 20-0 season in Main where he took home the gold with cuake live. He shared his thoughts with us about his invite debut:

TEAMFORTRESS.TV: How do you feel going into your first season of Invite?

I feel very confident going into my first season of invite to be honest. I've been performing pretty well during scrims and just playing my role as roamer for my team and all imma say is, these invite veterans aren't ready for the open player roamer plays I'm boutta pull. Plus in all seriousness I'm just trying to learn more from what everyone is doing.

TFTV: What inspired the decision to go straight from Main to invite? This is pretty impressive to see.

I just wanted the invite tag for RGL pugs. Just kidding I just felt like I was running out of time lol. I played my last season in 2021 during RGL S6 and I came back this season to win main with cool ass people then somehow got picked up by an invite team with my friends I've been wanting to play with. I'm just doing it for my heroes kevito, jayytee, rickrigatoni and em.

Fan favourite Soldier player umlpst also joins the team, and viewers may remember him from a brief stint in the Season 15 Qualifier with The Goofy Gorillas. Aside from that, umlpst has been rostered on a team, either through a starting or substitute position, for every single season of RGL. GlobalClan can be sure to rely on umlpst for the consistency and experience he brings to the team.

peniferous and Scratchh are here as well, on Demoman and Medic respectively. The two were seen together last season on GlobalClan’s sister franchise GlobalClan Ice, which finished in fifth place. Scratchh, in particular, is known mainly for their Pocket Scout gameplay, but for this season they will be taking on the healing duties for the team. This doesn’t come entirely as a surprise: Scratchh has been known to dabble with Medic offclassing from time to time, and they are a particularly adept Medic player in Ultiduo as well. GlobalClan’s new medic shared their feelings about the class switch up for the season:

TFTV: What can you tell us about the decision to play Medic for this season?

This is my first season of medic in invite. I wasn't originally planning on playing at all, just wanted to relax for a season and take a small break, but towards the end of sign ups, I was asked to ring medic by my friend pabwo, and after a couple of quick conversations with their roster, they needed a medic and it seemed like a great team with good vibes to do so with, so I bit the bullet and committed. With that being said I have played one season of medic before, back in ESEA during Season 31. So this isn't my first time playing medic and I am generally confident in my ability to play the class effectively.”

Last but not least, team leader and Pocket Scout esper joins for her first season of Invite since Season 5 with The Nest, where she finished in 8th place. esper has made the effort to stay involved with the scene, even though she hasn’t always been playing on a team’s starting roster. She was often seen pugging and subbing on Invite teams like insect gang in Season 11 and GlobalClan Fire in Season 13. Having decided to dust off the Scattergun again, esper had this to say about the team’s goals moving forward:

TFTV: How did the team come together? What are your goals for the season?

The team came together through me peni and pabwo just kinda messing around and having fun in rgl open pugs. The vibes were really good between all of us both in the server and out, and pabwo was lft and peni still wasn't on a team so I offered to make a team together. I've always wanted to play on a team with peni in the past, but I've just had other commitments that have made me unable to play out a full season until now. I've also always really liked pabwo from playing with him and pugs, and I know he's a super good player so I really wanted to try to make a core with us three.

Looking to dominate Invite on a global scale, GlobalClan is:

  • Pocket Scout: esper
  • Flank Scout: pabwo
  • Roamer: TAZ
  • Pocket: umlpst
  • Demoman: peniferous
  • Medic: Scratchh
Fireside Casts
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excited about this team, ty phantom for writing these articles!

excited about this team, ty phantom for writing these articles!
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