Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004581455
SteamID3 [U:1:44315727]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22157863
Country United States
Signed Up August 21, 2014
Last Posted November 2, 2017 at 12:56 PM
Posts 22 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4.2
Windows Sensitivity install gentoo
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g303
Keyboard Ducky brown switches
Headphones M50s + modmic
1 2
#22 Anyone well versed in python language? in Off Topic

Given a string shakespeare containing

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog thE.
THE other dog ate tHe thing .the but not there
# Use Python's built-in string containing all punctuation
from string import punctuation

count = 0
# .lower() makes the whole string lowercase, so you don't have to worry about
#  case anymore
# .split() separates the string into a list of things in between whitespace
for word in <censored>
    # .strip() removes all the characters in the argument (punctuation) from
    #  the front and end of the string
    if <censored>:
        count += 1

Will print 6
Edit: I took out the complete solution

If you want to use functional programming, that ^ can be simplified to

from string import punctuation
print(sum([word.strip(punctuation) == 'the' \
    for word in shakespeare.lower().split()]))

If you're allowed to use regexes it's a lot easier:

import re
posted about 7 years ago
#16 ETF2L S24 Preseason Playoffs Grand Finals in Events

This is my first time watching koth with the new hud, and while I like the hp bars, I'm not a fan of the round timers.
Who is in control of the point?
What's blue's time?

The white time text needs some outline or shadow (see player name). And it would be more clear if there was some other indicator of who was in control, like maybe thickening the colored underline, or outlining the whole square with the color.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 ESEA S21 W3: Ascent vs. Hands Off in Matches
CerdurOff topic I guess, but does anybody know why they seemingly aren't casting FROYO vs. EVL?

evlTV is casting it: http://www.teamfortress.tv/31645/evltv-esea-week-3-coverage-invite-and-im

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Increasing ping? in Q/A Help

I haven't tried it, but this looks like what you're looking for: https://jagt.github.io/clumsy/

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Links to frag videos in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#14 Saloon Rewrite Progress in TF2 General Discussion

Obligatory: http://eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/

The section most important to me is security: PHP has always been "insecure-by-default", and that's very scary for a website specifically intended for transferring a lot of currency. Of course, you can put in the time to make the PHP secure, but I'm going to feel less safe betting on a site rewritten in PHP.

Above all, though, please open-source it.

posted about 9 years ago
#140 Who's in college right now? in Off Topic
negasorarealtalk: Who's doing CSAW rn?



posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2Pickup.net Admins in TF2 General Discussion
JohnMilterJesus Christ, Your better off using Mumble.com. Sourceforge went to shit and is blocked by Ublock and other add/malware blocker extensions.


The actual stable download links on http://wiki.mumble.info (which http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ redirects to) go to Github for the downloads.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 New google logo in Off Topic

tl;dr it's very similar to Futura


posted about 9 years ago
#26 puush infected with malware in Off Topic

The main reason I use puush is the easy API. I don't have the desktop client installed at all. If you have curl, you can just do

curl "https://puush.me/api/up" -# -F "k=$PUUSH_API_KEY" -F "z=poop" -F "f=@$filename"

to upload arbitrary files. I use it on Windows and Linux.

It looks like ShareX is just a desktop client wrapper for a bunch of APIs, and I'd rather just use them on their own.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Performance difference on Linux and Windows in Q/A Help

tl;dr windows will be faster, but linux will still work.

Sorted worst to best performance: linux with ssd, win7 with hdd, win8 with ssd.
Sorted lowest to highest loading times: win7 with hdd, linux with ssd, win8 with ssd.
That being said, I play with a high-tier CPU, mid/high tier GPU, and Chris' maxframes. I get 1000+ fps in win8, and maybe 300-500+ in linux--although this might just be linux/opengl/windows manager/X11/whatever not wanting to run at absurdly high frames.

Linux tf2/csgo will be buggy; I've had crashes, many problems with chat input, glitchy focus (on my windows manager at least), and some other things that have been patched by now. Also, no PREC :(
Disabling mouse accel was pretty easy; I just edited one config file: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_acceleration#Disabling_mouse_acceleration
Feel free to ask if you want Linux configuration help.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Getting a new sound card in Hardware

I have similar requirements to the OP with the addition of it needing Linux drivers.
Do any of you currently use Linux and have a working, decent sound card?

(I currently have a xonar DG which is perfectly serviceable in Windows, but I can't use the mic in Linux)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 keyboard shortcuts userscript in Site Discussion


What it does now:

  • a/d to scroll through pages
  • A/D to go to first or last page
  • w/s to scroll through posts
  • W/S to go to top or bottom post
  • q/e to plus/minus frag the current post

What it doesn't do:

  • Update the frag count (refresh the page to see)
  • Update the frag style (refresh the page to see)
  • Have fancy animations
  • plus/minus frag threads

If you have any features that you want, I'll gladly add them.

posted about 10 years ago
#103 1/13/2015 Site Update in Site Discussion

Clicking the search bar misaligns a bunch of things (on firefox, at least):





line-height: 11px;



makes the search icon look aligned again:


but that's probably just a shim--I'm far too lazy to figure out what the bigger problem is.

Edit: it's a whole lot more obvious when it actually happens than in the screenshots imo. Also, I think the search icon changes color and size, but idk if that's a stylistic thing.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 ESEA Tools in Projects

This is absolutely fantastic.

For the schedule, I would like the options (only tf2, completed, etc.) to be reflected in (and read from) the url, so that I can bookmark the settings or be able to send someone else a link to the same view I'm looking at.
The color scheme, spacing, and animations are beautiful, but the tall sticky header that just says "ESEA Schedule" seems unnecessary to me.
Edit: I just noticed colons in the titles, like http://puu.sh/ewzdZ.png. I'd probably change the first to a hyphen, but I'm not sure if that would look better.
Sorry, I keep trying to give complements, but I'm really bad at it.

posted about 10 years ago
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