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Last Posted June 13, 2020 at 11:35 PM
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#47 Book recommendations? in Off Topic
vooshoos1. No longer human by Osamu Dazai

I love that Dazai book so much. I'd recommend going for the original translation personally because I think it captures the alienation really well through its obtuse language. The newer translation is known under the title "A Shameless Life" and I don't think it quite captures the mood of the original translation. However, due to the nature of translation, the newer release is no less valid than the former, and in some cases I'm sure it's a superior translation. That said, I still recommend the original, for the reasons posted above.

Once I know someone's reading habits a bit better, I generally try and recommend one of the following:

>Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy
One of the most starkly beautiful and violent books I've read. Written in a somewhat obtuse manner, it's an extremely rewarding Western that follows The Kid through his encounters with various parties, all with a sense of inevitability and an acknowledgement of human brutality that can be shocking. Definitely worth a read.

>Roadside Picnic, by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky
The inspiration for the STALKER series and Tarkovsky film. A first hand account of pilfering a restricted zone and the adventures towards mythical treasure. Extremely vivid and features one of my favourite passages in fiction. The care and attention given to making their domestic situation feel real was fascinating to me, and I probably missed a lot of subtext too, given that it was written during the USSR and had to make it through the censors.

>Highrise, by J.G. Ballard
The slow decent towards a primal culture from within a contemporary tower block. This is a beautifully written novel and is also quite a simple read. I think that the novel handles the concept of societal breakdown much more effectively than the film, which plays more with visual and sexual decadence.

Also can recommend some of the following to a lesser degree:

>American Psycho, by Bret Easton Ellis
>L'étranger, by Albert Camus
>La Peste (The Plague), By Albert Camus
>Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka
>Everything Is Illuminated, Johnathan Safran Foer
>Gaunt's Ghosts series, by Dan Abnett (bit of a guilty pleasure)
>Perdido Street Station, by China Miéville (flawed, but enjoyable)

posted about 4 years ago
#29 Gamers Assembly 2017 announced in News

Sick, rentals

LFT, know french

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Overwatch League announced in Esports

In the video it makes a vague mention of 3rd party events but phrases it in a way that paints them as a lower standard than the league. Also bidding for slots means a lot of smaller orgs will be screwed and theyre trying to prevent the problem LCS has.

I mean I'd rather see an ATP style system like CS but this sint as bad as i thought it would be. Not a fan of the whole no relegations thing though.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 AGDQ 2017 in Off Topic

I cant stand how the event is run nowdays. The lack of freedom and the forced professionalism turned me off the last two. That and PCF is an absolute shit tier charity, much prefer MSF and what they seek to accomplish.

Is ESA still chill or is it going the way of agdq as well?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 World Series in Off Topic

Best of luck to the cubs. Hopefully they can break the curse

posted about 8 years ago
#8 GA’lloween 2016 announced in News

Are there PC rentals this year? I had a glance of the forums and it looked like last year it wasnt the case

posted about 8 years ago

hopefully the jays. haven't watched too much this year tho so i'm out of the loop

posted about 8 years ago
#48 awful clothing choices in Off Topic
mmrarktemaelstromaieraBand shirts are actually good though wtf
these are rad and if you disagree with me fuck out my face

Most band merch is shit, but there are always a few gems. That warp shirt is lovely

posted about 8 years ago
#112 seagull in TF2 General Discussion
messiahyeah you understand tf2 comp cuz you played it, if you played overwatch comp you would instantly understand what you're watching
i have no problem spectating overwatch games

Ive played it as well and that just isn't a claimable truth.
Be it visual clutter, lack of obvious team colour, awful spectating or just the nature of the objective, it's very hard to keep track of things and important fights will be missed constantly.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 marlins sp jose fernandez dead at 24 in Off Topic
Collaideaierano one is doing that Warped logic from a stupid comment

It's time to stop posting

posted about 8 years ago
#6 marlins sp jose fernandez dead at 24 in Off Topic


Background information on Jose.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 marlins sp jose fernandez dead at 24 in Off Topic

No fucking way
RIP, such a sick talent.
Just like Oscar Taveras two years ago, just in a boat instead of a car.

Some of you guys might recognise him from this gif as well

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Overwatch Open in Esports

4/6 on nrg and 4/6 on splyce are ex-tf2 players and instead of talking about the history of rivalries between the teams, the desk choose to talk in vague generalities about how hard each team has worked.

lmao. There must be a rule against talking about tf2.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Circa eSports acquires Meat Market roster in News

Circa have a bunch of KI MK and SFV players, not heard anything negative about them but i know the ceo is really young.

Hopefully they wont be super shady or dip out like perilous.

posted about 8 years ago
#137 Capcom Pro Tour in Esports

Awesome to see Poongko adapt to the system and really start to put out results

Watching him drown in pools at Final Round and the tourney straight after was heartbreaking to watch

If you didn't get to watch the Daigo - Ryan Hart final I thoroughly recommend you watch it. Ryan's Guile is the best I think I've seen so far in terms of space control and footsies.


posted about 8 years ago
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