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Last Posted February 13, 2023 at 11:45 AM
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#10 tf2 arch crashing in Q/A Help
Rockz op here says that 1.8.2-2 runs fine in tf2
but if you really want the older one, here you go:

ps if you're downgrading, open up /etc/pacman.conf and add that lib32-libx11 to IgnorePkg line

my tf2 now works, thanks man :D

posted about 2 years ago
#8 tf2 arch crashing in Q/A Help
toads_tfdowngrade lib32-libx11 to 1.8.1

how do i do this, ive only been able to downgrade to 1.8.2-2, ive tried the steam linux runtime, proton experimental, proton 7.0-6, proton 6.3-8 compatability modes.
How do i downgrade to 1.8.1? I couldnt find a way anywhere.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 tf2 arch crashing in Q/A Help

tf2 crashes on arch linux while on other distros like debian and linux mint it didnt, i have the proper drivers for my 1660s and i have a ryzen 5 3600, what could be the problem? I deleted glshaders.cfg aswell and it still crashes
i am using the kde desktop environment and the turing+ nvidia drivers

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Ultiduo mecca cube map in Map Discussion

I remember seeing someone using an ultiduo map where the mecca cube is used as a checkpoint, does anyone have it?

posted about 2 years ago