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Signed Up August 16, 2015
Last Posted August 21, 2018 at 1:27 PM
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#18 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster
wthizaxLightstrikerwthizaxlethargistis this the same dude who posted his wack ass fragvid with shit music and yelled at tftv for not liking sentries if so im glad i get to see the legend at work
Show Content
ban him

i am giving you the best advice you are ever going to get in life and you want me banned

i am hoping there is a nuclear war very soon

lol really dude....
This guy can't be serious

exactly which part of "nobody within 6 degrees of seperation of your whole family tree can do what i do" do you not understand?

Oh god, this guy is serious...

posted about 9 years ago
#15 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster
wthizaxlethargistis this the same dude who posted his wack ass fragvid with shit music and yelled at tftv for not liking sentries if so im glad i get to see the legend at work
Show Content
ban him

i am giving you the best advice you are ever going to get in life and you want me banned

i am hoping there is a nuclear war very soon

lol really dude....
This guy can't be serious

posted about 9 years ago
#19 ESEA Matches cancelled 9/24 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm sorry I live in a cave, why did Froyotech forfeit to Meat Market?
EDIT: They had a match today, I guess they just moved the schedule

posted about 9 years ago
#162 TF2 Legacy videos, round 2! in Videos

I appreciate your dedication for making legacy videos, keep it up!
I really enjoy watching your legacy videos and thank you for your hard work :)

posted about 9 years ago
#118 Epsilong Time No See in News
SideshowLightstrikerSo do we know for sure that Epsilon is coming for sure with that roster?
Sorry I've been reading this thread and I just wanted to confirm.

No, not really. They're playing with that roster at the moment but if they have bad results or overwatch doesn't work out I can see the roster changing way before i58. And I mean the matchmaking apocalypse is between then and now too. Nothing is for sure but I hope we see froyo vs epsilon finally.

Then froyo can crush them and our only iseries victory will be as hollow as our hearts.

Thank you for answering :)
ps. I love your casting! I hope you keep it up.

posted about 9 years ago
#114 Epsilong Time No See in News

So do we know for sure that Epsilon is coming for sure with that roster?
Sorry I've been reading this thread and I just wanted to confirm.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 ESEA Invite Season 20 Preview in News
It really does seem like ma3la playing pocket was a big upgrade. Ma3la himself also said he was a better pocket than roamer, and I was expecting him to play pocket this esea season, but I guess he's more confortable playing roamer. I'm not saying Rando is a bad pocket, as he's obviously one of the best pockets out there, just my thoughts after watching i55.

I mean Rando's obviously amazing, but could you imagine what Shrugger and Yomps could do with more than 20% heals between both of them? The games with Ma3la pocketing seemed to have a much better heal spread without much of a drop off in pocket effectiveness.[/quote]

You're right. With more heal spread throughout the team, Ascent could probably be a lot better.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 ESEA Invite Season 20 Preview in News
fireindaarcadeSo is Ascent going to stick with Rando on pocket and Ma3la on roamer for this season once Bdonski is back? Obviously it's a small sample size and it depends on what they are comfortable with, but it seemed like Ma3la pocketing was a big upgrade that second day of i55.

It really does seem like ma3la playing pocket was a big upgrade. Ma3la himself also said he was a better pocket than roamer, and I was expecting him to play pocket this esea season, but I guess he's more confortable playing roamer. I'm not saying Rando is a bad pocket, as he's obviously one of the best pockets out there, just my thoughts after watching i55.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 AsiaFortress Cup 9 Division 1 Grand Finals in TF2 General Discussion
universeNothing against the Asian scene but I would prefer giving money to the Australians to try to get them for i58 before starting an Asian fundraiser even if it required more money. In an ideal world we could get the Australians, South Americans, and then the Asians but we'll have to see if that's doable for i58, I doubt it but we've done some crazy things.

As an asian myself, I think what you said is probably right for the majority of the people. I would proabably donate to the Austrailians, as they have a better chance of competing in the i-series

posted about 9 years ago
#24 ESEA S20 W1 – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches
mathsadLightstrikerCall me dumb, I thought esea played until 5 points, or did they change the rules?they never got to 5 points because both halves ran out of time.

Thank you

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Epsilong Time No See in News

If Epsilon comes back and practices well until i58, we might see a potential Froyotech vs Epsilon grand finals! I'm definitely not saying that other teams can't make it to the grand finals, I just thought it would be exciting to watch another match between (supposedly) the best two teams in the world (even though Froyotech is the best team in the world right now).

posted about 9 years ago
#22 ESEA S20 W1 – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches

Call me dumb, I thought esea played until 5 points, or did they change the rules?

posted about 9 years ago
#15 ESEA Invite Season 20 Preview in News

I'm so hyped after reading this post, can't wait for invite matches.
Great job writing this post!

posted about 9 years ago
#16 AsiaFortress Cup 9 Division 1 Grand Finals in TF2 General Discussion
Mochaaaaasia for i58?

Would love to see it.
Highly doubt it.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 i55 Outro in News

TF2 will live on.

posted about 9 years ago
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