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Signed Up October 24, 2012
Last Posted September 25, 2013 at 11:36 AM
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#1 Binding Mouse Sensitivity level? in Q/A Help

I play two of the nine classes, scout and sniper, at a much lower sensitivity level than the other seven classes. Is there any way I can bind that lower sensitivity to those classes? Or even create a quick bind key to switch between the sensitivity levels? Just a pain to go through the options and switch whenever I go from soldier to scout etc.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 PYYYOUR's HUD? in Q/A Help

Wow, thanks PYYYOUR. O.O

posted about 11 years ago
#70 Tf2 Dream Team in TF2 General Discussion

I think a lot of people are confusing dream players/best in class with dream team. Teamwork happens to play a big role in TEAM fortress 2 - even something like personalities can interfere with people playing their best. Obviously it is possible to have an 'allstar' team with teamwork - see past iterations of Mix^.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 PYYYOUR's HUD? in Q/A Help

The PYYYOUR link isn't updated in that thread - but I'll check out the BroeselHUD. Thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 PYYYOUR's HUD? in Q/A Help

I've been away from TF2 for a while and just got back into it in the past couple of weeks. I used to use PYYYOUR's HUD, but evidently its since been broken by some Valve update. I can't seem to relocate an updated version of his HUD, nor do I have any idea what HUD it was based off of. I'm just looking for something similar at least. Anyone have any ideas?

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Ability to add bullet points to posts in Site Discussion

You mean like hyperlinks inside like a "click here" instead of the URL?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Ability to add bullet points to posts in Site Discussion


    posted about 11 years ago
    #24 Valve fixed demos again, apparently in TF2 General Discussion
    Salamancer#12 Why do you think they fixed them? Luke and I sent them a whole slew of demos and begged for them to be fixed so we could finish the movie.

    Good job. Can't wait.

    posted about 11 years ago
    #43 They Are Living Among Us in The Dumpster
    ManaLiterally this moment, we're setting up the wiki. Please hold. :)

    No rush, obviously, but any updates?

    posted about 11 years ago
    #3 tftv restream in TF2 General Discussion
    dan_cAwesome, I missed it because I had class, glad its being restreamed.

    Same, good idea. Glad to get a chance to watch more Euro games.

    posted about 11 years ago
    #42 They Are Living Among Us in The Dumpster

    For people too lazy to look up Liquipedia or don't know what Mana is talking about. (like me)

    posted about 11 years ago
    #40 They Are Living Among Us in The Dumpster

    Summary of Thread Ideas

    1. Team Rosters
    2. Players (Invite/Prem of course, branch out to others with time/volunteers?)
    3. Community Support(?)
    a. Casters/Streamers (recognized community casters and most famous streamers)
    b. Techies (cinq/tf2lobby creators/mge creator/map creators? etc.)
    c. Behind the scenes - Mana, Wreath, lamefx etc.

    Bio Information
    Username/Steam ID
    Years playing Comp TF2
    Main Class
    Titles? Player/Streamer/Caster etc.
    Teams played for
    Leagues played in
    Awards won/Season finish

    In my opinion - most of the above info should not be in written paragraph form, but perhaps formatted separately from the written area. eg. off to the right hand side wiki style.

    Would be great to get a paragraph or quotes from the individual.
    Highlights/big moments in career. (Guitar hero TF2 Lange, B4nny blind det. etc.)
    Method of play (passive scout, dm scout, etc.)
    What they are known for (something as simple as playstyle or them helping the community by doing workshops/demo reviews)

    Links to Fully Charged episode that they are in? Frag videos? Demos?
    SKILL DETECTOR paragraph? If they got one before his hiatus again.

    posted about 11 years ago
    #12 Valve fixed demos again, apparently in TF2 General Discussion

    i46 DOCUMENTARY HYPE. Begin now. No more excuses.

    posted about 11 years ago
    #39 They Are Living Among Us in The Dumpster
    Manaenigma and I are working on a temporary solution. :)

    EDIT: Lange have no time. gg. :)

    Let me know if I can help. I have some writing ability.

    posted about 11 years ago
    #31 They Are Living Among Us in The Dumpster
    GeMLil_NathanGeMAlong with bios of players, it should shed some light on pushing methods, playstyles, etc. Something like the wiki Teamliquid has.
    I think Team rosters and players/casters/community personalities would be good for now. Pushing methods and playstyles can either go on the official wiki like stated above - or in the guides section here, once that is completed/unveiled.

    Edit: Oh wait, are you talking about individual playstyles? eg. Clockwork is a dm scout, etc.?

    Something like that. Passive scout play, retard roaming soldier, stuff like that. Maybe even getting into the mechanics of the game like aiming styles and such (I always like a quick read no matter how irrelevant)

    Are you meaning like a section under someone's bio detailing their playstyle? Or general playstyles?

    posted about 11 years ago
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