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Signed Up April 3, 2013
Last Posted January 15, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
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#21 Readd firepowered mge servers and remove lizz? in Off Topic
GetawhaleLizAnd idk maybe if enough people complain I'll start up a second server that is all class so spies can still do whatever the heckie they do in peace
This will never have to exist ever

Then maybe I'll just open an east coast server or something

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Readd firepowered mge servers and remove lizz? in Off Topic

So starting tonight at whenever I get home my server will no longer be all class
And idk maybe if enough people complain I'll start up a second server that is all class so spies can still do whatever the heckie they do in peace

posted about 9 years ago
#45 TFTV Twitch Emotes in TF2 General Discussion

Okay so I have a few ideas but I need some input
do you guys want to see something a bit more stylized and streamlined like this

or something more varied and goofy like these

if so what colors? what types of fonts?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TFTV Twitch Emotes in TF2 General Discussion

So I've taken up the task of creating TFTV's new twitch emotes and I need some input--

Hypothetically let's say we're allowed two new emotes, what would you like to see as viable staple emotes for the channel? What emotes would you like to see as, let's say, stretch goals?

We've had some talk about like, and AIRSHOT emote, maybe an UBER DROPPED emote

Basically we want to refresh our current emote library with something new and relevant to the community today--

Hit me with your best shot guys, lemme see what you can think of B)

posted about 9 years ago
#25 A request for the TFTV stream in TF2 General Discussion

a few of us came up with some really horrible ideas

posted about 9 years ago
#18 A request for the TFTV stream in TF2 General Discussion

please by all means give me all your ideas for emotes and I'll try throwing stuff together

posted about 9 years ago
#31 TF2 SoCal Series in LAN Discussion

I'll be there! By the looks of things I'll be helping out and about with the event since I probably won't be playing.
also maybe some cool shirts will be created? WE'LL SEE

posted about 9 years ago
#89 i52: Grand Finals in Events

gg holy crap

posted about 10 years ago
#35 the art thread in Off Topic

oh wow this community is talented :o
I do a lot of tf2 drawings too
a few of my favorites

But I have my share of traditional stuff as well

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Deathy LFT High-Open/IM combat class in Recruitment (looking for team)

I was medic for him on Error 404 this CEVO Season-
Deathy himself is an interesting character; likes to talk a lot, and is very, very loud.
He can and probably will clash opinions and personalities with whoever he plays with. English isn't this kid's first language so you have to speak slowly to him sometimes in order for him to understand. He tends to take things overboard sometimes, which can include sabotage
for example, he decided to mute the entire team but him so he could talk over us all.
From Mumble:
Deathy's take on snakewater comms
[6:59:49 PM] adam muted by Deathy.
[6:59:49 PM] chu muted by Deathy.
[6:59:50 PM] Danerdz muted by Deathy.
[6:59:52 PM] You were muted by Deathy.
[6:59:52 PM] RICKY muted by Deathy.
He wouldn't unmute us until we were completely wiped--
He can clutter comms at times with consistently repeating information, and loves his trash talk.

DM wise he's great- he's amazingly talented and would do well in IM with a team who could deal with his attitude.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Releasing a Lobby System to the Wild in TF2 General Discussion

Yo c:
I'm one of Rho's teammates who helped test out the site and other things while he was making this
I've noticed people saying how their lobbies aren't showing up on the list
You have to give the site a few minutes to start things up and configure your server

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Communities vs. Pros V: Man vs. Machine in Events

All of us on the community team are soooo ready for this -u-
It's gonna be a great event c:

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Community vs Pro's 5 is here! in TF2 General Discussion

Here's to hoping all of us on the Community team have what it takes! GLHF c:

posted about 11 years ago