Net neutrality is the idea that governments and internet service providers (isp) MUST treat all data the same. They may not charge any company more for service than any others by this rule. Companies cannot block or slow down traffic to a website under this rule. This is important because without it, companies can make YOUR favorite sites run like the average Asus laptop (high price, low performance).
Recently, the head of the US Federal Communications Council (FCC) unraveled dangerous plans to repeal net neutrality laws that prevent companies from charging sites more so that traffic may come to their site. If this law was repealed, ISP's could slow down or completely block traffic to websites that refused to be shaken down by the money hungry ceo's at verizon, comcast, and AT+T just to name a few.
Ajit Pai, the mastermind behind this retarded plan is essentially encouraging a Government provided oligopoly. For those of you who do not know, an oligopoly is when a small amount of companies own a large portion of a market. The current internet service providers already have an oligopoly over data, but this new market only gives them more chances to overcharge people
Furthermore, government made oligopolies are fucking dogshit. Notable ones where the railroad industry of the 19th century government contracting under Reagan. These were collosal disasters. In the 19th century, the government paid people to create traintracks. However, this was a general request which paid people by the amount of tracks they put down. This was a huge waste of taxpayer money (as if 90% of what taxpayer money goes to isn't wasted) which didn't benefit the government at all. The people who created the railroads took 100% of the profit, just like verizon will if net neutrality is stripped down. Excluding taxes, they will not give back any money they earned to the government that so 'graciously' did that for them.
Some of you may ask, "why should i care?" It's very simple why everyone should. If tftv can't afford to pay the bills to the ISP, people may not be able to see your lft threads as easily. If pugchamp can't afford 5 NA servers and the ISP bills, it may be forced to downsize or shut down, as if waiting for another medic to que didn't already take long enough...
Thanks for reading and save our net neutrality!!!