the301stspartanLorelockThen what gives you (btw, don't even misspell that, lol) the right to bash in such a butthurt way c:
the fact that I'm cooler than u
Well, isn't that saying something
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SteamID64 | 76561198186523643 |
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Signed Up | April 27, 2016 |
Last Posted | April 28, 2016 at 7:22 AM |
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the301stspartanLorelockThen what gives you (btw, don't even misspell that, lol) the right to bash in such a butthurt way c:
the fact that I'm cooler than u
Well, isn't that saying something
Then what gives you (btw, don't even misspell that, lol) the right to bash in such a butthurt way c:
3V1LLorelockYou better update this soon, rays...
That's quite a rude post to make for your very first on this site.
I couldn't quite give more than half a damn. lol