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Last Posted April 22, 2019 at 6:10 PM
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#59 Copenhagen Games 2019 Shoutouts in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to all the following people in no particular order:

To Ironhawk, dempsey, Storm and Mackey for sharing the AirBnB and for walking to the venue and back together (most of the time).
To CeeJaey for being the amazing person you are and for looking after me.
To Mia and silentes for successfully leading us to the venue on the first day. You looked just as lost as we did, but for some reason we still thought following you was a good idea.
To DummTm, Aelkyr, Tanning, Storm and dempsey for the COGU picture (even though I'm not rostered anymore)
To Storm for bringing this amazing Norwegian chocolate, it was so so good.
To my 6s team Amaterasu, DCS, JLEBS, GrumpyKoi and gemm, it was great seeing you guys, it's a shame we never took the picture together though.
To pionta álainn with Amaterasu, sek, cloudy, Jortand and FizzyPug as well as Ninelander with Amaterasu, Mia, sintyre, Jortand, FizzyPug, Kimo, Storm and Kireek for the great and fun games. Thank you guys for playing, it was really fun playing with you!
To Xenon and their additional players for an amazing BO3 match, really enjoyed that. I haven't said hi to any of you, I'm very sorry about that.
To foz for mercing demo for us in our last game.
To Se7en and Ascent as well as Strong Opinions and YAK'S MAKE-A-WISH for giving us great final games to watch, really loved seeing those.
To DCS and Heny for your amazing work at scheduling all games and making this a great tournament (I'm still sorry for missing the HL games on friday and for you having to reschedule it)
To Bambi and everyone involved in giving out and receiving rentals back.
To Vclox, Wiethoofd and eepily for getting me a new rental after my Lan port wasn't working, and for Amaterasu for checking my cable. I was about to go desperate in my first 5 minutes at the venue.
To Vclox, yahoo and dempsey for having very serious and intense pyro main discussions.
To CeeJaey, cloudy, Emilio, sek, sintyre, Milchmann, Villdjack, Toast, Jortand, FizzyPug as well as dempsey, Ironhawk and Aelkyr for having food with me and not letting me starve myself like I did last year.
To dempsey, Kireek and CeeJaey for the drinks.
To dempsey for travelling home with me and not throwing up on me, love you lots buddy. And the milkshake, can't forget the milkshake.
To sek, Mia, samiface, Ironhawk, Kosuke, TidB and chicken man for the armwrestle matches, my arm is officially dead now and I can't feel it anymore.
To the girl walking around with cupcake whose name I forgot (and I'm very sorry) who kept calling me beautiful, you are very gorgeous yourself.
To TidB and Aelkyr for the 3/6 Spirit Raccoons reunion, maybe it will be a 4/6 at insomnia if Cute isn't baiting again.
To Doughy for encouraging Vclox and dempsey to drink very dodgy and strong Vodka which kinda killed them both.
And to - once again in no particular order - CeeJaey, Toast, Vclox, dempsey, Ironhawk, Storm, Mackey, Amaterasu, DCS, GrumpyKoi, Jortand, FizzyPug, sek, cloudy, Emilio, Milchmann, Mia, sintyre, Kimo, Aelkyr, DummTm, Ascend, troy, coyo, NiceAsh, Agro, jakeowaty, ArchRhythm, Marten, Smirre, Enzo, Racso, soda, Lena, Lux, Fribs, gemm, JLEBS, Streep, TidB, grief, yahoo, Valafar, eepily, Wiethoofd, adysky, AMS, Doughy, Ombrack and to all the people I talked to and forgot to mention for making this a great lan experience. You're all amazing, thank you.

Last but definitely not least, a massive shoutout to the Tournament Admins, Lan Organisation, Production as well as Casters and Analysts. You've made this yet another amazing Lan experience and a lot of fun to watch, thank you very much for that. You all did amazing work and I hope you're getting enough rest now and get to relax loads.

See you all next time hopefully!

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Stream request in Requests

Hey, I'm Löwenzahn from Germany playing TF2 most of the time (6s/HL/demo reviews/casual). Mid roamer. Would be appreciated to be added to the list, thanks :)

posted about 6 years ago