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Last Posted January 1, 2016 at 3:40 PM
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#158 yayahud in Customization

At the moment we don't have a download source for an up to date or fully functioning Yayahud. So here's an updated version with working Tough Break contract animations and a few minor other fixes.!2Bl22SBR!ZsVF1-Iy-byXVmeAa0COqJU7C10jzj4TSs9m2QIHWgM
(Thanks to Steam member "dog" for providing a download link!)

posted about 9 years ago
#154 yayahud in Customization
LsRainbowsI managed to fix it by copying the changes that were added to the flathud github

Thanks! I just did the same. You have to be careful with HudAnimations_tf though, copy the whole file over and my health turned pink. I just copied and pasted everything below Event QuestItem_Identify_Expand from Flathud over to Yayahud and it works perfectly.

Edit: 01/01/2016 - It looks like Flathud was updated again with new code. So simply copying the files over from Flathud to Yayahud is unlikely to be successful.

posted about 9 years ago
#151 yayahud in Customization
yttriumwhat's broken besides main menu bg which i kind of like?

Hey. The new contracts aren't working correctly. We're just presented with a picture and no way to decode or activate new contracts.

Screenshots: (yayahud top, stock hud bottom)

posted about 9 years ago
#131 yayahud in Customization

Hey there. I've also had issues with the item inspect panel being out of position. I know nothing about HUD editing, but decided to spend 5 minutes fiddling with the numbers to see what I could do, and I believe I've fixed it.

Here's a bunch of screenshots:

"ControlName"	"CItemModelPanel"
		"fieldName"		"itempanel"
		"xpos"			"0"
		"ypos"			"0"
		"zpos"			"10"
		"wide"			"290"
		"tall"			"100"
		"visible"		"0"
		"bgcolor_override"		"255 255 255 0"
		"PaintBackgroundType"	"0"

From yayahud/resource/ui/HudInspectPanel.res

If you make the grey box transparent it looks really nice, but you'll need to move the chat higher up as it covers a lot of the item info (which is already a problem with the current design). Example:

Like I said before, I know nothing about HUD editing, but this seems to work for me. It's pretty massive, because some item names are very long and have a lot of information to go with them. Anyway it's not like you'll be inspecting items mid-battle! I'll leave it up to you for further testing and tweaks :)

posted about 9 years ago