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SteamID64 76561198044857212
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:42295742
Country United States
Signed Up February 1, 2014
Last Posted May 16, 2023 at 8:04 AM
Posts 172 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.85
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1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
144 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G503 Hero
Headphones Hyper-X Cloud II
1 ⋅⋅ 9 10 11 12
#1 LF Pocket Soldier Mentor in Mentoring

Okay, first off, I live in Pennsylvania, so I'm in the EST time zone, I only play 50 minutes a day, and the time usually varies, so if anybody chooses to help me out, it's preferred that they be flexible when it comes to play time, that said, I am dedicated to spending whatever free time I can to learning how to play the class better. Now, onto the main stuff:

Previous experience:
I mainly play in TF2Center matches when I can, and I usually play Medic or Pocket Soldier, since those are generally the least enjoyed classes, so I'm familiar with what a Medic wants in a pocket, and vise versa. I also competed in the AndyVich 4v4 league, 90% as pocket soldier, and 10% as demoman.

What I want to work on:
My dm is mediocre at best, and my rocket prediction is okay, but could use work. I'm frustrated daily by the fact that my rocket jumps sometimes fail to get me as far as the top floor of high tower from the balcony, so I'd like to work on that, and while I know its not a requirement, I'd like to be able to airshot as well. I also think that I could improve on my positioning, since a pocket has to be pretty good at that.

To wrap this up, anybody who wants to mentor me clearly has their work cut out for them, but I'll try my hardest to listen and apply what I'm taunt. I'm also good at taking criticism, so don't be afraid to give it.

I don't check this site very often, so I'd prefer if you added me on steam if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything.

posted about 10 years ago
#568 rayshud in Customization

Well, in that case. Damn, guess it's time to revert to the larger version. Thanks anyway, though, appreciate the help, and keep up the good work.

posted about 10 years ago
#566 rayshud in Customization
raysCopy/paste the contents of this file over the top of what's currently in your HudPlayerHealth.res file, and see if that works.

Okay, so, this did sorta fix the issue, but now it's created another one, which is, I copy-pasted what you gave me into the folder you told me to put it in, and I use minimal hud, but when I joined a server to see if it worked, my ammo, on the right, was small, as if minimal hud was on, but at the same time, the cross looked like it would without miniature hud.

So how do I make them both miniature? And is there a permanent fix for this currently, or do I need to keep the link you gave me somewhere so that I can find it easy for now?

posted about 10 years ago
#564 rayshud in Customization

EDIT: Before you read this eye-sore, please let me know if there is anyway I can make this post easier to understand or read, I'm not the best as compressing messages, and for that, I apologize.

So, I have an issue with my HUD, but I'm not sure if it's just my issue, or if it's one everybody has, but here goes:

So, as you all know, RaysHUD has three different types of Health Style. One is the HUD default, which is just numbers, one is Heath Cross, with the cross, and then the numbers to the right, and then the Numbers Health Cross, which has the number INSIDE the cross. I personally use the Numbers Health Cross, because I'd prefer to look at my health and the cross simultaneously.

But here is the issue:

So, recently, I re-installed RaysHUD after doing some test runs with other HUDs, but ultimately deciding I liked Rays, and it works perfect just like before, except for the fact that my Numbers Health Cross shows like the normal Numbers Health. Out of curiosity, I conducted a small test.

What I did, was I changed my HUD health to "None" which gave me the default health style, showing just numbers, like it should. Then I changed it to "Health Cross" which shows the cross, and then the numbers to the right, and it worked like it should.

However, when I went to try to install the "Numbers Health Cross", when I went into TF2, the Health Style showed the Default style.

Any help or suggestions or anything?

posted about 10 years ago
#143 Superbowl in Off Topic

I don't know how many of you who follow College football, but I'm pretty sure Alabama could have done a better job against the SeaHawks than the horses did.

posted about 10 years ago
#168 Players you wish came back to invite/their respect in TF2 General Discussion

Lesse...I don't know many but... Yz50, Carnage, Orzo, ww-, Tyrone, Mackey, CB, Dave_AC, TheFragile, Reptile, Relic, Cyzer, Jaeger, and ggglygly

EDIT: DID ggglygly actually quit, or is he still around on some team and I just haven't seen him?

EDIT: Oh, and Dummy too, can't forget the days of the Experiment and that triple airshot.

posted about 10 years ago
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