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Signed Up February 1, 2014
Last Posted May 16, 2023 at 8:04 AM
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#25 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
NoCourtesyMost car have a tracker integrated. Call the car company, see if they can locate it. Think by deduction;

-he most likely didn't commit suicide or any form of self-harm, as you mentionned #14, he seemed fine in the morning when he left your home. Moreover, he seems to have a full family and a loving and caring son, no dad would ever forget that

-he didn't check-in work, so whatever happened, it had to happen between 9h30 and the time it takes him to get to work. This might help you narrow down essential details for the police

-the notes he left means whatever he did was most likely premeditated. Did he say anything that seemed odd in the notes? Maybe a word or expression he doesnt say much, maybe a reference to an event from the past? What is the tone of the notes? Does he seem determined? Sad? Helpless? Mad?

-you may be able to track him through his car, gps, or phone, even if it is off

-do you own any weapons at home? I am not from the US so dont know the gun reglementation in Pensilvania. If yes, are they still there? If not a gun, did ammunition disappear?

-try to think of when he went to work, did he do something he usually doesn't? Did he forget something minor that he usually brings to work? (My dad for example always brings floss...) That could indicate you whether he was planning on getting to work or not, but then again, why would he have left notes that morning if that was the case?

We are all with you, stay strong

Well, in the note to his parents, his note was more accusatory and angry then sad and apologetic, the police are aware of this as well, but as I said, they live all the way in Tennessee and he doesn't have the funds to drive that distance. Also, even if suicide isn't where he was going, he talked in the notes as if he was leaving at all. The note to me said; "Be strong for Beth (my mom) and your brothers, the next weeks will be hard on them."

As far as weapons go, his phone case is like a utility case, and it has a bunch of sharp objects in it, including a nice.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
ExquisiteStoneIt's always hard to see what someone means by saying "this was his only option" It could mean anything from an affair to suicide, but running away from society is also possible, it's a bit odd he only left a note without any detail on where he went, and that must also be really stressfull..

Try to think if you're dad was really down the last couple of months, or whining about how unfair some things are, or if he was more stressed/happy

It's always a pain to hear these things, not being able to be there for your loved ones is hard, I hope you'll find him!

I keep overhearing my mom on the phone saying stuff like, "He kept saying he felt like he was over his head in work and that nobody was helping him. And we kept worrying about money, but we always worried about it, and it's weird because every so often he would reassure me that we were chipping away at it."

I'm sorry I can't give you guys much else to work with.. I'm just very worried and I can't show it because my brothers will start worrying too. It doesn't help that he's extremely intelligent, so he clearly knew how to avoid being found...

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
-protoI wouldn't worry about suicide unless he's been depressed for a while which you haven't stated. That shit doesn't just come out of nowhere. I hope all goes well, hopefully he just needed to get away for a few days.

That doesn't quite explain the fact that all manner of pain pills are now gone from the house.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
HKSeems like the car is the only item you've got to work with. Did you give the police a description of the car / license plate?

If his car has an embedded GPS, the car company might be able to find the location of the car. It's a long shot, but it's something.

Did he take anything of note with him? Something he might leave behind, or use (ie. candy wrapper)?

Yes. The license plate is easy to spot because he's a Tennessee football fan, so the front tag has the Volunteers symbol on it, and the back plate has an orange Tennessee frame. The police also have a detail description of him AND the car. And he didn't take anything at all with him, as if he was just normally going to work.

That's the scary part. Most times when somebody is about to do something like we thought he did, they are more happy or something. He was perfectly, totally ordinary. Even are the same small breakfast, and was even making plans for later in the week.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
cage-Are there any relatives or good friends he has nearby that he has had increased contact with lately?
Is there anyway to track bank transactions from an account he has access?

No. The nearest family is in Tennessee, and those are his parents, and him and my mom share the same account, which is nearly barren as is, so the most he could afford is some gas, but even that's a stretch.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
phAZEDoes he have a car he took to work or a cell phone that can be traced? Also you should probably check with any other family/friends/coworkers to see if he hinted at any of this with them.

He took his car with him, and he turned his phone off, which he NEVER does. His note to my mother said that "I've been planning this for months." So if he had told anybody, this wouldn't be happening.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
scrimshawwhat was in the notes

They each were apology notes, saying he loved us, how sorry he was, and that this was his only option.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Help me find my father. in Off Topic

First, before anybody reads this, it's mostly asked to anybody who lives in Doylestown Borough in Bucks county, Pennsylvania.

Yesterday at 9:30 AM, my dad left me and both of my eleven year old brothers at home to go to work like he does every week. Only when my mom called from work asking if I'd heard from him, I hadn't, and she informed me that he never showed up for work did I get worried. We fear the worse because he left notes in his room for all of us. We filed an "endangered missing persons" report, but it's been 24 hours and still nothing.

Me and my family are new here, including him, so can anybody who lives or knows of the area I specified please answer this for me:

Where could he have gone?

The police won't search anywhere specific unless we give them an idea of where he could have gone, and we don't know anybody around here who could help, so I'm hoping like hell somebody here lives in this area too.

I'll be refreshing this page damn near constantly in hopes of seeing a helpful response.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Has a team ever tried to pocket soldiers? in TF2 General Discussion

Back in the dark days when my PC sucked to much to play TF2 and I had to play competitive xbox TF2, this would always be a viable option because neither soldier could use gunboats, and it was played similar to how scouts play, where one goes and does work while the other gets heals and then they swap.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 MGE iT V2.0 in TF2 General Discussion
Oblivionagedownpourall the other mge servers ive been visiting recently have been getting the same issues (firepowered, that one with the stupid name funhouse or something), where they get HUGE stutters and go back in time, idk why
idk why they haven't fixed it yet but that's the sole reason i haven't been playing on their servers. also what happened to the reddit mge server i mean it was full of shitlords but at least it wasn't a god awful server

Have you tried the Trashed Gamers MGE server? I'm on it fairly often and it never seems to have those issues, but it also has weapon bans and some class bans.

posted about 10 years ago
#95 Tf2 Dream Team in TF2 General Discussion

Whose ass is the one getting "whooped"

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Disabling Damage Pitches? in Q/A Help
hooliit works if you set both to the same value for me. here are all my dingaling cvar values:

tf_dingalingaling 1
tf_dingaling_volume .75
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 100
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 100
tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay 0

I tried copying this and it worked, thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Disabling Damage Pitches? in Q/A Help

So, most people here are likely familiar with the console command to make your hit sound have a high or low pitch depending on the damage you do. However, as far as I can tell, once you set it, it's impossible to make the hit sound only have one pitch. I've asked people this question before and they suggested I try to make the numbers the same value (i.e. 100) but all it did was disable my hit sound entirely. Does anybody know how to change it back to a single pitch?

posted about 10 years ago

A skype friend wanted a picture of me for reasons I didn't want to know, so I took a stereotypical picture of myself in the mirror with my pajamas on.

I also took it on an iPhone, so if the quality is shit, direct all blame to Apple.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 how should i prank my punk ass friend back? in Off Topic
Mr_OwlBlazePhoenixtell his mom he has a boyfriend
homophobia isn't funny dude

What Mr_Owl said.

If all else fails, you could do the old "water bucket door opening" prank where you put the bucket on the door barely open. Or you could just watch Home Alone and get ideas with that.

posted about 10 years ago
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