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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ⋅⋅ 59
#18 Genesis in Off Topic

Rooting for my friend Tohsaka who flew all the way from the Caribbean to take the prize money, top 8 smash 4.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 why is reflex so dead in Other Games
wruas someone who's visiting cpma/reflex discord quite frequently i saw lots of complaints in regards of developers and how allegedly they don't know shit about keeping their own game afloat; and of course when your updates go like 'added a bunch of melee skins and two bugfixes' for a while you know its no good (hi tf2). theyve added mm recently but im afraid at this point the game is beyond salvation: quake live has much more players and offers pretty nice 'casual' arena fps experience, if you want a real challenge - play cpma

the game doesnt belong to neither of categories coz its not as sharp as cpma and doesnt have enough players to even compete with quake. [*]

i just checked, the game's all time peak is 169 jesus christ for a game that was virtually everywhere at one point these numbers are drastic. glad to see Admirable's review on top though, hi Admirable!

While you're at it bud, come join in on CTF pickup some time :D

Also to those of you who play Reflex, you guys should queue for 2v2 more often please!

EDIT: Forgot to say to also queue for CTF :D

posted about 7 years ago
#119 Timing items instead of banning them in TF2 General Discussion
MochaSukhaHighclassMochaSukhafatswimdudeMochaSukhafatswimdudeim laughing imagining someones gun disappearing during a 1v1 and them raging
lol not like that, like a gun change on weapon switch or when they run out of ammo. or just a subtle switch to another weapon
thats dumb

either that or it just goes to a stock wep, which i feel is fair
You know what would be more fair? Being able to use a reasonably balanced weapon for the full duration of a video game competition.

i agree, but while valve is working on that this could possible be a substitute. if i had the power to balance every item and fix the game, believe me i would.

Naw dude, we already found a possible substitute that works with what Highclass said. Because you see, yesterday we had this "Global Whitelist" meeting(you should've been there!), and the whitelist is a thing that gets rid of the imbalanced/broken weapons and keeps in the balanced ones!!! So no worries dude, we got you bro, with this whitelist, we'll have reasonably balanced weapons for the full duration of a video game competition.

No need for timers, timers would just allow imbalanced/broken weapons in the first place! But with this magical whitelist created by people who happened to be online at the time, we can just NOT allow it whatsoever to achieve the goal that you and I agree on :)

posted about 7 years ago
#102 Timing items instead of banning them in TF2 General Discussion
HighclassMochaSukhafatswimdudeMochaSukhafatswimdudeim laughing imagining someones gun disappearing during a 1v1 and them raging
lol not like that, like a gun change on weapon switch or when they run out of ammo. or just a subtle switch to another weapon
thats dumb

either that or it just goes to a stock wep, which i feel is fair
You know what would be more fair? Being able to use a reasonably balanced weapon for the full duration of a video game competition.

He's got you there Mocha. Checkmate.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 TF Comics #6: The Naked and the Dead in TF2 General Discussion

Amazing read, with the lack of work/progress the TF2 team has put into the game last year, this somewhat makes up for it. One way to start the year off great, here's to hoping the Pyro Update will be just as satisfying.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Whitelist Changes Poll in TF2 General Discussion

I can't believe that people wanted sandman unbanned.

posted about 7 years ago
#61 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

Thanks Torragg, didn't want to look like a triple post :D
2016 was a great year for CPMA, and we're hoping that 2017 will be the same! We're starting off the year with a King of the Hill tournament on cpm22/Aerowalk hosted by dr0_vision, who will also in the future do a "king of 24" and "king of 3a". Unfortunately I fell asleep and didn't announce the EU division of the event, but HAL_9000 won it anyway :D

Last month, we had the arrival of a great man join the CPMA discord, a man known as arQon, the essential creator god of CPMA. myT has already been working on creating CPMA 1.50 for a while and with arQon helping out here and there, the result may be amazing. I'm personally guessing that in due time, it can come out this year!

-Added a CPMA FAQ made by me to the OP:
-Added a CPMA Server Spreadsheet to the OP:
-Added install instructions to use "KarpWings" to the OP:
The spreadsheet does not showcase all servers, but rather servers that the community typically uses.

Thank you for all the TF2ers that have tried out CPMA and I hope to see more try it out this year! If you have any questions about CPMA, feel free to ask here or on the discord!

EDIT: Forgot to add "KarpWings" installation instructions. Also I just named it that for funsies :D

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion

At least keep natascha and sandman banned please. I wouldn't mind some jarate shenanigans mixing it up:

at 0:11.

posted about 7 years ago

At first, baby Mireal didn't learn to stand up on his feet and walk, he learned to stickyjump and fly.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Banned from Comp Player hangout server? in TF2 General Discussion
ElkTF2stupid kids

Damn that blows dude. I don't know why they're harassing you because according to smokee's steam profile, he's the highlander pyro main.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 lf duel buddies (reflex/cpma) in Other Games

hit me up for CPMA, I'm the worst though :D

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Favorite childhood cartoon series/show? in Off Topic

Yugioh, xiaolin showdown, beyblade, teen titans, and honestly there's so much more. The shows back then were honestly just great.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Stepping down from TFTV in Off Topic

Thanks for all your hard work and contribution mana. I wish you luck in your future endeavors!

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Steam winter sale what to buy? in Other Games
faggetWhich multiplayer quake game should i buy?

QL for sure. It's actually at a decent price of $3.29 when I was just hoping it'd at least go to $4.99. I'd say most of the pubs in QL are just Clan Arena.

posted about 7 years ago
#113 hey in Off Topic

merry christmas, ty bud

posted about 7 years ago
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