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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
Posts 886 (0.2 per day)
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Monitor ASUS VE247H
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#10 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
Facstab I started just finding people's center profiles and lifting the ridiculous like 1,000 year bans, with such reasons as "This is clearly what you wanted, so here you go" and other things akin to those lines of reasoning. I started finding people's center profiles by just finding their names on and then going to their linked center profile from there. I know the sentiment for the site is kinda ass for the most part in 2024, but personally I'd like to try and get the site more on the up and up of more experienced and skilled players frequenting it. Personally I can only do so much, but I am more than willing to hear out anyone who has a suggestion and try and get things going with the brass of the site. The more influx in popularity the more reason to make the site better. If you have a silly or egregious ban that came from masternoob or otherwise from forever ago that came with an obviously stupid reason for even getting the ban in the first place, let me know.

That's a lot of dedication to something that not many would do. Hopefully those people still happen to be roaming TFTV and see this so they can check if they've been unbanned. Bans that are deserved have a place to stay within a limit depending on the circumstance, but bans that are overkill will only hurt the community. NA competitive TF2 players and newcomers already has a finite number, and then a % will ever actually use TF2C. So every ban is further limiting the # of possible players.

We now have a discord with a reliable ticket system(ban/unban requests, tech support, cooldown issues for when the system bugs out, general questions, etc.) that has been tremendously helpful in dealing with problems

You might want to edit your post and include the discord invite link.

TF2C may have a bad history, but it's functionality has always been decent, easy-to-use, and operable from a regular standpoint. Under Fac's direction and positive outlook, I think it's worth trying again. TF2C will only be as good as it's staff and players, and right now it needs players to really fulfill that.

Shoutout to Fac once again. For those that don't know, he's been around for over 10 years. His dedication to the game has always been strong, even during about more than half a decade he never had the hardware to run the game well and had multiple technical difficulties. In spite of this, he always kept trying and would come back, and when he finally did get some great hardware, his main commitment was to TF2. His passion for the game has always been unwavering.

posted 9 months ago
#2 Exploring Forgotten Competitive TF2 Maps in Map Discussion

i miss obscure

posted about a year ago
#46 wats yr fav old-school tf2 vid? in TF2 General Discussion

reupload of yoyotech with sound:
broder fragmovie:

unfortunately can't find riverdude's fragmovie anymore if he hid/deleted it. had a nice sync moment with the music and nade airshots in rapid succession.

posted about 2 years ago
#18 Ways to improve dm servers? in TF2 General Discussion
aieraThe fix to filling servers is having a website where you can queue without having to afk in a server and having queue pop at 6 and connect everyone once at least 6 press the "I'm here" button. I know several people who would be willing to pay for the project if someone had the knowhow. What's better is the .dm domain exists so you could have a quirky site name.

This is exactly what I was thinking to an extent. An easy website something like "", you choose EU or NA (or more if you want). It will utilize a list of DM servers chosen by community. Hit the queue button, and it will locate the first server on the list to populate and hit you with one of those "steam://" protocol connection messages like we have on other sites to connect, or if your browser allows it, autoconnect you. If it detects a server is full, it will just go next on the list. You can either wait for it to gather 6 players or instant connect you even if the server isn't quite full yet but if everybody starts using it, then the server will be filled within minutes anyway. The key thing here is people actually utilize it for ease of access and convenience. It's like matchmaking, it only works if you have enough people actually using it.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 twitch killing the in site stream viewer? in TF2 General Discussion

That's not happening to me when I use the sidebar. That message was happening for people using types of adblockers about a month or so ago.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 Fav Youtuber/Youtube channel? in TF2 General Discussion

Have quite a couple, but just wanted to mention Louis Rossman who repairs Apple products and goes out of his way to do it and fighting for Right To Repair. Also like his sense of humor time to time.

posted about 4 years ago
#8 frag vid archive in Videos

I'm glad you have zomblerz and other quake movies ! Looks like you got most of the stuff that I already had. Great job.

posted about 4 years ago
#204 Diabotical Kickstarter in Esports

NA "CPM" DBT Pickups Discord for those that want to play on the best physics diabotical has to offer at the moment:

Mainly trying to get CTF pickups going, but there's also TDM and Macguffin.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 where to play? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#52 what is the your most satisfying thing in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

when you truly finish configuring your config/hud exactly how you want it after spending a long time figuring it out

posted about 4 years ago
#62 The TF2 Aimbot Crisis in Videos

Speaking of pubs, do y'all want to play a pub tonight that's listed in the Servers tab?

Whoever's bored and just wants to play around could meet in like 30 minutes from this post (around 6:30PM Eastern) on this server:


Looks like no custom downloads and server has in title "Nocrit Nospread NoCrash" in it's name. So it seems pretty good.

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Half-Life 2 Developers React to 50 Minute Speedrun in Videos

Once starting this video, it was hard for me to stop watching. Their commentary throughout was quite nice to hear and some of the bits were interesting. It may be futile, but it'd be cool to still see the same for Episode 1 and 2 to see what more they may add in terms of some of the parts they developed/worked for extensively.

posted about 5 years ago
#49 ETF2L Ban Policy in TF2 General Discussion
JackyLegsa caught VAC banned cheater gets banned for 1 year and then gets welcome back like nothing happened, this person says offensive things and gets banned for 5 years?

A caught VAC banned cheater should really be either a permaban or at least 10 years (which is practically a lifetime ban).

If the kid responds back and actually apologizes, they should have a reduced sentence. If they don't, then it's actually fine as that would mean they don't care enough to apologize and don't care to play competitive TF2 through ETF2L which works out.

posted about 5 years ago
#80 Tagg: Why I "Quit" TF2 in Videos

With all the recent happenings/mentions in the past few years in regards of exposure of certain people in the community, the unfortunate experience that some players were victim to, and the overall "toxicity" (for this post, summing it up as the use of racist, sexist, homophobic slurs, and being a rude jerk) that has been around the community throughout all these years (and some of RGL bans of them), the need to pay attention to these issues and take action only becomes more critical for the community in my opinion.

Tagg is a great guy. I remember some of us playing Xonotic with him and he was having an enjoyable time as we all were, he's a genuinely cool dude from my perspective and it's truly sad he had to go through what he went through in his video (aside from the TF2 weapon balancing). For as long as I could remember and as well as all the other old TF2ers, toxicity has always been around for years and will continue in TF2 or other games. Back then people were "tolerant" of it while not being toxic themselves and there are still many today that are like that. That doesn't mean toxicity is okay though in the end. Yes, it does happen in games like LoL, CSGO, or any other game, but those games also have large playerbases/communities and if they lost players because of toxicity, they'll still always have many players. For the TF2 competitive community specifically, we're not as "huge" as those other games and in my opinion every player counts. It's also especially easy to lose new players that are just trying out comp TF2 if they encounter "toxic" players in their first few games and they start to quit because of it. Same goes for long time players that eventually get tired of it. And if anything, this video from Tagg may unfortunately discourage some players from trying or considering competitive TF2.

As mentioned before and despite all that has been happening in the community, the question still stands, will anything get done about this? Or just like all the other videos/threads/happenings from what the community now knows, will it just be ignored until the next thread? As for what can possibly be done about this, I'm sure people could think of all sorts of ways to work towards making the community a less negative experience. While many are opposed to RGL, they have already taken the initiative a bit in an attempt to try to show that this negative behavior isn't okay. Forum moderators could start cracking down more on certain posts/people. Players could start being less of a jerk and the nice/tolerant ones can start to speak up against those that are being toxic.

Also, a shoutout to all of the nice players/contributors who happen to be reading this that have stayed all this time, put up with the bullshit, and maintaining a more positive experience for the game and other/newer players. While competitive TF2 is a great attraction in terms of ruleset, it's people like you that really make it far more enjoyable and worth staying, and this community would be utterly worse without you guys. Thank you for being awesome.

posted about 5 years ago
#54 Half-Life: Alyx in Other Games

Can't wait for the speedruns on this one, will also save me some money.

posted about 5 years ago
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