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SteamID64 76561198021957956
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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
Posts 886 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity X
Windows Sensitivity 3
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Hardware Peripherals
Keyboard Rosewill
Mousepad TF2
Headphones Plantronics
Monitor ASUS VE247H
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#33 sigafoo x 7v7 fanfiction in Off Topic

Probably the most entertaining thing I've read so far this year, and probably ever. Absolutely well done, I'm hooked.

posted about 7 years ago
#48 Unpopular video game opinions in Other Games
jetzzzzzmakes me really sad to say this but it looks like arena fps is basically dead as a genre and likely won't have a resurgence in the near future

wouldn't say this is an unpopular opinion, heck nearly everyone in the AFPS community already acknowledges it.

Also I think CSS is a fine Counter-Strike game. It feels optimized, easy to run(although it helps that Valve doesn't really add updates that would destroy FPS), decently high graphics that look nice, and the gun sounds and deagle are perfect. It's a decentish game that's easy to run and can get people with bad computers to play. Although it'd be arguable to just play CS 1.6.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 Team Fortress 3 in TF2 General Discussion

-2012 TF2 for the most part as stated above
-An actual optimized game
-A bit more easier customization such as extending the fov up to at least 130
-Delete Pyro or actually properly rework it
-Comp MM with the Comp TF2 that we know(including class limits and weapon whitelists)
-Different competent developers with the right mindset we need that is FINALLY willing to give us what we have been wanting for years
-Updated localization files

posted about 7 years ago
#24 if fps games were genres of music in Off Topic

cs 1.6 is linkin park

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Dragon Ball FighterZ in Other Games
DarkNecridMagikarpAny keyboard player know if it has decent keyboard controls/playability ?
Yes, it's extremely playable on keyboard. Especially if you've played a Marvel game on keyboard (either UMVC3 or emulated Dreamcast Marvel 2 mainly) and are used to the kind of inputs/rhythm you gotta be in for a Marvel game.

Depending on your preferred inputs you might need a mechanical to avoid ghosting fucking you over, but ya.

Yup, I have a mechanical keyboard and was comfortable with keyboard when I was playing Ultra Street Fighter IV(although doing Akuma's combos were tedious). If you have played that game with keyboard perhaps you could compare it, would be much appreciated if so.

I was holding back on buying the game for a bit till I wait to see how it goes for everyone else and seeing the keyboard player responses. Thanks!

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Griff writes shitty raps in Off Topic

me please :D

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Dragon Ball FighterZ in Other Games

Any keyboard player know if it has decent keyboard controls/playability ?

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Q3A/CPMA cfg in Other Games

I have no idea if it works or if it's complete, but luckily phylum was recently working on making such a generator and after sifting through chat history I found this:
Feel free to join the CPMA discord at if you need any more help/information regarding commands/settings.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games


posted about 7 years ago
#65 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

Yet another huge necro bump. After a long eventful year of CPMA in 2017, we hope to have another good year for 2018. To those who have shown an interest in Quake(such as Quake Champions) but don't want to pay for it on Steam, CPMA is always open to play and far easier to run! Beginners and new players are always welcome and we'll try to help you out if you need any. But the big announcement is that after many years, CPMA is finally getting a new patch, CPMA 1.50, tomorrow January 7th.

Find out more on the stream tomorrow!

posted about 7 years ago
#90 merry christmas pt 2 in Off Topic

Happy Holidays!

posted about 7 years ago
#54 Early Christmas Present in TF2 General Discussion

Happy Holidays!

posted about 7 years ago
#7 avengers infinity war in Music, Movies, TV
SpaceCadetStill no Silver Surfer. Maybe they figure its just too early in the Infinity story for him to appear. They really need to get some stronger heroes to fight Thanos because everyone in this cast, except Thor, is a joke compared to Thanos.

I really hope that a few movies down the line when the story starts to take off, the Silver Surfer is brought into the movies. He has been fighting Thanos for a long time and if one of the few heroes that can stand up to him 1v1 without the gauntlet.

Marvel Studios doesn't have the character rights to the Silver Surfer as far as I'm aware. so it'll probably never happen until some deal is made with Fox like they did with Sony and Spider-Man.
May not be accurate, but just google imaged this up to show the general stuff:

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Lightning gun pyro in TF2 General Discussion

Just for reference:
CPMA LG is 10dmg per tick
QL/Reflex LG is 6dmg per tick
QC LG is 7dmg per tick

Each has it differently that works for their game. There's also more difference in terms of fire rate and etc. But I don't have those memorized. The range of the LG also varies.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 TF2 ProMod in TF2 General Discussion

I've always thought a TF2 ProMode would be enjoyable to at least play in the case that Valve never delivers. In terms of making the ProMode the official comp TF2 game that everyone would play, I don't think it'd work and be very hard, but as a side game for whoever wants to play in it for fun(and get away from all the bullshit), it'd be cool to test around. Perhaps it might even inspire Valve(lol) to copy over some changes.

To be honest, I find it ridiculous that Valve hasn't implemented at least some basic aspects of comp TF2 6's to comp MM yet and the restrictions they put on comp MM, particularly the class limits, viewmodel restriction, HUD restriction, and even graphical restriction. One of the few many spoken reasons about that during that time was so people wouldn't be confused when they watch a player's stream and see different stuff, or more specifically a high level player. It would seem that if Valve was trying to treat the game like CSGO or try to make it in a way for the future of Valve's vision of "competitive TF2" in eSports. But they obviously don't care enough it seems, and they have yet to truly deliver upon it or put an effort towards it. Overall, it's just a waste that comp MM ended up being when the comp TF2 community has developed over many years and solidified what works and how it should be, but Valve just chooses to just ruin all hope.

We can wait longer, we can continue to do what we're doing, we can deal with and live with the issues that Valve does not want to fix or cooperate with for many years more to come(and have already), what's another year or two...or three or more. A TF2 ProMode isn't out of the question completely, if it means for a chance to finally play the game how it's supposed to be, make the changes that we want, and possibly create something better.

posted about 7 years ago
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