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Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 59
#15 dexit (Pokémon) in Other Games

I'm glad I made the cut.

posted about 5 years ago
#52 Non tf2/cs fragmovies thread in Other Games

Lippu by ahxnxa and ovo
Youtube reupload is blocked in my country so here's this:

The Contenders 2 by entik:
Part 1 & 2 are on Youtube, but Part 2's music is gone, entik's twitch vod will have the full movie:

posted about 5 years ago
#32 Unveiling NACL in TF2 General Discussion
Tery_Y'all remember ESEA and CEVO? Two leagues ran at the same time. One shit the bed so everyone went back to the other. The community will decide which league will be the premier one, we've been here before (multiple times even).

Indeed. The same also went for lobby/pug services in the past. In the end, the community will/usually decide which will end up sticking around, usually the distribution could be like 70/30 or 80/20 and it winds up forcing the community to follow where the crowd is.

Also as mentioned in the OP:

The league will start with a few weeks break after the end of ESEA Season 31 playoffs, which are currently scheduled to conclude July 22.

I don't quite see why people continue to say it's "too late". Sure RGL announced itself prior already, but NACL still has some time to further establish itself and release more info.

If anything, both this and RGL could survive and work well in certain ways. It seems that RGL has the money so those like b4nny and etc. will be playing in that league. But will the league allow the players to play in the way that they prefer in terms of whitelists, maps, match formats, and etc. ? RGL could easily be the money league that doesn't quite have a format that people agree with while NACL could be the league that can provide a way to play that the community might prefer and perhaps be more "fun".

Anything could happen. It's still a bit early to make calls, but things will eventually/hopefully sort itself out in the next few months and we'll all see where it goes. It's unfair to put everything into RGL just because they announced first and ignore/neglect other leagues that are trying and in the end just trying to help and haven't been given a chance.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Unveiling NACL in TF2 General Discussion

Let the best league win.

Hopefully, the staff, service, and satisfaction between each of the leagues will be compared and be a ultimate decider on which will succeed ESEA. It'll be interesting to see which players pick what league and for what reason.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 One song you've been listening to a lot lately. in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 5 years ago
#64 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV
Show Content
I'm not well-versed into the comics but I do recall that the Captain America mantle was taken by Bucky and Falcon at some point, correct me if I'm wrong. But of course in different universes perhaps or something.

Personally, when I saw the Endgame ending and saw Falcon get it, I was disappointed at first it wasn't Bucky. But after thinking about it I would've been fine with either, I can understand why Steve chose Sam or not Bucky for a few reasons:

1. Bucky has already been through so much and also has had a dark red past, and perhaps after surviving/fighting throughout many of his years, he just wants to have some rest too, like how Steve finally got to "retire".
2. Bucky probably isn't interested.
3. Sam actually has a good friendly relationship with Steve, not saying Bucky doesn't as they have known each other the longest but Sam and Steve's journey together has always been quite good. In TWS, Sam was willing to help out even though he could die, lose everything, or etc., he voluntarily wanted to help find Bucky, also literally committed treason as he sided with Steve in Civil War and showed that sort of loyalty, and continued to help onward into Infinity War and Endgame despite the incredible enemy forces.

It seems like an odd choice to some or many but hopefully we can see it pan out well.
posted about 5 years ago
#33 what league are y'all gonna play in in TF2 General Discussion

After trying to catch up(probably missed quite a bit anyway) on the whole league stuff on which will be the new replacement, I think it's important to consider a lot of things.

First, I want to say that with ESEA ending its ties with TF2 as a league, this is possibly a great opportunity for the NA TF2 Community(or the whole TF2 community in general) to have a new beginning with a new league that can/will hopefully do better than ESEA during its run and perhaps even open up a chance to gain new players hopefully. Two important things to remember is: 1. What does the community really need? 2. Who can and is willing to provide it if possible?
I'd say #1 is highly important as it may ultimately lead to what people might choose to do, here's a short list of what I think the community could use in accordance with a new league:

A. A very organized, dedicated, knowledgeable, TRUSTWORTHY, and fantastic team that is highly likely to ensure good quality and not be questionable(as we known of in the past...)
B. Willing to communicate with the community and take them into consideration.
C. A very decent well-running functional website with a great UI in order to actually run the league and represent information.
D. Connections with a great production team/casters and of the sorts, kind of tied with A.
E. Multiple available decent servers with an actual working STV.
F. Willing to communicate with the community and take them into consideration.
G. Actual possible unity(the more unification there is, the better for games like TF2 and such).
H. Willingness to improve, as maybe they don't start out well at first or have X, but are willing to expand and provide it in the future.

There's probably a lot more, but do note I didn't list "LAN" or possible LAN. It's important to consider that you have to think about what's most important and I know that some leagues or people have this idea of trying to have a TF2 LAN or some eSports ideas involved and such, but there are also many people that are done/past that and just want to play the game, but hey you never know, maybe if we can first establish a good community-run league then there can always be plans for LAN in the future. Personally, I think it's more important to establish the most unified "go-to" league that has a lot of the aspects I mentioned and is more community-run, because a community can last longer in the long run than a different provider(ESEA, ESL, Faceit, or etc.) as you never know how long they might last or continue to support the game.

I haven't checked out all these new leagues that are popping up, their site UI, and what they can provide/do for the community, but one other important thing to consider is the players themselves and which league they decide to go with. We're still generally a small community with a limited number of possible teams. It is not good if a community as small as competitive TF2's splinters. An example, back then after tf2lobby ended, people were splintered between tf2center, tf2stadium, and for a small while, with all of them having great UI and potential, but just an unnecessary splinter. I'd think it'd be cooler if some groups/leagues collab, as someone mentioned having RGL+twiikuu team work together(which can be good as we lessen the # of possible splinters and can put more people working together to be able to handle providing the service).

Anyways, I hope in the end it all works out and the community be will be able to settle in a fine league run by a great team. Just remember to consider what the community really needs to survive and be able to have them play the game they love.

posted about 5 years ago
#62 what's ur goto order from mcdonalds in Off Topic

Used to be between:
20 pc McNuggets
2 Plain McDoubles
2 Cheeseburgers

with an additional fries + large drink, but now I just mix it up and try to utilize the McDonalds app (which as of lately included/includes $1 Large fries).

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Announcing TFTV NA Recasts in News

Holy shit, you guys got BUICK!!! One of the most humble guys in the community ever.

posted about 5 years ago
#73 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

Sorry for the late notice guys, meant to post this on Sunday night but been busy.

As mentioned earlier, we are having an NA only(Canada, USA, Mexico) event this April! That means NA servers and NA players only as we haven't had one since last year and multiple of our events are EU, so this month we're taking a break.
On Saturday, April 20th, 2019, we will be hosting the NA Amphi Cup @ 17:00 PDT/18:00 MDT/19:00 CDT/20:00 EDT with a 1 hour prior check-in(need to check-in/be available within 1 hour prior to the start).

For those who don't know what amphi is, it's a map with a octogonal field and surrounded by lava, and with the timelimit set to 2 minutes, you and your opponent are to have an "aim"-like duel and try to score the most points. Also, you may know about amphi as an arena in MGE, this is where the concept draws inspiration from. So for those that are huge aim/DM nerds, or the KAT(Kovaak's Aim Trainer) lovers, this cup may be the cup for you!
But of course it'd be sort of stale if it was a 1 map only cup, we also have other maps that fall into a amphi-esque/aim-practice category to help make the cup more interesting. We are including fd-b2 which is like amphi but with a void but in the style of the Smash Bros. map Final Destination! And lastly, the third map is brdmm1_b2 which is made by fellow TF2er Benroads! His map draws more inspiration of endif(yup endif spawns) and also has an interesting mechanic of grenades exploding upon contact with the ground, and also has lava with a jumppad on each corner to possible make a comeback for those who can airstrafe. You can see a bit of the looks of each map in the below poster.

To those that are interested, join the CPMA Discord and PM me @Magikarp#1497.
You can find more info and the map downloads here:

I hope to see some NA TF2ers join in!

posted about 5 years ago
#71 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

Sorry for the huge bump. Just wanted to let you guys know that CPMA 1.52 & CNQ3 1.51 is now out! 2018 was an amazing year for Promode and we already started off this year with 2 Beginner events(Duel and 2v2)! Quite a number of you EU TF2ers have recently even been playing and joining the last two events, we hope to see more of that!

For those who want to join in on the fun, the CPMA community at the moment is largely based around NA, EU, RU, and a little bit of AU(Oceania). But we are always hoping to grow as much as we can in other parts of the world. We definitely have some events lined up and hoping to host this year, with an NA only(we needed more of these) event happening this April(TBA) and an international(usually EU based) event coming soon after.

Join the CPMA Discord to grab the whole CPMA package(everything's ready for you!), get help, and find games!

You can also find the official download links to the new version of the mod (CPMA 1.52) and client (CNQ3 1.51) here:

Hope to see some more TF2ers join in on the fun!

posted about 5 years ago
#36 Halo coming to Steam in Other Games

Return of the Gandhi Hop

posted about 6 years ago
#79 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
lucrativeI actually applaud pete for posting this.

unpopular opinion. I know people have been using this for a long long time (kinda like how mustard was saying) and I truly do believe more people are gonna be pissed because they don't want other people knowing about it, but the fact is people are already using it, making it "private" just worsens the issue by not allowing other people to have the same advantage. yes its shitty it ruins a class entirely, but what you rather have at this point? everyone has the same advantage and the clarity of the situation being much more defined, or just a few people using it to cheat?

think b4nny bind but only a few people can use it. (not saying its a cheat, but by comparison its a script that gives a blatant advantage over people that don't use it)

I agree, if this was an issue years ago that a few people have been known to using it, then if anything it's just staying as a "hidden private" cheat for these people who may never get caught or banned as they get away with an unfair advantage.

Pete making this more public is great, and the fact that there's already at least 3 pages on the thread(and hopefully more) is good. Let more people start abusing it, or as hooli has mentioned, get the pubbers angered about it so that Valve will possibly pay attention. This will either lead to:
1. Valve eventually fixing it and thus getting rid of the people that have been using it(and who will ever use it).
2. More and more people continue to using it, and Valve not fixing it after a certain period of time where it's ridiculous, but clearly solidifying their stance on the future support for TF2(to b4nny, that means it's not all about unbanning more weapons in whitelists).

Honestly, if this does get to the point where it becomes more known and used on public servers, just a PC gamer/vg247/kotaku article will start talking about the craze, and then perhaps Valve will start to see the bad public image of it and get to fixing it.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 New Frag Video Website in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyThe next logical step is to make a 24/7 twitch channel that plays tf2 videos from this site and does requests. Kind of like tempustv but for fragvidsBumFreezeIt would be great if this could host videos itself e.g. ones that get banned in certain countries for music on youtube

Both of the above ^ would be great for sure, especially with the name of the site being "fragcapsule" as it can act as a time capsule for these fragmovies in case they are ever removed from youtube or etc. But of course you would have to go out and acquire the highest quality download available for the movies if there is any(a good amount will include a DL link).

Also could you add this to the Quake series section? The original uploader deleted their channel, but WASD has a reupload:

Thanks. Hope to see some more improvements and such. The site is a cool concept and can act as a a good hub to finding good fragmovies.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Pre-TFTV in Q/A Help

stultus posts on natf2 back then were gold

posted about 6 years ago
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