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Last Posted May 28, 2017 at 4:48 PM
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#106 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
b4nnyAbsolutely pointless to change a map that plays well so that the rollout is flashy. Focus on the other changes plz.

So removing some player clipping is going to shift the meta? ok.

posted about 10 years ago
#104 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

people who think rollouts are hard, should probably practice more instead of whine, but we shouldn't make the fast rollout easier, jsut more smooth, and have more ways of doing fast rollouts than just 1 so you can have more possibilities (and more interesting) mid fights.

posted about 10 years ago
#100 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
iridescentFUZZExquisiteStoneFirst of all, how is that a hard rollout? Second of all, do you want me to find a better one?
I've tried both left and right rollouts pretty extensively, and the right one is notoriously hard to hit often enough for it to be a reasonable rollout. Even with the left rollout(minus the arch) it'll end up being pretty damn hard for most people to get a proper pogo jump.

I think a fence might server better than the arch there.

I am going to discuss with Hyce on how to make a more smooth rollout (but not necessarily faster)

posted about 10 years ago
#97 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
QuartzPheaaThe rollout through main is like the exact same speed as the one through left, don't remove the arch cause of the rollout. That being said, the arch is kindof obnoxious cause there is too little area to jump around/over it. It makes jumping from spire to the door past the arch a bit shit cause you don't really know where the wall is around the arch. Really like the little door to banana though, that's cool.
Unless you mean this one ( which is pretty much impossible to do consistently then no, there's no rollout that's the same speed as the left one. Most of the others are about 2/3 secs slower

First of all, how is that a hard rollout? Second of all, do you want me to find a better one?

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Infinite - A TF2 Market Gardener Fragmovie in Videos
Mr_OwlYou're all fucking stupid stop being stupid

thanks for bumping the thread I will tell obsidiian to put your name in his next shoutout!

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Infinite - A TF2 Market Gardener Fragmovie in Videos


posted about 10 years ago
#16 Infinite - A TF2 Market Gardener Fragmovie in Videos
RadmanOblivionageExquisiteStoneNever have I seen so much talent in a single person in my life O:
half of market gardener kills are luck-based.
You can say the same about airshots.

if anything they are more lucky

posted about 10 years ago
#2 LOVE 3 - Sniper Fragmovie by thaZu in Videos

Looks great, I like the CC, Good frags, nice use of SFM, enjoyed it but found the music not really well fitting

posted about 10 years ago
#90 Boeing 777 Shot Down in Ukraine in Off Topic
marmadukeGRYLLSon a random side note people saying war/shit like this happens over money, you're mistaken. it's about power. power > money

Except in this world money = power

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Infinite - A TF2 Market Gardener Fragmovie in Videos
OblivionageExquisiteStoneNever have I seen so much talent in a single person in my life O:
half of market gardener kills are luck-based and considering how the frags were collected over a 2.5 month period i disagree with you.

frags were pretty cool some were stale but others were incredible. looks like you put a lot of effort into this good job :)

yes dude you're a genius

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Infinite - A TF2 Market Gardener Fragmovie in Videos

Never have I seen so much talent in a single person in my life O:

posted about 10 years ago
#70 Boeing 777 Shot Down in Ukraine in Off Topic
HandcuffedslidefuturePheeshThis is 80 were children as well. Judging from some comments here I guess this also serves as a time to reveal you're a sociopath.
rough way to go, wouldn't want to die on a plane, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

does anyone know if the plane actually broke up in mid-air?

or did it just sustain damage and then plummet - because if this is the case imagine those few seconds for the crew. horrifying.


I know it sounds weird but lets hope the plane just entirely got ripped apart and everyone died without having to be in insane stress and panic.. :(

posted about 10 years ago
#48 Boeing 777 Shot Down in Ukraine in Off Topic
VectriWhy do people have to die for something to be done about an issue?


posted about 10 years ago
#44 Boeing 777 Shot Down in Ukraine in Off Topic
fosterpanda__Why Malaysia Airlines again though? Do flights between those locations always pass through Ukrainian airspace?

If this was a deliberate setup, does that mean Malaysia Airlines has some sort of corruption? Does this have anything to do with the previous flight disappearing?

So many for thought.
The flight was from Schipol in Belgium back to Malaysia.

That flight path goes directly over Ukranian airspace. It's not a conspiracy, it took the most direct route from Europe back to Malaysia which happens to be in dangerous part of Europe right now.

It was Schipol in Aalsmeer (Netherlands) actually, close to Amsterdam

not that it matters

posted about 10 years ago
#36 Boeing 777 Shot Down in Ukraine in Off Topic

This shit always makes me question if universes (like in the hunger game series) where there is one big dictating state ruling over the others, treating them like shit, while they have advanced medicine, technology and basically nothing to worry about.

Then everyone thinks to themselves, that is fucked up.

But everytime this stuff comes on the news again I realise it's where we at right now... and I am one of those worryless ignorant people who don't help the ones getting neglected.

posted about 10 years ago
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