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Last Posted January 7, 2015 at 7:52 PM
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#47 what is the new face in The Dumpster

posted about 10 years ago
#567 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Well to be fair, his avatar pretty effectively portrays him, 'specially after this:

TaKoCheeseHi yuki. Your soldier game is shitty. I'm on my desktop and I'm challenging you at my mge spot . You say there is nothing happening, it's OK, you can keep fapping. Star pocket soldier for immunity? More like a mge pussy

I think you should probably go back to your all-crit trade server, mate. There's more to being a part of a team than good DM, and even that is something MGE won't necessarily give you.

EDIT: Shit, I got mega-ninja'd and I missed half the action. That was quick.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 shouldnt it be calle d in The Dumpster

With how many of these threads there are going to be at this rate...

Couldn't posts here like

Not be in the "forum activity" feed on the side?


posted about 10 years ago
#25 Everyones favorite meme? (Intro Part 2) in The Dumpster

This is my religion now.

posted about 10 years ago
#72 in TF2 General Discussion

We just released the first of a series of articles based on "What Makes a Good Competitive Map." Sorry it took a little longer than we intended!

This particular part of the series focuses on the midfight, and the middle point.

You can find it here:

Feedback and input would be greatly appreciated, as well as others own thoughts on what makes a good competitive map.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Well, to be honest, the same people (such as Lange) can't be expected to pour their hearts and souls into the game for their entire lives.

Honestly the fading-away of some of these big names in competitive TF2 sounds like it's calling for some generational succession here. The community is just too comfortable where it is to try changing things up a little and to try some newer ideas out. (New maps are always great, and this arena respawn thing is pretty cool.) TF2 cannot stay afloat on its big name stars forever. Eventually new stars will begin to show themselves and TF2 will experience the seasonal revival Lange spoke of. I think the community just needs to be open to that.

Or we could just keep sitting here brooding about how our game will never be as big as CS:GO and Dota, and end up our own downfall. Pessimism is pretty much normal nowadays after all.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 End of the Line in TF2 General Discussion
DeetrMarcatoYou people sure do have high-standards.
I mean expecting more than 1 melee reskin for a "major" update doesn't seem like high standards to me

Well I was moreso referring to the sfm. A lot of people in this thread seem to be complaining about it, despite it's absolutely monstrous length given the visual content and 3D content, and the simply stellar soundtrack.

Might I add that relying on so much custom content for this SFM and how hard and far they had to push the engine to get it to do this stuff (primarily the massive train and landscape shots), that really makes for a whole lot of work and resources to produce.

The SFM is the real focus and achievement here, unfortunately, as opposed to the update itself. I can understand that Valve probably doesn't want to take attention away from the SFM, but for how much hype EotL had, the update content was a major letdown, especially considering the progress of the map that was being made.

Oh well.

Valve just doesn't trust the community that's kept their game going for the last 5 or 6 years to make a good update.

Then again I can see where they're coming from. Have you seen some of the community weapon stats that are discussed and suggested in the workshop?

posted about 10 years ago
#17 End of the Line in TF2 General Discussion

You people sure do have high-standards.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Looking for a game in Other Games

If you're looking for mobility, larger amounts of health and class-based gameplay, go for Tribes: Ascend. Fantastic game.

Tribes: Ascend is all about speed and aim. Some projectile weapons inherit your velocity and momentum, while others such as hit-scan weapons make for high-risk high-reward with the precision required to nail a fast moving target.

Quite a bit more serious in nature and tone than TF2, but still an incredible game nonetheless. I just wish its competitive format would take off a little more.

Or you could just play runescape I guess. :?

posted about 10 years ago
#71 in TF2 General Discussion
dashnerI'm still waiting to see this mythical casting HUD

Hey! Sorry for such a late response to this question... there was a little chaos on our side as we juggled a few newcomers and worked to improve our organization and handling of things. Rest assured things have settled down now, especially with the lull in the ETF2L season before the playoffs.

Unfortunately the casting HUD is still a bit of a work in progress... It's quite close to completion, but we're currently refining the details of it to make it more visually appealing without it becoming too noisy. We're just trying to work out the kinks at the moment.


Meanwhile, HELLO. I am one of the writers for maincall now, and am currently fulfilling my duty of being that one Canadian guy. Basically I'm here to say "eh" a lot, shove pancakes down peoples throats, and rant loudly about hockey.

In all seriousness though, I'm also here to make sure Toast doesn't miss anything like important questions from fellow casting peoples, and to try to keep communication between maincall and the actual community in tact...

There are currently several articles in the works right now, one of which I'm currently working on in regards to maps and map-making. However that likely won't be done until later this weekend.

Until then though, I shall continue pretending to be European from here in Canada and will happily answer any questions here that I'm capable of answering. If not I'll just go yell at one of the resident Euro's on the team.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 eSource is looking for enthusiastic commentators! in TF2 General Discussion

I'm attempting to add you on steam, but it keeps returning me an error.

"Error adding friend. Please try again." Well I tried again, about 10 times in the last fifteen minutes. Is your friends list full again?

posted about 10 years ago
#2 and sizzling stats - server issues in Q/A Help

You're not the only one having trouble with sizzling stats. I can't speak for, but we also couldn't view our .ss logs in our web browsers, and had to screencap it for future reference. Not only that, but we had random extra players thrown into the log as well, including "XTS // Cozen" (this was after they became eLevate might I add, and Cozen had changed his tag by then) and "Showstopper______DADDY", Ben and LVG were in there also, all supposedly "participating" in the game briefly.

Here's the screenshot: FULL SIZE LINK

If many people are experiencing these problems then the update must of screwed something up. Hope there's a fix soon.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 class with hardest transition from pub to 6s in TF2 General Discussion

As a medic main, I personally found the switch from pubber to 6s quite drastic. Now I wouldn't necessarily say it's the hardest transition, but I found it pretty up there.

In pubs, you don't have to worry about comms, tracking uber advantages, and can generally just choose a pocket (typically a heavy or demoman in a pub environment) and just keep your pocket ahead of you. Sure, masses of spies and snipers are a pain, but assuming you're a good pub medic before going into competitive you're generally keeping your eyes out for them anyways.

In competitive 6s, you're often depended upon for main calling (meaning lots of comms and listening closely to what your team is calling out), knowing the enemy uber advantages, heal orders, surfing and overall strong competitive game sense. When all these factors are combined together, along with the fact that a large majority of competitive players expect their medic to be invite level and love to yell at their medics, I found it to be a pretty rough road transitioning over to it.

posted about 10 years ago
#88 Why that class? in TF2 General Discussion

I was originally going to go into competitive as a scout, but was struggling because I can't hitscan. I played medic in a pub with my demoman friend who had been playing competitive much longer than me, and he said I was a pretty good medic.

"lol ok man"

I proceeded to research competitive medic and I thought to myself "man, this is easy!" Big mistake, because I got yelled at in lobbies a lot. I got better of course, after eventually figuring out that a medics responsibility isn't just holding down M1 on whoever is closest to you. (Advantages, heal order and priority, survival positioning, etc.)

Now I like and stick with the class because I like the leadership role they generally take with the pocket. I feel important and I know the team is depending on me for making the push calls and strats on the spot. That, and I still can't aim hitscan weapons.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 i52 NA Qualifiers - Round Robin in Events


posted about 10 years ago