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Country Croatia
Signed Up January 12, 2016
Last Posted September 8, 2023 at 9:48 AM
Posts 41 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3
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#3909 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

hey, im trying to implement overwatchHUD's menu into m0rehud and im trying to make all of the buttons the same.

however this happens:

any idea on how to make these buttons work and look proper?

posted about 8 years ago
#5 b4nny's twitch page deleted? in The Dumpster

works fine for me

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Best TF2 Screenshots? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#1485 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Yeah that's not how it works. You can't just set a budget and then ignore it.
If anything I'd get an RX 480 but I already told you that you don't need it.

You're on a budget. There will always be a faster card that's only "a bit" more expensive.
You'll get your 144fps with the 470 just fine. The more you spend on a GPU that you don't need the longer you have to save up to get a 144Hz monitor. I just don't see the point of getting maybe 190 instead of 160fps but being stuck with a 60Hz monitor because of it.

Fair enough.

Well, that's all the questions I'll need to be asking so thanks a lot for all the time you put into answering my questions and composing the build!

posted about 8 years ago
#1483 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Here's the list:
2 of these

Should be <5000 total, but it's without the RX 470 since none are listed yet. You could in theory afford an RX 480 but I think it would be overkill so that money is better used for a 144Hz monitor some time in the future.

Monitor for later once you've saved up a bit again:

Hey, I've been told that the GTX 1060 is a better card and it only exceeds my budget by a small amount so can I fit in the GTX 1060 in this build instead of the 470?

posted about 8 years ago
#1469 PC Build Thread in Hardware
I forgot to ask if you need an ODD.
Won't quite finish it today but monitor is going to be difficult.
I'll show you the options tomorrow but it'll probably mean dropping down to an i3.

Also RX 470s aren't listed yet so I'm just guessing the price.

I guess just buying a monitor later would be the better choice then.
I'll be fine without a new monitor.
I'd prefer a 900 euro PC build without a monitor.
Sorry for the bother, I was just wondering if it would be worth it but it doesn't seem so.

posted about 8 years ago
#1466 PC Build Thread in Hardware
I'll see what I can do.
Lightboost yes/no?
FreeSync yes/no?

I don't need Lightboost or FreeSync.

posted about 8 years ago
#1464 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Budget in Kn would actually be better. I'll get on it later today.

Alright well, turns out I can have up to 7000kn max in budget which makes for ~900 euro.

Since my budget is higher than I expected it to be, I am thinking of maybe even buying a new monitor by cutting some of the budget for the components and buying a monitor with it.

I am thinking of 120hz and 144hz monitors. Do you think I could get a 120/144hz monitor alongside a good PC with this budget?

posted about 8 years ago
#1462 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hey, the 470 has been released 2 days ago and I'm ready to buy and build the new PC.

My budget it 700 euro max and I'd like the PC to be good enough for consistent 144fps (or at least 100+ fps) on TF2, CS:GO and Overwatch if possible. I don't mind if I have to lower the settings on Overwatch to get solid fps.

I will have to be buying it from a local store so these 2 are the most popular ones here: - under Izbor Valute in the top right corner you can chose Eur (€)

This is the build you were aiming at last time:

When are you going to build?

If you can wait for the 470 / 460, those should be just about what you need.

How much storage do you need? It would make it easier if you need less than 250GB because then you wouldn't need an HDD for now, but HDD + SSD should be possible as well.

I haven't worked out the exact prices and components yet but the usual i5-6500 (maybe 6600), 8GB RAM, 250GB 850 Evo etc. build should work.

I am completely fine with 250GB of space.

Thank you for your time Setsul!

posted about 8 years ago
#128 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

sign up pls
you can sign up solo if u dont have a stack ready
check-in starts in 30 mins

posted about 8 years ago
#1380 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulYou know that doesn't improve the situation since the 470 and 460 aren't released yet?

oh yeah....
they are coming out july 29th as im seeing on this post?

posted about 8 years ago
#1378 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Ok, post again in the week before you build to remind me and I'll figure out a partlist with the the prices at that time.
No point in doing it yet if the prices might change again.

Alright, well turns out I am able to build it now.

However, I can only get the parts from these 2 sites: - this one is much preferred

posted about 8 years ago
#1377 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Ok, post again in the week before you build to remind me and I'll figure out a partlist with the the prices at that time.
No point in doing it yet if the prices might change again.

Alright, will do. Thank you!

posted about 8 years ago
#1375 PC Build Thread in Hardware
When are you going to build?

If you can wait for the 470 / 460, those should be just about what you need.

How much storage do you need? It would make it easier if you need less than 250GB because then you wouldn't need an HDD for now, but HDD + SSD should be possible as well.

I haven't worked out the exact prices and components yet but the usual i5-6500 (maybe 6600), 8GB RAM, 250GB 850 Evo etc. build should work.

I am most likely going to be buying the pc next month, so I've got a lot of time.

I dont really need a lot of storage, 250GB will be just fine for me. I've been used to the 150GB life ever since I started using computers.

posted about 8 years ago
#1372 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Define "good fps". Cinematic 30 fps? 60 fps? 120fps?
DamnEasyDefine "good fps" :D, could be 60 fps, 120/144 fps, 300 fps

Good fps would be consistent 120+fps or just consistent 100+fps

I don't think there's an optimal budget. 600 is a good starting point though. It depends on prices so maybe you can get what you want for 550, maybe you need 620 or have to sacrifice something.

Alright, my budget can go to 600-700 euro max

Do you know which shop(s) you'll be buying from or a price comparision site? There's often more than one part that would do the job but I can only guess which one would be cheaper for you.

I will have to be buying it from a local store so these 2 are the most popular ones here: - under Izbor Valute in the top right corner you can chose Eur (€)

However you can feel free to give me some parts which arent in these stores, I might still be able to find them in other ones

Also settings in Overwatch would be important to know.

I don't need the highest settings or w/e just being able to run the game at 100+fps at the default settings and even lowering the settings wont really bother me as long as the game runs at 100+fps

posted about 8 years ago
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