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Signed Up July 28, 2012
Last Posted July 9, 2024 at 9:34 AM
Posts 1663 (0.4 per day)
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#1 I'll Cast Your Games in TF2 General Discussion

Hey friends,

I quit my job (no worries financially gonna be fine for like a year or more) and I'm looking for new work, but that's not an 8 hour a day gig so, I've got some free time. It would be fun to cast some TF2 again.

Old school youtube recordings are the order of the day.

Send your 6v6 STVs to with:
E-mail Subject: STV from (username)
Rosters for the players or provide a link to a match page
Location, League/Skill Level, and time frame (I'm open to casting any skill level, any geography, and even older stuff)
A brief description of why the STV is interesting.

For now I'll post em' here:, but I'd be down to add content to other pages too.


posted 7 months ago
#10 Retrospection Chats in Videos

Thanks for having me :D

posted about a year ago
#8 RGL S12 Invite 6s Playoffs: #2 Greasy Dothogs vs. #3 THE COVENANT in Events

Thanks Siyo for asking me to do this. Casting TF2 is just so much fun. What a wonderful game, and great to get to talk to Gecks again - and Giblert, I'm glad you're alive lol.

posted about a year ago
#6 RGL S11 W3B: 3D3M vs. Like A G6 in Matches

It was my first game back and it was a blast!

posted about a year ago
#6 Spilled beer on keyboard in Hardware

Whenever you spill something on a keyboard there is a solid chance that it has died forever. That's the "random spamming" because electrical magic is going on. The best practice is to immediately unplug the keyboard and leave it upside down for several days, and then see what you've got to work with from there. Submerging in alcohol can work, but because the failure rate in my experience is so high I usually don't bother going that far. If it's still doing random stuff 72+ hours after the incident having been left upside down, it's probably FUBAR.

posted about 4 years ago
#15 what happened to warmfront in Map Discussion

I knew CP ashville was going to be glorious when I saw whatever team ma3la was on the season it was introduced opt never to push off last and just time the round out repeatedly. Then for the only time that I really recall, that became the "meta" for the rest of the season and we all just quietly forgot that map and the horrible things it made us do after its week was done.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 what happened to warmfront in Map Discussion

Warmfront was a fun map - particularly the mid. There were attempts to transform it into a sort of KOTH map after it fell out of favor, but I don't think that materialized very effectively. I also really liked the second point.

The main reasons it was removed:

Last was very unpopular. It's huge, so the "tag-bomb" rinse repeat was really hard to execute if impossible to use effectively given the distance you had to close (prolane and freight had a similar issue). On the defending side, if you lost most of your team defending, it was really difficult to push out to second because of how much distance you needed to cover to get to second, and how relatively exposed you were on the point once you got there.

During LAN Enigma held middle by getting a heavy on house which made it extraordinarily difficult to push middle and foiled many pushes, even those with advantage - simply because heavy is pretty good when he has the high ground and is in a defensive setting. Gullywash/Badlands have similarly good heavy spots at mid, but are big enough you can get around him, your options are more limited in on warmfront, but some of its effectiveness is related purely to the LAN environment and how rare heavy play is/was.

Some people complained about the FPS performance loss on the map due to lack of optimization present in the map at the time.

There was a hilarious strategy that was actually used wherein you could have your scouts drink crit-a-cola and stand with the short stop at the top ramp on mids and any soldier that jumped just got instantly vaporized lol.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 RGL S3 W3A: MyAnimeList vs. ah shie in Matches

I had fun.

posted about 4 years ago
#104 so are y'all gonna be voting for joe biden now in Off Topic

Hey there Snack, I'll explain some of the stuffs.

Yes, there are third party candidates. In some states they are able to get onto the ballot, but typically they do not and you have to write their name into a blank space below the candidates which got onto the ballot. The difficulty of doing that varies from state to state. In my state, Indiana, the Secretary of State has to approve names which can be written in the blank space, if they are not an approved candidate, your vote is not counted.

Spoiled and null ballots aren't really discussed here, but participation rate definitely is. My personal intention is to show up to vote for several local offices (who generally run as either Republican or Independent) and leave the rest blank. It's also important to do this in Indiana because if you miss an election your name will be purged from the register and you'll have to go re-register to vote in the next election which is a pain.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 I want to become a TF2 caster. How do I start? in TF2 General Discussion

You pick a match - doesn't really matter which - and you commentate it solo. Then you record that using some cheapo software, and post it to youtube, then you post to TF.TV and make your thread title something akin to "Casting Advice" and you post a link to your video you made of you casting, and leave an explaination that you'd like some help.

As long as it's not a tire fire, you should be casting in no time. Worked for me anyways ;)

posted about 4 years ago
#100 so are y'all gonna be voting for joe biden now in Off Topic

To quote Stalin. Both are worse.

Trump is worse because he is Trump - a disgusting charlatan who represents all of the brokenness of a system which produces such men, whose only real talent is self promotion and filing bankruptcy, and then allows them to be president.

Biden is worse because he actively promises not to change anything when there are very clearly many broken things in the United States.

Biden is in danger not only because he alienates the left-wing of the Democratic party, but also because he is actively ceding the populist furor of our cultural moment to Trump. It also damages the Democratic Party to portray Trump supporters as proto-fascists who are white trash/hicks/hillbillies - because it exposes clearly that American liberals have an especial distaste for the lower class, in particular the rural lower class.

The proper course of action is to refuse to participate at all - withdraw consent.

posted about 4 years ago
#52 The TF2 Aimbot Crisis in Videos

The year was 2020, after being inadvertently killed by Valve, the TF2 community servers (lifeblood of the game) rise from the ashes due to lack of maintenance on Valve's part and a bot campaign being carried out for unknown reasons.

I remember a time when, on the SourceOP 24/7 goldrush server, if you were a regular user you could enter a command in chat which would ping the server admins on their phones to summon them into the server's chat to purge cheaters and reprobates immediately - they didn't even have to launch the game.

posted about 4 years ago
#28 quarantine activities ? in Off Topic

I'm updating digitized photograph records :/ Ie Working. My remote connection is very laggy so that is my canned excuse for my extraordinary lack of productivity.

posted about 4 years ago
#113 Any confirmed corona cases in the tf2 community? in Off Topic

Hope things turn out OK Proto :(

posted about 4 years ago
#46 Any confirmed corona cases in the tf2 community? in Off Topic

No cases where I live, but we had a county wide-meeting via teleconference and our hospital already reported that they're overwhelmed due to people erring on the side of caution and calling in.

We have to run these "simulations" we call Godzilla meetings every month as part of county government. About 2 years ago we had "virulent flu" as one of our issues - every single hospital employee and their families all died and we received a failing grade from the state. Hopefully the lessons we learned from that get put to good use.

posted about 4 years ago
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