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Signed Up October 17, 2013
Last Posted August 11, 2016 at 9:50 PM
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#45 setsul appreciation post in Off Topic

I trust Setsul more than 99% of the so-called experts on computer hardware forums. We are very lucky to have him here!

posted about 8 years ago
#1490 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Ok, how does this look?

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Phanteks PH-TC14PE_BK 78.1 CFM CPU Cooler ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock Z170 Pro4S ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($82.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($62.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($89.39 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($46.88 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon RX 480 8GB Red Devil Video Card ($300.00)
Case: Fractal Design Define S ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Rosewill 550W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($54.99 @ Newegg)
Monitor: AOC G2460PF 24.0" 144Hz Monitor ($229.81 @ Amazon)
Total: $1207.01
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-08-09 07:04 EDT-0400

MSRP for the RX 480 Red Devil is 269$ so it should be easily within budget once it's back in stock somewhere.

Looks really good. Two last thoughts:

1. What PSU would you recommend if you shaved off $50 by dropping the HDD (I'm going to use my existing one)?
2. Any idea on the difference between the Red Devil & the MSI Gaming X?

posted about 8 years ago
#1486 PC Build Thread in Hardware
More like as soon as Intel supports Adaptive Sync it'll be used in Notebooks to lower power draw, if it's used that widely the hardware becomes dirt cheap, every monitor will then have it since it's almost free and not having it would look bad. Suddenly nVidia will announce that Volta or whatever supports FreeSync. In a footnote they'll mention that Pascal, Maxwell and Kepler supported it all along and G-Sync was just a money grab. Or even better they still won't unlock it to force people to upgrade.

So yeah, there's a reason for that nagging feeling.

4 more questions I forgot to ask earlier:
1. Overclocking yes/no?
2. ODD yes/no?
3. Which settings do you want to run Overwatch at? In case you want to go above low. I'm assuming all other games you're going to play will be less demanding.
4. Monitor as well or outside of that budget?

1. Yes
2. Not necessary, I have an external drive I can use when the rare need arises
3. 1080p, render scale 100%, model detail low to get rid of clutter, hopefully some AA. The rest is really whatever I can get away with. Right now I can barely manage an unstable 60fps with everything on lowest and render scale 70%. Smoothness matters more to me than graphics in MP games, but I would like to finally get some eye candy on my backlog of last-gen games (like Witcher 2).
4. $1200 including the monitor, but I'd be willing to stretch it some if necessary

posted about 8 years ago
#1481 PC Build Thread in Hardware
1. Good. DX12 and Win10 can go die in a fire. VULKAN HYPE!
2. Yeah here's the thing. Why not have the cake and eat it too?
No guarentee I'm getting the model numbers right since I'm doing this from the top of my head.
There was the AOC G2460PQU. Then they refreshed it as G2460PF. Literally identical (red lower bezel), same price but now with FreeSync. Lower manufacturing cost offset the minimal cost of Adaptive Sync. Then there's the G2460PG. Literally identical (and I mean literally) except for a green bezel instead of the red one and G-Sync instead of FreeSync.
Oh and it's more than 100$ more expensive.

See my point? All other things equal G-Sync will cost you 100$ more (which coincidentally is the price nVidia is asking for the G-Sync chip). So if you want G-Sync or FreeSync there is no way in hell nVidia is going to have better perf/$. Seriously, AMD will never price a GPU of the same speed 100$ above nVidia. No one would buy that.

But it gets better/worse: Things won't be equal. The G-Sync chip also does ULMB/Lightboost. You don't want that but you'd have to pay for it anyway.

That makes sense. I think based on what you're telling me, an AMD/Freesync combo would be the way to go. The other reservation I've had about Gsync is that in addition to the obvious cost premium, I have a nagging feeling that it will become irrelevant in the coming years as Freesync is adopted into the Displayport spec and will become increasingly prevalent.

posted about 8 years ago
#1479 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Might do a build later today.
I'm guessing Lightboost no?

About perf/$:
1. For how long will most of your gaming be on DX11? Think about it. Anything reasonably competitive from AMD in DX11 will win easily in DX12 and Vulkan.
2. How much is FreeSync/G-Sync worth to you? G-Sync will cost you an extra 100$ so your perf/$ goes out of the window.
3. No. Remember the 390 vs the 970? The 390 had better perf/$.
Now take a guess what's happening with the 480 and 1060 or even better the 470.
Keep in mind that's with Hitman on DX11 (because DX12 runs so much better on AMD) and Tomb Raider on DX12 because it runs worse on all cards. Don't ask.
Also the 480 was benchmarked with the 16.7.2 driver. With 16.8.1 it should be another 3% faster.

Lightboost doesn't really matter to me.

1. I'm not going to Win 10 right away and I'll mostly be playing OW and older/indie titles that don't support DX12. I'm not sure I'll see the benefits of DX12 for awhile based on what I'll be playing.
2. Tearing bothers me. I've been under the impression that I could use Free/Gsync to compensate for a lower-powered GPU that wouldn't be able to hit a solid 144 fps all the time. I guess the question is whether I'd be better served by getting a higher-powered GPU (1070 or so) and not having an adaptive sync tech, or a lower-powered GPU and spending the money I save on the GPU on the Free/Gsync monitor instead.

posted about 8 years ago
#1477 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Specs? Or is this going to be a completely new build?
Actually with 1200$ it should be possible to not dip below 144.
Already got a 144Hz monitor? If yes which one, if no the usual questions:
Lightboost yes/no?
FreeSync yes/no?

New build, and I don't already have a 144Hz monitor. I am thinking Freesync = yes, but I have been under the impression that the Nvidia GPUs give better $/frame in DX11, which is where I will be doing all of my gaming.

posted about 8 years ago
#1468 PC Build Thread in Hardware


I've been playing a lot of Overwatch and am getting massive frame drops on my aging potato, even on the lowest settings. What would I have to build to get a solid 144Hz experience? I've heard good things about Freesync and am willing to go that route if it means tolerating occasional sub-144 fps dips without tearing. I really would like to spend less than $1200 or so, as well (but this is flexible).

I've been keeping my eye on the recent GPU releases (RX 480/GTX 1060) and the price gouging & stock situation is pretty annoying. Should I wait for everything to normalize? Is it worth going with discounted previous gen cards like the Fury or 980 (Ti)? I'm not really sure what to do at the moment.

posted about 8 years ago
#69 PSA: Hacker collecting TF2 player IPs in TF2 General Discussion
proximodumb stuff

I don't understand what you were attempting to accomplish with this stunt. Finding an exploit and attempting to alert site owners is all well and good, but making a tool to vacuum up these files en masse is not fair to the site owners whose site was pounded with requests, and it's certainly not fair to the players whose IPs have been stolen for your own "curiosity". If you plan on doing anything similar in the future I hope you will handle it in a more responsible manner.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Weird TF2Center issue in Q/A Help

I think I came up with a fix. The problem appears to be that for some reason Comcast's DNS is preferring the IPv6 address resolution which leads to the broken page, as opposed to the IPv4 address which works fine. Thus, the fix is to force your machine to use the IPv4 address (by lowering the IPv6 in priority so it isn't chosen).

To do this, click start, type cmd in the search box, right click on cmd.exe and run as administrator. In the prompt, type the following:

netsh interface ipv6 add prefixpolicy 2a00:1d20:2:13::2/128 0 6

You might need to type ipconfig /flushdns after this. I just tested this and it works on my machine.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Weird TF2Center issue in Q/A Help

I think it's fixed now, pop open a windows command prompt and type "ipconfig /flushdns". This will flush your DNS cache and allow you to correctly resolve the host.

EDIT: Just kidding it's still messing up.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Weird TF2Center issue in Q/A Help

Confirmed, Comcast DNS resolves to http://[2a00:1d20:2:13::2]

The correct IPv4 address is Unfortunately, you cannot connect directly, as the IP doesn't match the domain on the HTTPS certificate.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Oculus Rift Preorders Available in Hardware

Don't forget the fact that Facebook acquired Oculus for a reason. Facebook is prominently an advertising company, which is where practically all of their revenue comes from, so who knows what sort of terrible freemium/ad-supported/social aspirations they have for the future. With the Vive, at least you know you're buying into a platform (Steam) by a company (Valve) who actually have a vested interest in maintaining their reputation and foothold in *gaming*.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Oculus Rift Preorders Available in Hardware

$599 US dollars, €699 in Europe (not including shipping). It's a bit steep, but they also include a whole bunch of extraneous stuff like an Xbox controller, a remote, and some games, which seems a bit unnecessary in my opinion.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 pardoxes in Off Topic

You have 100 lbs of potatoes, which are 99 percent water by weight. You let them dehydrate until they're 98 percent water. How much do they weigh now?

Show Content
50 lbs

posted about 9 years ago
#6 upgrade or buy new pc in Q/A Help
wrechedddddi would install a larger psu and graphics card

Most Dells I've taken apart have custom mounting points for their PSUs so you can't install a new one off the shelf. Unless that's changed, he'd probably be better off building a new PC.

posted about 9 years ago
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