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Signed Up June 17, 2013
Last Posted August 22, 2013 at 3:54 PM
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#3 Bad ping to NFO servers in Hardware

Find the location of the NFO server, see if you have the same ping to other TF2 servers in a similar region. If the ping is the same and you're sure the networks are completely isolated from each other, it's probably you. If it's only NFO, either contact them and I'm sure they'll fix it, but if not you might need a new server.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Unable to install soapdm in Q/A Help

SourceMod has been buggy for 3890 and 3891, I had to edit a bunch of servers last night fixing it. Try 3877 that's what I'm using and it's fine for me (so far)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Need a free server for a scrim or match? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys,

I just got myself a couple new locations and datacenters for my servers. I need some real-time tests, to sift out my servers into ones I can sell and ones I can use for my personal stuff (24/7 Rotation, FF2, VSH, Dustbowl, etc).

Here's a list of servers I need tests:

Server 1:
Location: Chicago, IL
Tests needed: 2
Test 1.1: Regular usage
Test 1.2: Usage w/ personal stuff running
Tester's Locations: US East preferred, anywhere fine. If there are a few West Coast players, please take note of their pings.

Server 2 (slightly better than 1)
Location: Chicago, IL
Tests needed: 1
Test 2.1: Usage w/ many things running (this server can handle a lot more, just need to see how much)

Server 3 (NEW, PRIORITY!!!)
Location: Dallas, TX
Tests needed: 3
Test 3.1: Regular Usage
Test 3.2: Usage w/ stuff running
Test 3.3: Usage from many East and West coast players.

Server 4 (NEW, Not set up yet)
Location: France
Tests needed: 0 until set up

Info I need:
-When you will be using it
-Your ping & location
-Player w/ highest ping & location (make sure its not his internet like watching Netflix or something)
-Player w/ lowest ping & location
-Smoothness and lag in-game
-Any plugin bugs (low priority)
-Any additional notes

You can use it for whatever you need, just give me a heads up and send me how you felt about it as soon as possible. If it's for a match or something important I would recommend against it, but I could just let you use a server regularly if it's not in use.

Leave a comment below on which test you can perform, and when. And hit me up with an add on Steam:

posted about 11 years ago
#265 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion

Loose Cannon is really OP at midrange, especially for HL. Wouldn't use in 6s because of scouts and bombing soldiers, but I can get like 70dmg for a direct hit (as opposed to 95-105 on the stock), and then up to another like 30-60 depending on how well time my charge was.

Also now it only takes 1 second to charge so only problem would be killing yourself while trying to fight a pyro or something

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Selling Xbox 360 Slim Halo 4 LE Console - $160 +/- in Hardware
phobiayo i heard theres a website called craigslist and ebay

I'd prefer to pass on 10% fees + 4% more from transactions :>

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Selling Xbox 360 Slim Halo 4 LE Console - $160 +/- in Hardware

Sup. I have some really high tech hardware here that is a great edition to your setup. It makes great decoration, and can be plugged into your monitors and such.

I've had this for like months and never used it, it's an Xbox 360 Slim Halo 4 Limited Edition Design Console, with the hard drive removed. It's not the bundle, just the console itself.

It has never been used! It is NEW! However, I did ship it to an eBay buyer but he returned it because I forgot to tell him there was no hard drive. So it has minor scratches and the tape has been opened.

I'm looking to sell it for around $160 to pay for my TF2 servers and possibly a new mouse, and parts.

Here are some images:

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Mawrr Servers Attacked: Story, Updates, and Plans! in TF2 General Discussion

Machine TF2 was restored! Machine TF1 is still unaccessible but working.

The control panels are still down as of now so I can not reboot anything or change any DNS settings. Should not be a big deal though I can not update the servers hosted on the TF1 machine.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Mawrr Servers Attacked: Story, Updates, and Plans! in TF2 General Discussion

I'm sure most server admins have now heard that 2 days ago, an exploit was released that affected anybody using the widely used server control panel, SolusVM. If you have not heard, basically, SolusVM is a control panel used on many servers throughout the world, and two days ago somebody (currently presumed to be Robert Clarke though I am not accusing him nor was it his fault since he only discovered the exploit and many others used it for destruction) found an exploit with a unused .php file in the control panel that allowed access to all sub-servers/VPS hosted on the larger server.

Many servers were affected in general, though some bigger networks were targetted. Luckily, Mawrr servers were not targetted. However, exploiters still targetted our entire infrastructure and host, therefore causing our systems to go down.

So what happened to us?
Well, we actually run 2/3 of our servers with host #1, and run the other 1/3 with host #2. We recently moved our sold servers from host #2 to host #1 due to long term reliability and server optimization. However, host #1 was wiped by the exploit, while host #2 is (currently) unaffected. I had not said anything since the exploit happened after UGC Highlander matches, but was hoping they would fix the servers before 6s matches.

I spend extra time and money every week for weekly automated backups, and I manually backup every server after official match times to save SourceTVs. Host #1 has all of our backups securely saved on a separate machine. However they are currently working with entirely new VPSes to speed up the process and since backups are very large files that forever to unzip and move over to another machine in large amounts.

We have asked our host to restore machine TF1 and machine TF2, but we are not sure if they will be able to by tonight's official 6s match time.

So what is the plan?
We are asking any of our teams that were going to use the servers for a 6s match tonight to ask the other team if they can use the server.

If not, please contact us and we will immediately install the 6s configs and maps onto one of our servers at host #2 for you.

If you have a scrim and need a server for sure, we can also do the same on our personal servers, however please try to keep the scrims away from 6s match time.

Note: All of our servers are still ONLINE! Our Mumble included. However, we can not access any of the root console through FTP or SSH, so it is hard for us to change anything. Also, the servers could get wiped clean at any time. So feel free to use your server if needed, but I would not recommend hosting a match on it.

Compensation!?!? Though the servers are expected to only have a downtime of under 24 hours, AND in fact none of the servers are actually down, it's just that I can not access them for maintenance. We would like to strongly emphasize that we are not taking any blame for this, though our provider is also pushing blame onto the exploiters.

I do understand that anybody who paid for my servers has absolutely no wrong or blame in this situation either so I will be giving out the follow for compensation:

-Anybody who has a paid server, whether it was down or not: 2 day extension

-Anybody's who's server actually went down and can not be brought back up because I have no access to the root console: [However many days it takes for me to bring your server online] + 1 day extension

-Anybody who's match was affected, either having to use the other team's server or my backup server: Additional full day usage for whenever, even after your payment runs out.

-Teams that are using my Mumble for FREE: Everything is fine right now, though if the server does crash sometime today I will set up a smaller one for free and anybody who needs it for a scrim or match can temporarily.

-Any other specific issues? Contact me and I will be hopefully more than reasonable! :)

P.S. Before we were even attacked, I was going to make an announcement about our new servers and pre-orders and beta orders. Stay tuned for that!

tl;dr[/b] Mawrr servers were attacked though nothing went down, but host is telling us they may do a clean wipe of all servers, so I have backup servers for anybody that is using my services and needs one for tonight. In addition everybody will be getting extensions on their billing cycle even if you had no issue! :D Everything should be fine within 24 hours!

posted about 11 years ago
#299 Post your setup in Off Topic

Pretty softcore setup. I use the extremely good webcam's mic as my mic (it's built for Skype so the mic is good). The mouse does not have a Mouse3, just Left, Right, and a special scroll wheel, and pops up and down (Arc Touch Mouse). Keyboard is lightweight too, both easy to carry around. I used to connect the laptop screen and monitor but I broke the laptop screen so that's basically a desktop/computer now. Nothing else really special. I have a lot of room for stuff in front of me.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Need a Free Mumble Channel? in TF2 General Discussion
AndKenneth I'd probably say that if you have a fibre connection at you home, go for it. It will probably not be too bad on cable either, just it would probably suffer on DSL because it uses more upload than download.

I actually have cable and I can't handle hosting anything from my home's internet. Could be a router issue possibly, but I know for sure if I was to try hosting a TF2 server or Mumble server I'd be at less than half of my max.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Need a Free Mumble Channel? in TF2 General Discussion
jp_ToastyTHTOblivionagewish there was a free alternative to mumble. how great would that be..Mumble is free, however server hosting is not.

If you want to home host through murmur+hamachi you can. If you are opposed to that I recall Teamspeak servers being extremely cheap.

Also, I do recall #tf2scrim allowing you to reserve a mumble and server for a scrim.

uh....murmur itself is the daemon/server application... you don't need the overhead of hamachi to run the murmur daemon. And you can host on your own machine (for FREE), though pings and bandwidth speeds might suffer.
mumble homepageFor hosters: no licensing hassle or cost

Yea it's the same way a TF2 server works. The program is free and there is no extra costs on the program itself, but paying for a virtual server, bandwith, power, etc isn't free. Of course you can host a local server on your computer but standard home internet usually can't support that stably.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 wezlyyy servers attack in TF2 General Discussion

Wow Wez I was actually just about to look at your site again after I saw it a couple months ago. This really sucks.

Before I saw your website was down I had a couple server and payment processing related questions to ask, but now that I saw this I'm also kindof wondering if you have more details on the attack. I'm running just a few servers, but also in similar locations and presumably datacenters.

Was wondering if you knew the attack was just for your dedicated server, or on the whole network. And any other info you have would be greatly appreciated.


posted about 11 years ago
#1 Need a Free Mumble Channel? in TF2 General Discussion

Forgot to post on this on, but I've been giving out free Mumble channels to TF2 competitive teams recently. If you need one just hit me up! :)

Hey guys, long story short, I set up a very large Mumble server a while ago for a HL and 6s team that did not go through.
I ended up just transferring my current team onto it, but I'd like to make use of all the extra slots I have. Also, I really
enjoy the idea of being able to hop around channels to talk to different people in case my team/friends are all offline.

So I will be giving out FREE Mumble channels (private or public) in my server for tonight. I was ringing in for a
few scrims and I noticed a lot of teams were either using Skype, in-game chat, or even Steam Group Chat...
Anyways I know Mumble servers aren't the most expensive but not everybody has money to spend on comms so yea.

You can actually continue to use this Mumble absolutely free too, since I do want to support the competitive TF2 teams.
A couple DOTA friends have asked to use my Mumble and if you want to use the Mumble for other things, feel free,
but if I ever get close to running out of slots I will prioritize TF2 related stuff > other stuff.

So just add me on Steam, or leave me a message or comment with the following.

Team Name & Type (HL/6s):

Your Mumble/Steam Name: (I will be giving sub-channel admin privs to the Mumble name)

About How Many People Will be using it: eg: Only your 9 playing tonight, or 18 for the whole team + backups, or 20 including mentors, etc

Would you like to stay in my Mumble or just need it for tonight?

The Mumble Info:

Located in: Chicago, IL

My Steam:

posted about 11 years ago