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Signed Up December 20, 2020
Last Posted August 29, 2024 at 10:34 PM
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#16 shronk lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Love this man, he reignites my passion to feed every match

posted 6 months ago
#1 Max LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

LF AM Team soldier or demo

Match only or as a sub
Disc: Unsweetmax

posted 10 months ago
#61 TF2 Center is closing in two days in TF2 General Discussion

This is so sad, goodbye Tf2c, never will I have the pleasure of pushing out of process last into a sentry gun on second @canti.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 how did ESEA LAN planning work as a player? in TF2 General Discussion

Some teams had cocaine-addicted sponsors who generally went by the name blackfoger who booked hotel rooms for 12 people at a La Kwinta (if you know, you know) motel in Dallas for an entire LAN weekend using a stolen credit card, then stopped answering their phone, swearing up and down that they were stuck in airport security, then accidentally answering their phone once, and upon realizing who had called them, used a blatantly fake voice and accent to say, "oh sorry James isn't here, this is his roommate."

Players from both "blight gaming sponsored teams" were locked out of their hotel rooms on the second day, with hotel staff refusing to let anyone back in to get their things until another credit card was presented.

Damn, Stories like these are wild, pain of small tf2 comp scene :(

posted about 2 years ago
#43 Admin misconduct in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetIn NC, AM and IM, what you are saying is 100% valid and should be part of the player/class restrictions process. You can't allow them to fuck over new players by just having experience. I agree.

However, once you get into MAIN+, this changes completely and should not be much of an issue/factor when deciding on restrictions. I don't buy that anyone from MAIN+ can't factor in the experience aspect of the game. They should restrict players from classes based off the rules but you cannot ban players completely in MAIN+ because of the same reason you did in IM and below. If you are playing MAIN+ then learning and dealing with better and more experienced players is part of the deal.

Yeah, I'm mostly speaking about NC-IM. I haven't played Main to know anything about that. For lower div players thou, it's frustrating to play with, i.e., 4 NC players, and get rolled by players who have upper div experiences. The fact that you're allowed that in the same div is just frustrating.
edit: Having different blanket rules for different divs sounds awesome if they could implement it tbh. Kind of like how they're more stringent on who plays in NC.

posted about 2 years ago
#39 Admin misconduct in TF2 General Discussion
Killo and Fluey are scout/solly players, both restricted off scout/solly (which in effect med locks one of them). Fluey went 4-4 on demo in AM last season... Jib is a noted soldier one trick.

I don't know much about any of these players except Jib, but some guy earlier explains pretty well that

roster restrictions don't get rid of the game sense, map experience, and other non-tangibles required to win 2nd place in main

If you've played higher divs, you could choke half your shots on a class you don't play, but since you know what to do, you ultimately win out. Jib on demo or scout (Idk how good he is on those classes) or the other people that are off-class restricted are just diffing people in amateur. It doesn't matter if the players never played a certain class when they're checking every corner for traps, watching for bombs, pushing on ad, things that lots of teams in amateur don't know how to/are inexperienced in doing so. Especially when amateur is comprised of newer and newer teams bc RGL isn't allowing anyone with prior seasons in NC, so you have more teams who you could view as belonging in NC in terms of DM/game sense being put in ama.

posted about 2 years ago
#18 RGL S7 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Wtf happened in Playoffs

posted about 3 years ago
#39 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is he the one that goes around dropping 300 dpm in IM with shortstop after not even making playoffs in AM the previous season?

posted about 3 years ago
#14 Yoshi interview in TF2 General Discussion

Made an account just to comment. Yoshi is GOAT, he hits the most random pipes. Autobalance is honestly fine, althou people do like to play with friends so I guess that is an issue. Also Yoshi why are they in NY TT Kansas at the farthest east PLS

posted about 4 years ago