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Signed Up December 26, 2012
Last Posted July 1, 2015 at 11:03 PM
Posts 58 (0 per day)
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#6 patrol's stream in Off Topic
dummythat was some sick multi task brahhh

-watching porn
-looking at okcupid
-looking at selfies to put on okcupid

a smart man never goes trolling for companionship with a bullet in the chamber

id say hes got his act together

posted about 10 years ago
#103 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic

its weird i walk down that street almost every day and i pickup food from the places on the news that have caution tape on them, and i stream tf2 eating food from places this idiot shot up and i laugh reading justneckbeardthings on reddit and then some fuck rolls down the street shooting people and it all jumps from reddit to reality

posted about 10 years ago
#65 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic

lotsa crazy shit seems to be happening here lately...

anyone else live around here?

posted about 10 years ago
#77 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

anyone got any good tips on flying with a computer?

my current plan is to bring my tower carryon because its small and just putting it on my lap but idk what to do with my monitor

im thinking maybe like tape a flat piece of plastic over the screen side of it and just pack it in a large suitcase with my clothes and stuff so its cushioned and nothing pokes the screen

posted about 10 years ago
#592 GXL 2014 in LAN Discussion

paid c u @ lan

posted about 10 years ago
#29 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
eXtineHm... I have to sound off about this...

i pretty much completely disagree here and for more reasons than just the fact that my team is the one that got fucked here.

too many people put too much time into this game for an admin to not intervene when a team in playoffs has as bad luck as we did with simply getting players to the match, especially considering it was the final round and we had put up a good defense.

they are not being punished, if they deserve the win they will earn it during the rematch, but simply saying "too bad" when a team has unforeseeable issues that stop them from playing mid-match is a terrible terrible way to run a league and I commend the ugc admin responsible for making what is apparently an unpopular decision to help uphold the integrity of the league and the effort required to compete at the top of it.

this is a very different situation from not rescheduling a match to a more convenient time for them and less convenient time for us, or allowing a ringer for a class that could be filled by a rostered player who mained the class at an invite level but got benched because they didnt feel he was good enough. They had days to prepare and find a suitable substitute for one player, we were given just over 5 minutes for 3.

the clause about admin interpretation superseding all written rules is in there specifically to deal with things like forfeit-win hunting because it undermines the point of even competing in a league to begin with.

tl;dr for you extine, the ugc admin decided that he wants the winners of the league to reflect the best teams, not the teams who can abuse the rules the best

posted about 10 years ago
#1 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 10 years ago
#9 UGC Plat Playoffs - MF9K vs. GC in Events
cozenreal talk, the only reason we lost is because we failed pushing last in the second round and in the last round, i ran into the shutter door before third point, disabling us from holding third point at all. we wont make those mistakes tonight. STOP MAKING MAX FEEL GOOD ABOUT HIMSELF. HE KEEPS MESSAGING ME...

yeah makes me feel real good when this homie basically says im the reason we lost

posted about 10 years ago
#171 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion
MR_SLIN3. no pranking me in the middle of the night

looks like ur sleeping alone

posted about 11 years ago
#153 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion

if anyones got any tickets they arent usin im still lookin for some for some friends


posted about 11 years ago
#91 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion

lan caught me slippin and all the tickets are sold out

if it turns out anyone here cant go add me and ill buy your ticket from you =)
stabby wants one too

posted about 11 years ago
#49 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#17 tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

i havent played tf2mix in over 3 months this is my fault guys

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Friction and Arm Aim in Hardware

arm sock swag

posted about 11 years ago
#14 My team needs a scout .qf. in Recruitment (looking for team)
blinKWe're really looking for someone experienced who can mesh well with the rest of our teams experience. Also someone not too young as we're all over 21 years old unless you're a mature youngster. Tends to mess with the teams chemistry. As I stated previously we're looking to just enjoy competing. Max/Morningfox/Noona/Teaml3ader what are the teams you've been on previously and what divisions/classes?

no notable 6s experience i usually only play sniper in highlander. figured experience is experience and that you wouldnt be too picky considering this is an open team

that being said im decent and i improve quickly

posted about 11 years ago
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