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SteamID64 76561198020028851
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:29881561
Country Denmark
Signed Up July 31, 2015
Last Posted August 7, 2022 at 3:37 PM
Posts 87 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.66
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G500s
Keyboard SteelSeries 6Gv2
Mousepad Func F-Series 10 XL
Headphones Almost never use headphones
Monitor Acer XB270H
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#3219 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
MarblrBy default "Background" under "EventPromo" has a border that acts as the background, I removed the border and put "EventBGPanel" under it which is an ImagePanel. Use vgui_drawtree 1 to help find the names of elements.

This is just the overall background, right? I already got rid of that by commenting out the border and then I gave it a transparent black bgcolor_override. What I meant was the background immediately under the Mayflower Key stuff (the dark gray-ish black one). Sorry, I should've pointed to it in the image. I can't seem to get rid of that, but it seems to be tied in with CyclingAd. If that's also the background that you meant, then I must've done something wrong.

EDIT: I found a file called cyclingadcontainer.res and it has the adcontainer, but I can't seem to get rid of the background image without "visible" "0"-ing the entire thing which also removes the actual ads.

EDIT 2: Wow, I did it. It's econ/itemaddefault. That contains the actual ad panels. Then just visible 0 that ugly ass background :D It's surprising, though, that your HUD doesn't have that file then. Guess you must've found a different way.

MarblrYes, as far as I know it works with every res file, even hudlayout. mhud uses #base in scoreboard.res as a reference.

Holy poop. I tried it once but I put the #base reference inside the "Scoreboard.res"{} bracket that every file starts with and it didn't work. Just deleted those brackets, totally works. This is so useful, thanks :)

MarblrI believe changing the "FrameBorder" border is what changes the border for menus and the console

You're right, it does. I had tried copying over your entire sourcescheme and that worked, but when I only copied over the border section, it didn't. Turns out it was because the colours were missing. Of course I knew that, but I just thought that the edges would still be square, so I thought it didn't work. I guess the border covers up the rounded edges instead of making the edges actually square.

Thank you so much for this. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#3217 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I have many questions, some of them about hud editing, some of them related to file structure, user customization, and #base. So let's start with the simple stuff.

How do you crop the border of the EventPromo background from the Main Menu. It doesn't seem to be defined in mainmenuoverride.res, but I also can't find it as an image border in clientscheme. Below is how mine looks now, and immediately below that is mHud by Marblr.

In mHud the border for option menus and the console is also squared. I know that it's a border type thing in sourcescheme.res but I haven't been able to isolate it. So what controls that border is sourcescheme?

Marblr also redefines "TFOrangeBright to be a white colour in sourcescheme. Is there something that's hardcoded to use this colour? If so what is it? I'm curious to know what it changes. Below is the code.

"TFOrangeBright"            "227 227 227 255" //156 82 33 255

Can you use #base for normal .res files like scoreboard.res? So you could have a reference file for how you want the scoreboard, and also the option to change 1 tiny thing using your own reference file as a base? So scoreboard.res would basically just contain #base "scoreboard_default.res" or something, and scoreboard_default.res would contain the actual scoreboard.

Currently I have a lot of customizations that I keep in a separate folder called "customizations" but I'm transitioning into using the #base method. So would it be dumb to have some customization options in clientscheme.res and some in the folder? Or should I just make the customization in customizations/ overwrite the base file? Basically a matter of consistency over convenience.

Also, would you recommend assigning a neutral colour name for different elements, e.g. "BoxNeutral" and then define that in a #base file? This allows for clientscheme customization for the colour, but if you do that, then you can't have a #base customization for the alpha of the colour, right? So is it better to set the element's colour in the relevant .res file, and then have the alpha of the colour set in a #base file?

So for the fairly long and out-there questions, but I appreciate your thoughts on this as I'm new to using #base for customization.

posted about 8 years ago
#3154 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

That brilliant! I think.. if I understand it right. I've never thought about using auto_wide_tocontents before. Do you just put "auto_wide_tocontents" "1" in the element or what?

How do you use the pin_to_sibling, though? You name a sibling and then set it to 1? Kind of like shown below? I've never used the pin or auto parameters before, but they seem really handy for dynamic text. Are they useful for anything else?

Are there any resources on pinning?

          "ControlName" "EditablePanel"
          "fieldName" "TopLeftDataPanel"
          "xpos" "0"
          "ypos" "0"
          "zpos" "6"
          "wide" "450"
          "tall" "30"
          "visible" "1"
          "PaintBackgroundType" "2"
          "bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
          "pin_to_sibling" "StatusMenuFix"
			"pin_corner_to_sibling" "1"
			"pin_to_sibling_corner" "1"

             "ControlName" "CExLabel"
             "fieldName" "WelcomeLabel"
             "font" "Menu24"
             "labelText" "#WelcomeBack"
             "textAlignment" "center"
             "xpos" "0"
             "ypos" "0"
             "wide" "450"
             "tall" "30"
             "autoResize" "0"
             "pinCorner" "0"
             "visible" "1"
             "enabled" "1"
			 "fgcolor_override" "233 233 233 255"
posted about 8 years ago
#3152 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

@ Wiethoofd, It's using &Q instead of &0 for Cancel buttons (on team and class menus), and adding &E for editing loadouts on the class menu. I suppose you're right about using hidden shortcut buttons but that wouldn't add the (E) after the label which is something I'd like. I could add that as a different label element but then there's the risk of the labels clipping in different languages (unless I put the shortcut label above/below the actual label), and it seems semantically clumsy to me to split it into two labels.

I'm all for supporting more languages too, but there are so many backgrounds where I'm sure the text doesn't fit in all languages. Through limited testing I found Italian to have the longest words for the main menu and the backgrounds would have to be huuuge to cover all languages.

It might be the best solution, though, to split it into two labels, and it might not look completely stupid. It's just a shame that I like how it looks with the (E) in the text. Thanks man!

posted about 8 years ago
#3150 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

My HUD uses a slightly modified language file to add shortcuts to certain buttons, but this means that I have to maintain and update the file whenever Valve fixes a typo or adds a new item or literally anything that changes words in the game.

Is there a way to reference a custom language file so that I don't have to maintain it? I'm thinking something similar to the animations manifest method or #base for clientscheme (which I still don't know what is. Could someone enlighten me to that technique?).

It's not that I mind maintaining the file, it's just that since the recent site update to you have to manually update the master zip file containing the HUD. It doesn't just link to the github download anymore (it can track downloads on the site though which is dooooppeeee). This combined with the fact that the most recently updated HUD always appears first on the site makes me feel bad for having to update every time the language file changes. I don't want to hog the top spot for something as small as a language file update.

edit: the file is tf_english.txt by the way.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 biscottiHUD in Customization

Update 1.68! I changed the timer panels to be black with a team-coloured top instead of being all team-coloured. I really like how it looks, but fortunately I've included the option to have the old team-coloured panels back as a customization, just in case you or future me don't like it.

cl_hud_minmode 1

cl_hud_minmode 0

I've also added another customization for the item meters, this time the option to have even smaller charge meters than before! Maybe they should be wider, but we'll see about that.

Sorry for spam-commenting my own thread but no-one else is commenting.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 biscottiHUD in Customization

Update 1.67 to support latest patch. Language file and the "Here are the new items"-banner on the main menu was updated.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 biscottiHUD in Customization

Update 1.66c. Just updated to support the latest update. There might be an issue with stopwatch in Matchmaking, I haven't had a chance to test it, but if there is I'll fix it within a few days tops.

Also, for some reason I can't move the "End of the Round" winpanel in hudlayout.res. It just won't move. I really want it closer to the bottom so I guess we'll see what happens.

posted about 8 years ago
#4732 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
WiethoofdHad some fun with the streams list thingy

This looks super awesome! Any sourcescheme going on here or purely just mainmenuoverride.res?

edit: streampanel.res then?

posted about 8 years ago
#458 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
ComangliaaieraEvery time I launch I get something about mat_shadowstate not being a commandmat_shadowstate is removed in my cfg other than 1 part I forgot, but is commented out anyway. So if you're getting that error you either haven't updated in awhile or it's in another config somewhere.

I think you might have forgotten to update the version number. I could be completely mistaken, but I've checked back here every once in a while to see if there was an update, but the version number never changed. Again, maybe I'm just wrong.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 biscottiHUD in Customization

New update! v. 1.65 rolls out with added support for custom crosshairs (Fog's and KonrWings as fonts).

If anyone has a lot of experience with custom crosshairs, I'd love to know why the crosshairs in Fog's font aren't centered at all. It makes it extremely hard to use/customize properly. I'm thinking VTFs (images) might be a ton easier to position properly, but I currently have not implemented that. Maybe some time in the future.

The biggest part of this update for me anyway is the much nicer looking hitmarkers that are now possible. I now use KonrWings as a hitmarker with different sizes available. The hitmarkers are disabled by default but should be easy enough to enable.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 biscottiHUD in Customization

New update! v. 1.64 introduces the option for larger item meters, and might I say, damn do they look nice.

The smaller ones (still default)

New larger ones! Very pretty :)

By the way, does anyone use the custom font option? Because I've been thinking about just getting rid of it. That would also let me make a larger version of the Über meter. With my current system it's not really consistent if I have mutliple customizations for the same file.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 biscottiHUD in Customization
fade-can't you go on walkway and just frag bots or kill in console and then find your own weapon?

but it looks super nice, nice job

Thanks! I never thought about using walkway, I don't know how that would work. But picking up your own weapon definitely didn't work for me. It just "resupplied" you with your new weapon and it doesn't count as having picked up a different weapon. What I did was go on an almost empty server and record a short demo of me picking up a weapon that I could replay while editing the HUD.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 biscottiHUD in Customization

Both of those issues have been fixed btw. We're currently on v. 1.63. I also finally fixed the panel that shows up when you pick up a weapon. For the longest time I didn't know where that panel was in the files. It's also a bit of a pain to test how it looks, 'cus you have to find a weapon in the game.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 biscottiHUD in Customization
DanceNumberone of the nicest HUDs i've ever used. been using it for about a month now. thanks a lot biscotti

edit: it would be preferable to have the hit marker disabled by default, but thats just my opinion.

Thanks. And yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Especially since it probably looks terrible with some crosshairs. I should have a more thorough look at HUD crosshairs too at some point. At the very least, I'll make it a customization for now. I'll get on it tomorrow.

DanceNumberedit2: just noticed the bison ammo meter covers up your non-energy ammo.

I honestly hadn't considered that people might use the Bison with a normal rocket launcher as opposed to the Cow Mangler. I'll try to fix this.

posted about 8 years ago
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