MarblrBy default "Background" under "EventPromo" has a border that acts as the background, I removed the border and put "EventBGPanel" under it which is an ImagePanel. Use vgui_drawtree 1 to help find the names of elements.
This is just the overall background, right? I already got rid of that by commenting out the border and then I gave it a transparent black bgcolor_override. What I meant was the background immediately under the Mayflower Key stuff (the dark gray-ish black one). Sorry, I should've pointed to it in the image. I can't seem to get rid of that, but it seems to be tied in with CyclingAd. If that's also the background that you meant, then I must've done something wrong.
EDIT: I found a file called cyclingadcontainer.res and it has the adcontainer, but I can't seem to get rid of the background image without "visible" "0"-ing the entire thing which also removes the actual ads.
EDIT 2: Wow, I did it. It's econ/itemaddefault. That contains the actual ad panels. Then just visible 0 that ugly ass background :D It's surprising, though, that your HUD doesn't have that file then. Guess you must've found a different way.
MarblrYes, as far as I know it works with every res file, even hudlayout. mhud uses #base in scoreboard.res as a reference.
Holy poop. I tried it once but I put the #base reference inside the "Scoreboard.res"{} bracket that every file starts with and it didn't work. Just deleted those brackets, totally works. This is so useful, thanks :)
MarblrI believe changing the "FrameBorder" border is what changes the border for menus and the console
You're right, it does. I had tried copying over your entire sourcescheme and that worked, but when I only copied over the border section, it didn't. Turns out it was because the colours were missing. Of course I knew that, but I just thought that the edges would still be square, so I thought it didn't work. I guess the border covers up the rounded edges instead of making the edges actually square.
Thank you so much for this. :)