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Signed Up February 11, 2014
Last Posted February 17, 2014 at 3:04 PM
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#23 Updated BXHUD in Customization

So I have been using this hud for a while now, and there's only a few issues I got with it, the alternate disguise menu (concise I think?) is broken, check it out, and not ALL weapons have accurate or working meters, such as the flying guillotine and the righteous bison. I know this hud is more on the competitive side, but c'mon, even MVM is a bit busted, the new weapons sheild is the defualt and the sapper meter for the spy don't work for me... ive fixed a couple things myself, but not all, im no expert on huds, so...yeah. I'd like all meters and a fixed disguise menu considering i use it alot... no rush.

posted about 11 years ago