pauling was disillusioned specifically with the administrator's way of doing things. had more to do with working yourself to the bone for no reason. idk man i really dont think the comic where people constantly dying is played for laughs and no one shows any remorse at any point is about the cycle of violence
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tiberiusI love that they finally went into the admin's back story.
Did they tho? This comic really just gave me "okay here's a happy ending, no further questions, byeeee!"
Like, that's fine, I can enjoy that, but don't make it something it isn't. They didn't expand on anything, they just showed a bunch of stuff we already knew. Like we already knew the administrator hated the Manns, but instead of telling us why, they told us that Zepheniah hired her because she was the first person to show up and ask for the job. I don't think anyone cared about HOW she got the job anyway, unless it was related to WHY she hated the Manns. but it wasn't, and even if anyone cared about the how anyway, were they satisfied with something that empty?
if there's any moral to this story it's "stop asking, just enjoy the good parts because it really aint that deep, we don't even remember how to make good games she doesn't even remember why she hates the manns"
ive never heard of toggling and there are moments where his aim seems human, he could be repeatedly getting one in a million flicks! until he's tracking people through walls and hitting shots while aiming straight up i shall remain unconvinced
HamiIt just seems crazy that there’s consistently 0 transparency about anything regarding the cheating situations that happen pretty much every season at this point, and they get left until it’s way to late to fix anything unless the teams literally stop playoffs from happening (which we can’t do anymore).
For them to implement a rule against boycotting instead of fixing the reason it happened means you guys are pretty much fucked anyway.
The central thing your paid competitive league should be doing is maintaining competitive integrity. If they decide banning the people trying to avoid playing against cheaters is more important than banning the cheaters then that should be seen as a successful boycott.
what am i missing, why are we talking about inconclusive projectile clips when we have a sniper clip where he's aiming at a wall, goes to the medic's head, and then back to the exact same spot on the wall he was aiming at before?
I'm a bit behind the times but doesnt arcadia own rgl? This guy snapped onto the head of the man himself and faced no consequences lmao
Also remember when Valve let cheaters flood pubs for literal years with their biggest effort to stop them being to mute F2Ps? haha that sure was a funny thing that has definitely been left in the past
dingohalf life alyx
the dota 2 card game
Alyx is pretty overrated imo, but a mistake? It's decent fun, one of the best VR shooters available (which is unfortunately a low bar), and helped the VR market grow quite a bit. It just wasn't revolutionary, and between the emergence of walled gardens like Oculus and PSVR, the cost of PC parts and headsets, and the vertigo some people experience, the market isn't growing all that fast.
Meanwhile artifact is disliked even among people who like card games
genetics, fine. race, fucking nonsense. between dominant/recessive genes and countless possible environmental factors both while in the womb and during early childhood development, the genetic factor behind reaction times is so complex that whether your parents in particular had good reaction times is probably not a strong indicator of your own.
What's really distressing is why your whole roster wasn't banned after the 3rd name change
Tholeobama on roaming soldier (good at bombing people)
I don't understand why Obama gets all the credit here, I'm pretty sure in just the first two years of the Trump admin he had more strikes than obama's entire tenure until he got tilted and stopped calling them out at all. he also got a pick on that one (Iranian?) general
also trump would talk waaay more shit in the chat
charliegabenand other community-contributed fixes for the game!
guys this must be mastercoms being integrated
If we're lucky. I'm betting it means map-specific fixes
not really, people are just way too hyped and taking stuff out of context. valve were pretty explicit about it just being community-based stuff like always. "update sized update" only means big changes if you remove the entire rest of the blog post surrounding it
It seems so weird to me that they'd announce this at all at this stage. It sounds like they're pulling together a bunch of community content and calling it an update, so what have they actually done on their end? They literally haven't even come up with a theme or named it yet. HAVE they done anything other than make a blog post? Was there really not enough stuff already on the workshop for them to look at???
computer, can you kick up the 3d3d3d3?