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Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted July 10, 2020 at 9:01 PM
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#49 Help people block ad by making ads in Off Topic
skyrideAround 70% of the viewers on use ad block.

Wow. I suppose when your target audience are people that are generally pretty knowledgeably about computers that is to be expected but still. I personally disable adblock on twitch because the ads really aren't that bad and they have to pay for a shitload of infrastructure.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Sponsor sites; does anybody visit them? in Esports
Droidsterbrahfor funsies I googled HRG
dunno if this is because it's showing me different results, but b4nny's steam profile is on page 1, the ESEA team page is on page 1, there's a TFTV link on page 2, and HRG's actual website is on page 3

Google shows you results based on your browsing history

Yep. Searching now the HRG site is 5, the esea team page is 7, the schedule thing on the mix^ vs. HRG game in s14 is 20 and b4nnys profile is 41.

Also of note is that of 8 suggested related searches, hrg gaming and hrg tf2 are two of them.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Help people block ad by making ads in Off Topic
AMCI added a filter in adblock for TF.TV hardly noticed a difference, the ads aren't very intrusive here.

Yeah. I disable adblock on places where I consume content:, yt,, etc..

At the end of the day I am only blocking ads on a tiny portion of site but the sites that do have ads imo deserve the money and are nonintrusive.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup: Grand Final in Events
manaMerchantskyrideGood job on stats

How did you make this graph?
Skyride has some secret powers he created. It's only available to us on the production side, at the moment.


posted about 11 years ago
#20 Arsenal Sign Mesut Ozil in Off Topic
showstopperMerchantHow the hell is this thread 3/5th American. wtf
because football is the best sport in the world.

False. TF2

posted about 11 years ago
#31 ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup: Grand Final in Events
skyrideGood job on stats

How did you make this graph?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Arsenal Sign Mesut Ozil in Off Topic

How the hell is this thread 3/5th American. wtf

posted about 11 years ago
#36 cp_badwater - an experiment in Map Discussion
Very good points about everything. I have plans to nerf the sightlines at A, that's my biggest concern of the map as of now.

I'm thinking about what to do with last, you brought up a good point. I think it might be wise to simply remove that exit of spawn, or remove top spawn entirely. I really like the point off in the corner like that, though. It seems like it would be much harder to cap. That said, I don't want it to be impossible. I'll think about the sightline in that final picture, as well as the other problems with the map.

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for listening. To be honest I think wareya raises some good points about how the current last spot doesn't really work. You would really have to alter the map to make it work. The CP doesn't have to be where it is in the pl but it would work better with less effort.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 cp_badwater - an experiment in Map Discussion

Looks pretty good. I have some advice that you are welcome to ignore but might be helpful. First of all, when it was played in the New Maps Pug, snipers were OP as heck. You did kinda nerf them by removing the passage from first to second but the first point still could be pretty sniper friendly. Here is an idea to stop this:

(We will get back to the red lines)
In this idea, you would remove the rocks under the black circle and replace them with rocks roughly where the black circle is. This would nerf the main sightline:

In this sightline you have a full view of 2 of the four doors that Blu can use to exit and access to a full ammo pickup and half health pickup. The Blu's do get access to their spawn room though. With the rocks blocking that you would have to go to alternate sniping spots such as:


In the first option you get a view of all doors but are at an odd angle to snipe, have no hp or ammo pickups and to get cover requires dropping down to where the new first point is and cannot get back up there without looping around to cliff again.

In the second you get the clear view of the two doors but have reduced access to the hp and ammo pickups, cannot easily get cover without dropping down which means struggling to get up there again. Overall I think it keeps sniper viable to run one to first without being so overpowered that you would run two snipers 24/7.

Now back to my first picture:

I think that removing the rocks under the farthest right lines would be essentially if you were to take my original idea of altering the rock. It would prevent the hill from being too narrow and choke pointy.

The other rocks under the left red lines are less essential to remove. They would make it easier for the people capturing the point which is needed because you are giving red a ridiculous height advantage (unless the combo was to hold on the cliff above the point...)*shrugs*

Last is horribly broken though. Firstly it is ridiculously spammable from spawn:

Imagine a heavy sitting in the door with the med healing from inside spawn. Med is safe, heavy is near impossible to kill and if the med has kritz? gg no re.


This is a pretty strong sniping position. Put a solly in the spawn-map room connector and if anyone rushs the sniper he backs up and lets the soldier take care of it. To fix these problems with last, you could either move it back farther away from the Red spawn or make the reds stop spawning in the top spawn after the third point is capped. That would probably require adding a second door to the bottom spawn room however.

Also I like spires. Spires are good. Good spire.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Hayao Miyazaki is retiring in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#120 HRG roster in TF2 General Discussion
djcelliott_Giffyshots firednot by shrugger

wtf djc

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Why next to Events and Forum there are faces? in Off Topic

The heavy okay but the events one scares me.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 i49 LAN Grand Final recast (eXtv) in TF2 General Discussion

You guys should do the HRG games that weren't casted.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 cp_badwater - an experiment in Map Discussion
hookySo we tested it in NMW, and it was way too sniper friendly, so much that I'm gonna throw my computer in a lake of oil and then set that lake on fire, just so no one ever continues it again. rip

I'll still be working on Highlands, though.

Really? It seems that like with a bit of editing it would actually be decent. Maybe I will learn hammer and continue the legacy.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Attack on Titan in Off Topic

I don't even like anime but that shit is good. 12 people, each given 100 million/8 billion yen to "save" Japan. So good.

posted about 11 years ago
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