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SteamID64 76561198063865897
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:51800084
Country United States
Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted July 10, 2020 at 9:01 PM
Posts 550 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 6
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Monitor ASUS VG248QE
1 ⋅⋅ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ⋅⋅ 35
#9 SUPER HOT in Other Games
Fightmasterdoes anyone else seem to constantly strafe to the left?

the hit detection on the lunge you do when you don't have a gun seems buggy as hell too, and can make you clip through props/enemies and get stuck

seems really solid for 10 minutes in development though, I gotta say

Not 10 mins in development. 10 mins to play. It sounds (from what I have heard) that it was from a 7 day fps competition.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
Taggerungmorning_foxYou're playing tf2 it's not like you're a celebrity. Don't see the need for an alt.
You would be surprised to find out all of the weird and annoying shit our "fans" do just to get some attention

Like asking if b4nny is circumcised?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 ESEA-O league fee????? in TF2 General Discussion

It is worth to note that the Open fee is the same for LoL Open, CS:GO Open, CS:S Open, CS Open and TF2 NA and EU Open. (At least I think so). These would explain why the fee might have changed without Killing knowing. Why it changed is still weird.

buckweetESEA says league fees go directly to the pot. If there was a $2 dollar increase, shouldn't we see this direct increase in tf2 prize money?

Do they? I think they are at least in part used to pay for servers and stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#56 ESEA S15 Unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
PowerofTowerwhat was the reason for bonk being banned in 6s. Not saying it should be unbanned, just curious of the reason.

Bonk just buffs scout to help him get through chokepoints. It isn't very fun to play with or against imo.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 pre-season esea pugs anyone? in TF2 General Discussion


The pug system actually works? I thought it was broken.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 ESEA S15 Unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
downpourHas blackbox always been unbanned? I don't remember.
Either way, definitely gonna be running blackbox gunboats this season.
Edit: wow poor engineer he got shafted.
Why ban frontier justice and widowmaker? :(

Frontier Justice: Get one kill from suicide then you get 2 180 no damage falloff shots.

Widowmaker is so good if you uber it. Shotgun everything.

I would like to see the blackbox being run more. It does stop bombs to an extent but results in an interesting playstyle.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Teach me how to use a mouse in Hardware

Trackpad really isn't that bad for no hitscan classes but my fingertips hurt like hell after using that. You really won't regret switching. You need to regain a lot of muscle memory but at the end of the day you will be better.

Reminds me of switching from using arrow keys and a trackpad in Minecraft then going to WASD. So much better.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Editing My HUD. in Customization
ompMerchantAny ideas?I'm going to have to guess that you moved the wrong element?
MerchantWhat are normalish values that will put it on the screen?The current value should already be on-screen, probably in the lower-left corner. It's just a matter of increasing the lifetime of the text to make it visible.

Yep I did. One last tiny question (and thanks for all your help) but is there a way to make the green text be in the rest of the omphud text?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Editing My HUD. in Customization
ompMerchant2. I want to see the 3D models. Not the little background thing if possible just the models.

These two lines, change xpos to 10 and ypos to r154.

It won't lie at the very bottom of the screen, but that's because these values are to align it with the spy disguise status panel. Feel free to move it around as you wish, but you might cause overlap with other elements.

You should probably change that 0 to a 255 in case you disable the 3D models at some point.

Make sure you do not follow the instructions for enabling spy disguise images. Doing the above will already do so, and uncommenting the relevant lines in hudanimations_tf.txt will cause problems.

So I did that but it only shows this:

Any ideas?

Reposition it by adjusting the xpos/ypos values to get it where you want. (Use xpos_minmode and ypos_minmode instead if you use minmode.)

However, you'll also need to adjust the following value:

This controls how long until the text fades away. I believe the default value is 1.5, but I could be mistaken.

Also, if you want to control how much it moves up, play with this value:

Set it to the same value as delta_item_start_y if you don't want it moving.

What are normalish values that will put it on the screen?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Editing My HUD. in Customization
TreshTake a hudplayerclass from one of the huds that already has one. You may have to install some of the fonts used. For the health open up the hudlayout.res. Ctrl + f for CHealthAccountPanel. Play with the xpos and ypos of the stuff in there. Hope this helps :)

So my CHealthAccountPanel is:

		"fieldName"				"CHealthAccountPanel"
		"xpos"					"76"
		"xpos_minmode"			"61"
		"ypos"					"r152"
		"ypos_minmode"			"r134"
		"wide"					"116"
		"tall"  				"180"
		"visible" 				"1"
		"enabled" 				"1"
		"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"

Any ideas on what to change?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Editing My HUD. in Customization

(Pardon me if this is a really stupid question but I am not good with HUDs)

I am looking to edit the HUD I am using (OMP's HUD) to do two things.

1. I want to have the health I pick up appear in green numbers by my health (I have the cross enabled)

2. I want to see the 3D models. Not the little background thing if possible just the models.


posted about 11 years ago
#6 paper tower in Off Topic

Can you use other objects? If yes then make tiny lines of paper. Tape them to make a line then tape a rock at the bottom to hold it down and a balloon at the top to pull it up.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 ETF2L S16 unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
grapewithout the degreaser, pyros can deflect ubers fairly effectively on last holds but not much else

given all three of those unlocks you can deflect an uber and then use your own medic's charge to kill everyone who doesn't back out instantly because of the instant crit combos

works on gully, snakewater, badlands and probably process

other than that nothing else should change

Scouts can run away. Demos/Soldiers can jump away. Medics travel at the same speed as pyro so they can run away. To be honest is there really a situation where you would go for shit flames, 90 dmgs flares and axtinguisher over just ubered a scout/demo/soldier?

posted about 11 years ago
#253 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
PlatinumMerchantrr-jesus christ, i knew i bounced off harbleu, but i didn't know i got destroyed that badly lol. ns ns.

But back to yuki and his complaining. Lansky was dead 6 more times then me, most of the time i was alive going back to indust. I did what i was supposed to do at the time. I wonder why I got so many heals from indust, it doesn't make sense does it yuki? ._.

Looking at the scrim, it looks like indust spread a bit more heals from his pocket to the rest of the team then harbleu was doing and lansky basically tied plat in terms of everything.

Thats because I was purposely running into damage to pad the heal stats, duh

For some reason I was thinking that the heal stats included the buffs. I guess I'm just dumb.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Fully Charged: Questions for Killing/Kalkin? in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINfirst of all please thank both admins for purchasing more STV capacity or whatever they did. STVs were awesome this season compared to last.

how is killing's sc2 career going?
will he continue to pursue his TF2 interviewing skills now that shade has departed?
if he's white why are his eyes so small sometimes?

what is kalkin's beer of choice nowadays?
now that b4nny plays scout who does he think the best demo is in Invite S15?
what day is his birthday and do admins still send each other bodypillows for their birthdays and can we get in on that and what kind of body pillow does he want?

I think that b4nny went back to demo now and they picked up cw.

Or not. B4nny was playing demo and cw was playing scout in a scrim and cw was tagged up as iT though.

posted about 11 years ago
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