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Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted July 10, 2020 at 9:01 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ⋅⋅ 35
#9 TF2 Stream Viewership in TF2 General Discussion
Ggglygyedit - just thought of this: really popular competitive games like SC2, Dota, LoL, CS:GO all have dedicated spectator modes where spectators can check things like gold advantage, overhead maps, food totals etc...

TF2 lacks these features so spectating is less user-friendly.

Oh, yeah. Spectating an FPS is hard already but TF2 sucks in terms of specatating. bluee is saving us a bit with the outlines, ubercharge stats and DMG/Kills stats but there is only so much that can be done to mod the game. There are so many things that would really add to the game. Sadly Valve doesn't care.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 TF2 Stream Viewership in TF2 General Discussion

A lot of it has to do with the TF2 community. The vast majority of people who stream TF2 are competitive players whereas most people who play TF2 are not. Games like SC2, Dota 2, LoL, CS:Go that really dominate the viewer list are competitively focused and people watch their favorite streamers, normally top players, to learn and have a good time. The same thing happens in TF2 but there is just a lot more people.

On a similar note, the timing of the eXtv HL streams are awful. They have a stream that appeals to HL players going on at the same time as most people in NA who like HL are playing it. Hard to fix that but still.

GgglygyI think overall viewership across TF streams has been growing slowly but steadily. I wish had public stats for all of the streams to see if this is true. Mr. Slin showed me a picture of the top 20 streams by total viewcounts and the numbers were pretty impressive.

Do you mean streams or the streams?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 SSD Question in Hardware

1. If you are installing it for the first time it is the same as normal. I made sure to unplug my other HDD though just to make sure it used the right drive. Otherwise I'm not sure how you might move it.

2. My case had a little plastic thing that you put the SSD on then you put that in. If you don't have one of those then you might have a slot that it the right size.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 ESEA articles as of recent times in TF2 General Discussion

Damn, that was a massive Invite preview. Good job Blood.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Weird glitches you've never known before in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone know why this happens? I am guessing because melee is a slightly delayed hitscan but it still seems bizarre.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 whats a nice misc with executionner for med in TF2 General Discussion

Still better then:

pls haelp i lost my hats guise. Some1 said u guys were super awesome poliece for tf2 pleaseaease help



posted about 11 years ago
#136 Introducing TFTV+ in News
Lange Enigma has recently revoked staff rights from at least one individual due to unacceptable behavior.

DJC? I thought his name was green.

Anyway I think that you guys should have the same thing as a subreddit mod, where you can choose to show your position as a mod. Otherwise you would just be talking as yourself.

posted about 11 years ago
#127 Introducing TFTV+ in News
Jon1155Gameslearn how 2 math

What did I do wrong.

manaMerchantAlso, enigma, please please please let us pay with tf2 items. I would buy tftv+ with items if I could.I intentionally stayed out of this discussion to see the reaction to TFTV+ but this is not something that's gonna happen any time soon, for a ton of reasons that should be obvious.

Why? Obvious TF2 items are much more volatile then currencies but you could work out a deal with, for example, and instantly sell all tf2 items. Even beyond that, how about bitcoins? There are systems to instantly convert those into paypal.

atmoMerchantMaybe, going back to the 2.50 example, enigma is able to use the fact that 400 people are willing to pay for something they enjoy to entice advertisers.Actually the TF2 community has demonstrated this many times already. All of the i46/i49 fundraising, as well as donations to streamers for demo reviews etc.

Yeah, I know. The point wasn't really supposed to be "real world".

posted about 11 years ago
#22 UGC Plat Highlander: Menace To Society vs. Street Hoops in Events
eXtineI'm gonna be running camera this week most likely. Got all day Monday to make sure we're gtg with spechud and advspec.

Can't get miek's spectator plugin to work for me though :/

Good to hear. The lack of spechud makes it so hard to watch for me :(.

posted about 11 years ago
#122 Introducing TFTV+ in News
TwitchTVJohnatmoTwitchTVJohnCriticizing the cost of something that is completely optional and doesn't hinder the functionality of the site is a joke. I have and will continue to support TF2 as much as possible. If $5 a month helps that cause, good.Telling someone that their opinion is a joke is not a good way of convincing them to come around to your viewpoint. Enough people have expressed reasonable misgivings in this thread that perhaps there is some value in meeting their requests.

And you might ask, why should you care that their "joke" opinion is changed? Well, because the end goal is "to support TF2 as much as possible", so the more people on board with this the better.

I am not going for it at the current price. I do not believe that the ~8,000 users enigma referenced each amount to $5 in advertising and server load per month, nor even $2.50 if you consider site running costs as a separate overhead.

Premium features are not designed for everybody. That's not how website/game monetization models work. Is a League of Legends skin worth $20? No, it offers no functionality. 2-3% of the player base will buy it, though. If you can convert 2-3% of your users into paying users, you're doing something right.

A bit of a simple way to look at it. If 2% of the "8000" users on TFTV sign up then that is 800 bucks a month for TFTV. What if, however, the price was dropped to 2.50 dollars? Then you would need 4% of the people to sign up but maybe more people will because of how cheap it is (a key a month) and 5% of the people sign up and now TFTV is making 1000$/month. Maybe on the other hand it is raised to 10$ a month but 1.2% of people stay and TFTV makes 960$/month. Maybe, going back to the 2.50 example, enigma is able to use the fact that 400 people are willing to pay for something they enjoy to entice advertisers.

Also, enigma, please please please let us pay with tf2 items. I would buy tftv+ with items if I could. Also the contact us in the advertising page is blank.

posted about 11 years ago
#114 Introducing TFTV+ in News
A very big reason as to why is the only forum I regularly browse is because it's so clean, and visually appealing. IF there were medals and an invite badge upon the forum post, it would be alot less visually appealing imo. The colored names and forum post stars is the farthest it should go.

Backpacking on what some other people said, another color would be a neat idea, perhaps a pink or yellow, or maybe a banner similar to the i49 one? (Would be a bit cluttered but better than the badges and medals)

To be honest the stars are a bit pointless like hooky said. According to the "Forum Rules and Guidelines"

How does the Star system work?
The stars a simple measurement of how active a particular user is on the forums. Stars are gained as you make more posts and complete your forum user profile.

No one really knows what a star is though so they are kinda pointless. IMO, remove the stars and replace the now gone blue names with icons. For example rather then the ESEA "esea star" INVITE that Kaneco showed, just have the star. When moused over have it say ESEA Invite. Maybe even the team.

You of course could have more then just ESEA. Also the UGC wings, the ETF2L logo( do they have one?) etc.... You wouldn't be sacrificing much in the way of clean as the most a player could likely have would be a Euro (when there is a ESEA-I in Europe) playing in ESEA-I, UGC Plat and ETF2L Prem. That would be 3 icons instead of 4 stars.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Retrospect by grid in TF2 General Discussion
Saberthere's a clip where there's two snipers on one team


It's 6v6...there is a class limit of 2 on sniper.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 editorial on crowd-funding in eSports in Esports
Steam even has a
posted about 11 years ago
#69 The Steam Universe is Expanding in 2014 in Off Topic


If I had a Gamepad :(

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Top 5 TF2 bloopers - August 2013 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
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