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SteamID64 76561198170857541
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Signed Up October 9, 2018
Last Posted December 2, 2023 at 8:26 PM
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#1 Where can I go to practice Sniper 1v1s? in Q/A Help

I remember a few years ago I could go on community servers where the map was something like the 2Fort battlements only and you could only pick Sniper and just 1v1 other Snipers with instant respawn. I checked today on the community server browser though and didn't see anything of the sort, so I went to an MGE server. I would fight Soldier or Scout players only when I joined an open arena which wasn't bad especially since some of them would switch to Sniper partway through, I just rather it be Sniper 1v1 from the jump. Do I have to let people know in all chat to pick Sniper when they get into my lobby or something? Or are there dedicated servers for Sniper 1v1s that I don't know about?

posted about a year ago