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Signed Up March 28, 2016
Last Posted May 15, 2017 at 11:56 PM
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#51 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
jdmHey powerlifters in this thread: I started doing some bodyweight stuff when I was a teenager and my first year in college I've been lifting in a gym and trying to gain some weight

Right now I'm about 170 and although I don't really train for strength and have never really properly maxed, the heaviest I have lifted is 185 bench, 275 squat, and 365 deadlift

I have been thinking about focusing more on strength training next year and I'm wondering what your paths were for that. Did you join a club or a team? Did you have a friend who was more experienced to help you, or a friend you learned with? I have a buddy who is about as strong as me and we did track together in highschool and I was thinking about doing this with him. I don't really have the mental toughness to lift really heavy or stick to a plan without someone pushing me.

I probably won't do this seriously enough to compete but I'd like to get into the gym more than a few times a week and get more from it

Best thing you can do is join a good gym with like-minded (and strong) people. I'd highly reccomend signing up for a meet, even if you won't be super-competitive. Your numbers are in a good place and it'll give great structure to your training. You absolutely won't regret it, PL meets are full of wonderful people.

posted about 7 years ago
#48 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
Starry_NebulaeMethuselahThis isn't true at all you goober. It's called the valsava maneuver and it's important for protecting your lumbar spine by increasing intrabdominal pressure. Many lifters hold their breath for entire sets of five.
Whenever you CAN not all the time, i should have said that. Also this is more for endurance (10-20) reps rather than a few heavy reps, still make sure you take a good amount of breath before you do your reps.

Also it's not good to breathe too much and fast as you might accidentally hyperventilate while working out

Agreed <3

posted about 7 years ago
#44 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
Starry_Nebulaelighthousei have no knowledge about working out at all so genuine question, are you supposed to hold your breath during lifts like that? my intuition would have been breathing out when doing the actual lift
NEVER HOLD YOUR BREATH, if you hold your breath like that you could accidentally pass out or lose control/balance (which is something you dont want to do when lifting a heavy peice of metal). Here it was hard for lansky to breathe cause of how heavy the weight was, but it was only for a short time, but always try to breathe when you can.

This isn't true at all you goober. It's called the valsava maneuver and it's important for protecting your lumbar spine by increasing intrabdominal pressure. Many lifters hold their breath for entire sets of five.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 1 in Events

Y'know usually I try to be a calm person and keep opinions to myself especially when they make me look like a bigot, but fuck feminsm.

Go back to reddit

posted about 8 years ago
#57 froyotech stuns Ronin, wins ESEA Season 21 in News

The spoilers wouldn't be so bad if I expected the match to be played last night. It was 1am EST when the casters announced that the second BO3 would be played at a later date, and while they spoke for ~10 minutes about getting involved with competitive TF2, I went to bed like a reasonable human being.

Opened up TFTV to see if the second BO3 had been rescheduled yet, and the results are spoiled for me. Thanks!

posted about 8 years ago